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41 comment(s). Last comment by UMNO2HANGUS 2013-12-18 19:46

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-12 14:18 | Report Abuse

M'sia still bleeding billions in dirty money

Steven Gan
8:32AM Dec 12, 2013

EXCLUSIVE Crime, corruption and tax evasion - the hemorrhaging of billions of ringgit in dirty money from Malaysia, one of the world's top countries in illicit capital flight, continues unabated.

RM173.84 billion (US$54.18 billion) was siphoned out of Malaysia in 2011, said Washington-based financial watchdog Global Financial Integrity (GFI) in its latest annual report which tracks capital flight.

NONEHaving catapulted into second position last year where close to RM200 billion of dirty money was siphoned out of Malaysia in 2010, putting the country second only to Asian economic powerhouse China in global capital flight, the country is ranked no 4 in this year's GFI report.

GFI has yet to obtain data for 2012 and 2013, but these will be included in future reports.

For 2011, Malaysia is behind giants Russia (US$191.14 billion), China (US$151.35 billion) and India (US$84.93 billion). Still, the level of illicit cash flowing out of Malaysia is second highest in the past decade.

This is despite Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) having set up a task force in 2010 to implement measures to put a plug on the illicit funds leaving the country... more here...

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-12 14:21 | Report Abuse

全世界黑金外流第四多国家大马2011年流失1738亿 (视频: 独家报道 全球金融诚信(GFI)公布最新的非法资金外流报告,大马继续成为全球其中一个黑钱外流最多的国家,在2011年流失多达1738亿令吉(541.8亿美元)。 根据报告,大马在2011年被列为全球非法资金外流第四多国家,虽然这比2010年下降两位,但是问题仍然严重。 2011年的数据也是十年来第二高,我国在2010年曾经面临高达645.1亿美元黑金外流,相等于约2000亿令吉。 详文见:

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-12 14:41 | Report Abuse

Ex-top cop Hanif wrong, Dr Mahathir had criticised Malay rights in 1965, say DAP duo

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-12 14:54 | Report Abuse

Najib, grandmaster of bad moves, according to ex-NST chief editor

December 11, 2013
UPDATED: Dec 12, 2013 07:00 am

A former New Straits Times editor-in-chief has mocked Wanita Umno head Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil’s description of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak as a "political grandmaster", saying the various mistakes he had made since taking over the helm reflects his poor moves and judgement.

"Under Najib, Barisan Nasional performed worse in the 13th general election than under former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in the 2008 election. BN failed to recapture the wealthiest state in Malaysia, Selangor, almost lost Terengganu and barely retained Perak," Kadir wrote in his blog today.

"Worse, Pakatan Rakyat made healthy inroads into Johor, which had been a traditional BN stronghold," he said.

He said although the Umno general assembly was over, it was still being hotly debated in coffee shops.

"Mainstream media were unable to report on the full range of topics which were discussed during the assembly. But thanks to reporting of juicy topics by online news portals, there is a lively debate in 24-hour coffee shops."

One popular topic of discussion is Shahrizat (pic) calling Najib a chess grandmaster.

Kadir did not mince his words when questioning the prime minister's right to such a title, saying the Umno president botched his moves in trying to regain Selangor.

"After the 13th general election, Najib dropped former Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Noh Omar from the Cabinet and put him in charge of Selangor BN."

Kadir said it was obvious the "grandmaster" did not know what to do with Selangor and has given up.

He also cited the irony of the ousting of opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from Umno on grounds of morality.

"Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has been allowed to remain as president of MCA," Kadir said, referring to the sex video featuring the former Health Minister.

Furthermore, Shahrizat, despite her husband's involvement in the National Feedlot Corporation scandal, remains as Wanita Umno head.

"Shahrizat stayed in the same house and slept in the same bed as her husband Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail. But she claimed she did not know what he and their children were doing in the NFC," Kadir wrote, adding the public was not stupid.

Mohamad Salleh had managed to secure the privatisation of NFC and a RM250 million soft loan from the government. During the Umno general assembly, Shahrizat proposed that a Bank Wanita be set up for women.

Kadir said it was fortunate that Najib ignored Shahrizat's suggestion as the people would have asked whether the Bank Wanita was for the women or for Shahrizat.

He suggested the Auditor-General check the books of the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry to see whether the accounts were in order.

He also mocked Najib for attempting to appoint a PAS member to the Umno supreme council. Najib had invited Islamic religious teacher Ustaz Mohammad Kazim Elias to be a member of the Umno supreme council on November 29.

Mohammad Kazim declined the offer.

"Did the grandmaster not ask Mohammad Kazim if he was willing to join the supreme council? Luckily, PAS was not all that brilliant either as they had attacked Mohammad Kazim," Kadir said, adding they should have allowed him to join the supreme council.

Kadir ticked off Najib for inviting Mohammad Kazim to join the Umno supreme council, speculating that perhaps it was because Umno was now the rakyat's party, so anyone could join.

Further surprises could be on the horizon, he added, as Najib might soon extend the invitation to DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat members to sign up with Umno. - December 11, 2013.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-12 15:07 | Report Abuse

Even China can cut its illicit outflows, but in M'sia DIRTY MONEY RISES TO RM1.2 TRILLION

Full article:

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-13 11:09 | Report Abuse

Malaysia’s illicit capital flight has continued to soar amid a sluggish global economy. Latest reports put Malaysia’s loss at more than US$370 billion (RM1.2 trillion) in the 10 years since 2002. In 2011 alone, the amount siphoned out was US$54 billion. Is Malaysia heading for economic doom?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-13 11:16 | Report Abuse

Is the right-wing in Umno to blame OR is fork-tongued Najib straddling 2 'sampans' - MODERATE & EXTREME

Full article:

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-13 11:21 | Report Abuse

You must 100% read this..the real truth?

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed
35 facts about Dr M that you need to know

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-14 13:43 | Report Abuse

Bleeding the rakyat dry
Selena Tay
| December 14, 2013

The rise in living costs is the result of the government's economic mismanagement, including perhaps BN's overspending for GE13

Christmas is less than two weeks away, but for this columnist it is a time for juggling bills instead of singing Jingle Bells. What with the Chinese New Year coming about a month after Christmas, expenses are heavy and there is the usual flurry of end-of-the-year bills to be paid.

And then there is word going round that the price of RON95 petrol will soon be increased again, perhaps at the end of this month or next month or February the latest. The increase will be between 10 sen and 30 sen.

Each time there is some price increase, those who are affected will grumble and groan via social media. But does the government ever listen?

BN leaders constantly proclaim that we have a caring government. But is this really true? Do they ever listen to the rakyat’s complaints? If they really do care, they should engage with citizens before implementing major price increases or new taxes.

Implementing increases without first engaging with civil society shows up the government as dictatorial and unreasonable. Our so-called leaders neglect the rakyat’s interest in favour of their cronies.

Of course, nothing stays at the same price forever, but the hikes should not be burdensome, and one increase coming after another certainly does not help give any impression that the government is caring nor considerate.

Why is the government suddenly burdening the rakyat post-GE13? Has BN overspent during the hustings?

Newly-elected PAS vice president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man has called for a protest against the rise in the cost of living.

But will protest rallies change anything?

Will they stop the rise in vegetable prices, which have been soaring at a tremendous rate? Will they reduce the cost of eating at a Chinese coffee shop to what it used to be? A plate of fried kueh teow in Kepong Baru has gone up from RM4.50 to RM4.80 and looks set to go up to RM5.00 after the next hike in the RON95 price.

This columnist reiterates that the nation is in what we can call “technical bankruptcy”, which was explained in an article last month.

Chain effect

Because of this difficult situation that the nation is in, the prices of goods will have to be jacked up so that the grocery stores, mini-marts and hypermarts will make more money and pay more in taxes. Thus we are servicing the national debt when buying groceries.

Still, the best way for the government to get more money from citizens is to increase the price of petrol and electricity because everyone will then be hit in a chain effect.

The BR1M money, which has been increased from RM500 to RM650 for payout next year, is a pittance. It should at least be RM800 and perhaps RM1,000 for the low-income group.

This country relies a lot on domestic consumption to power the economy. Therefore, by the end of next year, people will be hoarding or stocking up in anticipation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which is to be launched on April 1, 2015. This means that immediately after GST is implemented, there will be a lull in spending on certain goods, especially among low-wage earners.

The economy will get back to status quo only after some months.

The Chinese Year of the Wood Horse, which begins on Jan 31, will see prices galloping and consumers wearing their belts more tightly from February. In fact, people have already begun to spend less on luxury items.

Year-end expenses will especially be hefty for people with schoolgoing children. We pity the many low-income parents with many children.

All this distress that citizens are suffering is due to the government’s mismanagement of the nation’s economy.

In 2007, the national debt stood at RM267 billion but it ballooned up to over RM500 billion last year. What gives? What happened? How come it has soared to such a high level in just five years? There must be something wrong somewhere.

The government is simply bleeding the rakyat dry.

And now even GST is touted as a people-friendly tax. The government’s infomercials say that with GST we pay only one type of tax instead of two, as in the Sales and Service Taxes. But then not everyone pays these two taxes all the time since they are levied only in hotels and some restaurants. The government is being economical with the truth about the GST in order to hoodwink the public.

The government does not have to be caring. It needs only to be responsible. It must pay the price of its mismanagement not by burdening the rakyat, but by using revenues from oil and the sale of offshore assets and properties.

Selena Tay is a DAP member and a FMT columnist

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-14 13:53 | Report Abuse

The campaign against Shia followers is the government's attempt to divert the attention of Malaysians from the rising cost of living, said Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud, the political secretary to DAP leader Lim Kit Siang.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-14 14:05 | Report Abuse

Tak malu this mamakutty, I say he cannot be 1% of Nelson Mandela.

Despite having retired as PM for many years, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad continues to attract attention with his statements, sometimes for the wrong reasons. Mahathir again evoked bewilderment by reportedly claiming to be like Nelson Mandela.

Incorrigible Mahathir continues to indulge in doublespeak
Posted on 13/12/2013 - 19:59
Ng Kee Seng
Executive Editor

COMMENT: After the last general election, I told myself to leave former premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad alone.

After all, the man who ruled Malaysia for 22 years is nearing 90, and he should be mature enough to know what he is saying or doing.

However, following the death of world iconic peace leader Nelson Mandela, Mahathir just had to evoke bewilderment by claiming to be like him.

And Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak also couldn’t resist jumping onto the bandwagon by shocking Malaysians and the world with his claim that “Umno’s struggle is the same as Mandela’s”.

The content of the above visual was found in Facebook, the world’s most populated digital network, on Dec 11. There are many such innovative visuals appearing on Facebook daily, and you can be rest assured of many more to come. Some have subtle meanings, like the one above, others are unkind and sarcastic.

There are also others that are too extreme to even be repeated in writing.

We are living in the digital Information Communications Technology (ICT) era which has landed society in a borderless environment with fast and limitless access to information.

So, to all Malaysian political leaders, is it too much to ask that the next time you wish to address the public, please think carefully. Do yourselves a favour by putting more thought into the repercussions of what you may want to say.

Mahathir, at his age, is shockingly incorrigible. He continues to indulge in doublespeak without blinking an eye.

He remains unperturbed by the many snide, unkind remarks, brickbats against him that appear in the public domain. Perhaps, that’s so because he chooses to hear and see only what he wants.

To redeem himself of much lost integrity and respect of many Malaysians, I suggest he first put his house in order by guiding his racist Perkasa “babies” on the right path.

As their adviser, that is the least he can do now. Malaysians also have Perkasa to thank for the “honour” bestowed by a global study ranking Malaysia as among countries faring worst in faith-based discrimination.

The Freethought Report 2013, issued on Dec 10, listed Malaysia in the same league as Afghanistan, Iran, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

One wonders how this “honour” is going to affect potential foreign tourists and Malaysia’s tourism earnings.

And last but not least, for heaven’s sake, Mahathir, please don’t pride yourself that the mainstream print media has published your comments on Mandela and used file pictures of you with the great man.

The mainstream media is not doing you a favour.

Those pictures were snapped when you were then the prime minister. It’s called diplomacy, not personal friend.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-14 14:09 | Report Abuse

When hundreds of millions of ringgit can be better spent in Malaysia

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-16 02:15 | Report Abuse

Witch hunt? Going after PAS Number 2 is only part of a BIGGER AGENDA…

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-16 10:35 | Report Abuse

CONFIRMED, M'sia is world's most corrupt nation, dirty money BIGGER THAN GDP

Malaysia’s exceptional performance as the world champion of corruption is justified with of RM173.84 billion (US$54.18 billion) of illicit funds outflow or dirty money siphoned out of Malaysia in 2011, ranked fourth worst in the world. For 2011, Malaysia is behind giants Russia (US$191.14 billion), China (US$151.35 billion) and India (US$84.93 billion).

According to Washington-based financial watchdog Global Financial Integrity (GFI) Report, despite a smaller population Malaysia has a higher illicit funds outflow than many larger populated countries in the world from 2002-11 of USD 370.38 billion.

Crime, corruption and tax evasion has been identified as amongst the main causes. With a total of RM1.2 trillion or USD 370.38 billion lost from dirty money between 2002-11, this huge loss of funds from dirty money is larger than Malaysia’s GDP this year or next year.

Every country on the top 10 list of shame, has a population larger than Malaysia. There is no doubt that on a per capita basis, Malaysia wins hands down as the world champion of corruption validating the new title awarded by Transparency International and Wall Street Journal over the last one year.

Bank Negara has failed

The BN Government should address this shameful title accorded to Malaysia by punishing those responsible for huge financial scandals such as the RM 52 billion bumis shares scandal where ordinary Malays missed out on these shares which disappeared presumably to BN leaders, the RM14 billion Port Klang Free Trade Zone scandal and the annual exposes of financial malpractices highlighted in the annual Auditor-General Report(involving amounts of RM 6.5 billion in 2012). To date no one has been punished.

Clearly Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has been ineffective and incompetent at best and at worst downright irresponsible and criminally negligent in stopping the illicit outflow of funds despite setting up a task force in 2010 to implement measures to stop the outflow of dirty money. Perhaps Malaysia should follow the British model of creating the world's first central public registry of corporate beneficial ownership information to stop dirty money.

Lim Guan Eng is the DAP secretary general and Penang Chief Minister

Full article:
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Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-16 11:02 | Report Abuse

Idiotic & stupid UMNO/BN supporter here, so happpy that you supported UMNO fully here & now you & all your family kena kau kau, you thought UMNO will help you?? haahaahaa, go & lick UMNO balls more.

Toll rate hike next year unavoidable, says Minister - Bernama

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-16 11:04 | Report Abuse

Lepas je PRU 13, memang betul lah kempen BN dulu. BN menang, Rakyat Senang....mana UMNO/MCA ball lickers????

> minyak naik
> harga gula naik
> bil elektrik naik...
> harga bawang naik
> harga gas naik
> toll naik
> bil elektrik naik
> tambang lrt dan monorail naik harga
> harga rumah naik 30% - 50%
> cukai tanah naik
> GST dilaksana
> Tambang teksi naik
> Tambang bas sekolah naik
> tol naik harga

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-16 11:09 | Report Abuse

TAHNIAH LA..!!!!! APA LAGI MACAI UMNO MAHU HAMPIR SEMUA JANJI PEMIMPIN UMNO DI TEPATI TERMASUKLAH GST YANG AKAN DI LAKSANAKAN TAK LAMA LAGI.....KAHKAHKAH so many UMNO ball lickers here before, where are you now? now you got no volice as you & your family kena kau kau, haahaahaa....serves you right.


Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-16 11:24 | Report Abuse to the so many UMNO ball lickers here before, where are you now? you all malu & afraid to show your faces now as people know you all are UMNO ball lickers & suckers before? now you got no voice as you & your family kena kau kau, haahaahaa....serves you right.
Coming soon, our beloved Malaysia maybe going bankrupt & what happen to our bursa? your share become worthless papers? and then what happen to you & your family????

'BN' really means "Bankrupt Nation"

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-12-16 12:33 | Report Abuse to the so many UMNO ball lickers here before, where are you now? you all malu & afraid to show your faces now as people know you all are UMNO ball lickers & suckers before? now you got no voice as you & your family kena kau kau, haahaahaa....serves you right.

hahaha, UMNO ball carriers all shiok sendiri, all f@ckup & cocky, now what??? you GOT NO BALLS LEFT????? WHY? BECAUSE YOUR UMNO increase price for everything, now you & your family are going to suffer. So to these stupid , moronnic, idiotic UMNO ball lickers, now you ask for it as you & your family kena kau kau.

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-12-16 14:25 | Report Abuse

Gaji sebulan 1500 cukupkah nak hidup dikota?...tol, tarif elektrik, cukai pintu, petrol, gula... kenaikan kos hidup tak sepadan dengan kenaikan gaji tahunan rakyat...

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-12-16 14:33 | Report Abuse

Toll akan naik lagi? ini hadiah soronok dari UMNO kepada Rakyat yang undi UMNO/BN...kena tipu lagi? UMNO boleh di-perchaya lagi?

Toll hike benefits operators, not the people, says DAP


189 posts

Posted by Zenwan > 2013-12-16 14:35 | Report Abuse

Kekekeke....they give sudah Jadi GROOM

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-12-16 14:41 | Report Abuse

Naik Tol, satu lagi janji BN ‘kenakan’ rakyat ditepati

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-12-16 14:56 | Report Abuse

Apa itu BN?

BN = Barang Naik

Bila Naik - Baru Naik

Berapa Naik - Banyak Naik


Belum Naik

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-12-16 15:07 | Report Abuse

Idiotic & stupid UMNO/BN supporter here, so happy that you supported UMNO fully here & now you & all your family kena kau kau, you thought UMNO will help you?? haahaahaa, go & lick UMNO balls more....

...go & beg UMNO for a few crumbs of old bread, you UMNO ball lickers & ball carriers.

Toll rate hike next year unavoidable, says Minister - Bernama

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-12-16 15:14 | Report Abuse

Terima kasih BN sebab gantung rakyat. Lepas ni nak naikkan apa lagi?

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-12-16 15:19 | Report Abuse

Apa itu BN?
BN = Barang Naik
Bila Naik - Baru Naik
Berapa Naik - Banyak Naik
Belum Naik

Idiotic & stupid UMNO/BN supporter here, so happy that you supported UMNO fully here & now you & all your family kena kau kau, you thought UMNO will help you?? haahaahaa, go & lick UMNO balls more....

...go & beg UMNO for a few crumbs of old bread, you UMNO ball lickers & ball carriers.

Toll rate hike next year unavoidable, says Minister - Bernama

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-16 16:21 | Report Abuse

alamak, all possibilities?? is this TRUE? selling our nation?

"Anda akan terkejut jika anda lihat jumlah wang yang dipindahkan ke akaun Gani Patail di Hong Kong"

Mereka buat duit, negara hilang Pulau Batu Putih. Laporan media

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-16 16:39 | Report Abuse

Harga gula naik
Harga rokok naik
Harga minyak naik
Tambang LRT naik
Tarif elektrik naik...
Kadar tol naik
Kos sara hidup naik

Ada MACAI kisah? Janji BN memerintah..

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-16 16:56 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
On my blog: Why we must support Mat Sabu -

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-16 17:20 | Report Abuse

Attorney-General not in the clear yet, PKR to take graft allegations to Hong Kong

PKR will lodge a report with Hong Kong's famed anti-corruption authorities over graft allegations involving Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail (pic), ratcheting up pressure on the Attorney-General.

The report comes after revelations in a sworn statement by retired Federal Crime Investigation Department (CID) head Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim.

The statement had alleged former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had been told that Abdul Gani had gone to Hong Kong to deposit money paid to lose the Pulau Batu Puteh sovereignty case.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-17 12:45 | Report Abuse

Abdul Wahid had said the toll rate should have been revised in 2011, as stated in the concession agreement. "However, the rate was maintained, but the government had to fork out RM400 million in compensation from taxpayers' money, which could have been used for other purposes."

What a Load of Crock! Back in 2011, all those who negotiated the revised highway rates then, didn't know that the RM400mil compensation could have been used for other purposes?

The minister had told... the press last week that the toll rate hike was unavoidable as it was an express condition in the concession agreement between the Government and highway concessionaires. Sounds suspiciously like its either the Govt has no money to fund 2014 budget more than the concessionaires got the Govt by the balls?

C'mon Putrajaya's "Economic Czar", its time to come clean. Tell us the real story why the need for the Govt to renegotiate and revise the revised 2011 highway concessionaires agreements now?

Isn't a fact that terminating the 2011 revised agreement is a breach of contract and requires the Govt to pay more compensation for not following through that agreement? That means the Govt has to compensate the concessionaires from 2011 to 2013 for the temporary freeze in toll hikes then.

Don't you hate it when people underestimate your intelligence?


1,609 posts

Posted by ruslimz > 2013-12-17 13:18 | Report Abuse

People vote present goverment for them to think how to lessen the burden of rakyat . Kalau you menang dan kerja you naikkan toll,letrik,minyak dan lepas ini barang naik lagi kerana GST.....if vote for frogs ,frogs also can govern if just to increase cost of living.....

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-17 13:18 | Report Abuse

17 Disember 2013

Pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 lalu, antara manifesto BN di bawah tajuk Pembangunan Infrastruktur Bertaraf Dunia dan Transformasi Luar Bandar ialah “kadar bayaran tol akan diturunkan secara berperingkat.”

Janji itu dilihat untuk menghadapi alternatif yang ditawarkan Pakatan iaitu untuk menghapuskan tol bermula dengan lebuh raya yang sudah mendapat pulangan modal. Ternyata BN tidak berani memberi komitmen tersebut kerana mereka lebih berminat menjaga kepentingan kroni di dalam syarikat-syarikat konsesi berbanding kebajikan rakyat.

Namun penurunan itu pun gagal direalisasikan. Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Abdul Wahid Omar mengesahkan bahawa kenaikan harga tol kini tidak dapat dielakkan pada 2014 atas alasan perjanjian konsesi. Namun, sebagaimana dibangkitkan oleh Ahli Parlimen Pandan dan Pengarah Strategi KEADILAN, kerajaan sama menerusi pelbagai syarikat berkaitan kerajaan dan agensi pelaburan amanah yang dikuasi kerajaan mempunyai kepentingan besar di dalam ketiga-tiga syarikat utama konsesi tol di Malaysia. Kesemua syarikat-syarikat ini mengaut keuntungan besar akibat perjanjian konsesi berat sebelah selama ini.

Sahlah bahawa rakyat akan dibebani dengan satu lagi kenaikan kos kehidupan, menjadikan 2014 sebagai Tahun Naik Harga Barang.

Lebih mendukacitakan lagi, Wahid menyatakan kepada rakyat yang tidak berpuas hati dengan kenaikan ini untuk menggunakan jalan alternatif.

Kenyataan beliau telah mengundang kritikan banyak pihak termasuk daripada Pemuda UMNO sendiri. Ketua Pemuda UMNO sendiri, Khairy Jamaluddin, duduk di dalam Kabinet dan membangkitkan bahawa beliau akan membawa isu ini ke mesyuarat Kabinet minggu ini.

Tetapi kita tidak mahu Khairy dan Pemuda UMNO bermain wayang semata-mata berkokok di luar seperti isu penyenaraian hitam ke dalam CCRIS peminjam-peminjam PTPTN dan menyerang TNB dalam isu kenaikan tarif elektrik sebelum ini, tetapi gagal menghentikan satu demi satu kenaikan kos kehidupan ini.

Sekiranya Kabinet yang dianggotai Khairy gagal membendung kenaikan kos kehidupan termasuk isu kenaikan tol ini, saya mencabar Khairy untuk meletak jawatan sebagai Menteri Belia dan Sukan. Lebih baik sahaja beliau memainkan peranan sebagai Ahli Parlimen biasa yang bebas menyuarakan kritikan di luar.





1,609 posts

Posted by ruslimz > 2013-12-17 14:58 | Report Abuse

nak muntah bila dengar PROGRAM TRANFORMASI kerajaan sekarang...

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-18 02:22 | Report Abuse

Kesas Highway make 121% profit from 2008-2012 (cumulative annual growth rate) Still want to increase toll? This is daylight robbery!

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-12-18 19:46 | Report Abuse

Patrick Teoh
It's just been announced that the toll for 15 highways in the peninsula will be increased by between 50 sen and RM2 on Jan 1.

Works Minister, Fadillah Yusof the rates have not been adjusted for the last six years. And that...

"The government's contracts with the concessionaires allow for adjustment every three years. If the government does not allow the concessionaires to adjust the toll rates, it has to pay them compensation amounting to RM400 million" ...

What kind of deal did our government make with these companies? If the highway is so lucrative why did the government privatise it? No money to build I think was one reason. With such a win-all-the-way deal any bank will gladly loan a government the money. Right? Cannot lose one ma. So why did our government privatise it?

Can some genius economist please help poor slobs like me to understand ah? Otherwise, life here is getting quite unbearable la.
Balik where? Oh, ok. Thanks a lot.

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