
wahahaha | Joined since 2016-09-27 10:37:37

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2016-12-08 08:29 | Report Abuse

calvintan, u and ur supporters better get out of drbhcom. it's going for a selloff hahhahahaha i bet u don't know a tsunami of selloff in GLC stocks is coming!


2016-12-07 17:01 | Report Abuse

drb will continue to bleed with more net losses in next few quarters coming. u better abandon ship and hop onto companies that make healthy profit continuously hahhahhahaha

News & Blogs

2016-12-07 17:00 | Report Abuse

calvintan, try harder to convince ppl but to no avail hhahahhahaa


2016-12-02 16:33 | Report Abuse

net loss company for consecutive quarters.....this is called bleeding


2016-12-02 16:32 | Report Abuse

try to understand the politics in m'sia. the tide has changed for drb. election is looming and the foreign partner jv may be put on hold and even postponed until election is over. if u are smart, make that profit and get out already


2016-12-02 09:38 | Report Abuse

drb asset value also falling and foreign partner JV story is getting old and stale. better avoid ya hahhahaha


2016-12-02 09:37 | Report Abuse

endless net loss quarter results. better stick to those profitable companies every quarters


2016-12-02 09:36 | Report Abuse

falling back. better sell and avoid GLC stocks unstable

News & Blogs

2016-12-01 14:32 | Report Abuse

technology transfer is done and TS now can manufacture by itself with no problem but it stays on with the JV is on the better prospects. bet with me, TS will be worth more than now in 6 months time! hhahahhaha

News & Blogs

2016-12-01 14:30 | Report Abuse

crude oil will rise up in year 2017! are u nuts or what? calvintan is not seeing the clear picture ahead of times! do ur homeworks and mix around to gauge what is going to happen. renewable energy won't be affected much due to it being more affordable and widely acceptable in countries worldwide. everyday more solar panels are being installed and good thing is that it stays on while crude oil will disappeared.

News & Blogs

2016-12-01 14:19 | Report Abuse

cheeseburger, do ur math. TS's FY16 cummulative NP just 3 quarters to date has achieved +82% more than FY15's entire annual NP. don't mislead others ya hhaahhahahahaha


2016-12-01 09:18 | Report Abuse

dead cat bounce but will be short lived. any GLC stocks are vulnerable now so readjust ur positions accordingly otherwise u will suffer again. hhahahhahahahhaha


2016-11-29 11:08 | Report Abuse

remember buy in stages hahhahhahaha next few quarters will be impressive!


2016-11-29 11:07 | Report Abuse

hahahhahahaha one word.....buy! on weakness


2016-11-29 11:06 | Report Abuse

calvintan , let me warn u that drb will do down below 0.95 by year end for sure so u will lose ur argument no matter what. that is why i told u to avoid GLC at all cost! now u try so hard to save your own dignity and it's too late hahhahahahhaha better buy exporter stocks since RM will weaken further hahhahahaha


2016-11-24 15:06 | Report Abuse

this kiasu very long winded and never admit own failure type. nvm him later when one by one GLC going to the bin then he will finally wake up hhahahahhahhaa


2016-11-24 14:47 | Report Abuse

calvintan still a self-proclaimed sifu? told u GLC stocks will suffer one by one


2016-11-23 15:36 | Report Abuse

the fact is he sold it out himself. buddies who? when he look behind his back, all cabut already hhahhahhaaha


2016-11-23 14:58 | Report Abuse

hahhahahhaa calvin the hollander will always say cheap but truth is he dare not buy now because it will fall so low that it will spook the market later hahahhahahha


2016-11-23 14:45 | Report Abuse

heh! calvintan continues to be delusional day by day hahahhahahahhaha. all GLC stocks will fall back to where it started. u cannot invest based on hoping for its assets valuation and hoping for merger which may not materialize since the govt is in a sticky situation with all sort of problems they are facing. wake up! buy exporter stocks is the right step not GLC stocks! u will lose ur pants hahhahahhahahaha


2016-11-23 12:08 | Report Abuse

calvintan is always a hollander. now then u know? hahhahhahhhaha better follow me buy exporter stocks! Ringgit will collapse to 5.00 against US Dollar!


2016-11-23 12:07 | Report Abuse

only buy companies that have consistent profitability and TS fits the bill. avoid GLC stocks at all costs hhahahhahhahaha


2016-11-23 11:59 | Report Abuse

if u smart and understood the real behind the scenes in m'sia, i urged u to pour ur money into exporter stocks before it's too late hahhahahhahaha


2016-11-23 11:58 | Report Abuse

plz expect Ringgit to be weaker and domestic political instability is going to drive Ringgit to super record low which is already happened! just browse through Bank Negara website to check urself. bn cronies need more money to run for election soon so they wish Ringgit to weaken to record low in 60+ years of m'sia history! they need FDI money so they can get some pocket money. still don't understand what is this Ringgit going>? BNM said they don't know who are trading the NDF market for RInggit outside of malaysia that drives the Ringgit to super record low. still don't understand? u better sell all GLC stocks, cronies are grabbing real assets instead of equities! hhahahhahahhahha


2016-11-23 11:53 | Report Abuse

hhahahhaha calvintan, i told u already mah yesterday. why u so stubborn? i said all GLC stocks will fall. now u see for urself hhahahhahahahaha


2016-11-22 15:03 | Report Abuse

drb will go down to 1.10-1.06 so u better cabut quick! all GLC stocks already on their way down!


2016-11-22 15:02 | Report Abuse

calvintan, GLC stocks will be hammered down! u better buy exporter stocks or else u will so regret hahhahahahahhaaha

News & Blogs

2016-11-18 10:19 | Report Abuse

when the tide changes, u can only swim out. don't fight against the tidal current hhahahhahahaha

News & Blogs

2016-11-15 21:59 | Report Abuse

This kiasu dude is delusional trying so hard to promote n pulling for votes. too bad most comments he get are not welcoming ones hahahhahaaha


2016-11-15 09:18 | Report Abuse

yahooooo! TS 0.86 is attained! on the way up now! buy as much as u can at these levels very extreme good bargain! Ringgit will trade as worse as to 4.80 against the US Dollar! all export stocks bull run! hhahahahhahahahahaha


2016-11-14 15:24 | Report Abuse

at this level is a strong buy! but please buy in stages and to be on safe side in case if it goes lower for any reasons hahhhahahahhahaha good bargain value!


2016-11-14 15:19 | Report Abuse

yaaaahhhoooooo! 0.86 is attained! bargain is present! hahhahhahahahhaha


2016-11-14 10:58 | Report Abuse

we will see how TS share perform later this month when result is out. don't worry and take ur positions well hahhahahhahahhahaha


2016-11-14 10:02 | Report Abuse

this is accumulation phase when price degrading. only dumb ppl will buy at high value market price! use ur brain. still don't get it and still want to talk nonsense rubbish here daily? pity u lose money here. be smart to buy when it falls not when up there high price


2016-11-14 09:59 | Report Abuse

see? losers came out and shout! hhahahahhaahahhaa without knowing this is the golden opportunity, it is the only time to accumulate not sell


2016-11-11 16:07 | Report Abuse

look at what the Ringgit is trading right now! RM is traded at super record low versus all currencies of the world! more than 20 years low! use ur brain and think! these ppl not even aware TS is traded at super bargain price! the company has shifted entirely to export solar pv products to taiwan & china which are way more stable and easily cooperate than with uncertain US trade policies. next few quarters for TS will be impressive! accumulate in stages and u will not regret! all export stocks are spectacular right now except TS undetected in many radars. buy with ease. hahhahahahhahahahha


2016-11-11 15:11 | Report Abuse

buy within 0.90-0.86 range. oversold. look at the Rinngit fallen to new record! most export stocks rise except TS which u can still accumulate at even cheaper hahhahahhahahahaha


2016-11-11 10:45 | Report Abuse

USD/MYR jumped overnight from 4.25 to 4.53 now! buy export stocks! hahahhahahahaha TS is still not under radar....CHEAP!


2016-11-11 09:29 | Report Abuse

finally! here we go hahhahahahha


2016-11-10 15:07 | Report Abuse

don't think or wait, just sell. no confidence it's better to sell. i will collect from 0.90-0.86 hhaahhahahahaha


2016-11-10 10:16 | Report Abuse

anything below 1.00 is going to worth a lot later as time passes but remember to buy in stages hhahahhhahahha


2016-11-10 09:46 | Report Abuse

alo! not all exporter sell to US. get it? why talk abt ifca which i've never buy and not interested? simply pulling out a failed stock as example does not justify ow good u are. drbhcom will be a massively failed example because u guys just buy on it for "HOPE" of a partnership or assets/arms disposal. buying this kind of hope is difficult and prove that u can't sleep well at night. if DRbhcom is so good and strong on the outlook, it wouldn't have fallen to current level. wake up before u get stucked here for a long time to come! hahhahahhaha


2016-11-10 09:37 | Report Abuse

u still dreaming. the price has fallen and will continue. stop dreaming and wake up already! u should buy exporter stocks. don't miss the boat


2016-11-10 09:32 | Report Abuse

wow better than expected! TS is going strong!


2016-11-10 09:31 | Report Abuse

the kiasu dude still asking ppl to buy hold long term? u guys better think twice. a big wave is coming from US when Trump orders US military to flexes its muscles into Soutch China Sea. any countries linked to China will suffer. the same with Malaysia's GLC stocks. be very careful!


2016-11-10 09:27 | Report Abuse

avoid GLC at all costs! Trump in power now and pushing TPP away and any countries that are siding China. Najib has declared for Malaysia to embrace China so don't buy or hold any GLC stocks.


2016-11-10 09:27 | Report Abuse

avoid GLC at all costs! Trump in power now and pushing TPP away and any countries that are siding China. Najib has declared for Malaysia to embrace China so don't buy or hold any GLC stocks.


2016-11-10 09:08 | Report Abuse

today all green! still not late to buy TS now hahhahahahahaha we're on our way


2016-11-09 17:06 | Report Abuse

there are 2 things only. first, buy any lower in stages to create values in your holdings. secondly, u can only get bargain values during panic selloff and bumpy quarters. so the basic idea is for u to become a value investor with dividend-paying stock such as TS. don't jump the guns and be patient. hahhahahhahahahaa


2016-11-09 16:38 | Report Abuse

oh kiasu stock wrecker calvintan trying so hard here hhahahahhahaha does TS share price collapse? nop! i'm hoping it can at least hit 0.90 but hav not seen it yet. it is my rebound play now so watch if u don't believe. u can go promote ur GLC stocks but i can tell u they are overpriced and come of them are going to crash because the najib's administration is in deeper troubles with their cronies' assets in the US seized and no toleration from the new Trump's administration! funds and GLC will press down GLC stocks to create artificial gains. just see how it will turn out. hahhahhhahaa