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21 comment(s). Last comment by Duitbesar 2014-04-18 17:46


2,347 posts

Posted by Investeye > 2014-04-17 21:17 | Report Abuse

KS is against Hudud implementation is right as the implementation will chase away many investors as well as many people will loss jobs! Putting good Islamic value to existing law is much better way and will accept by most of the people here.

johnny cash

6,400 posts

Posted by johnny cash > 2014-04-17 21:30 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by Waterlily0 > 2014-04-17 21:33 | Report Abuse

Ur so rite Johnny ..... We will miss u karpal


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2014-04-17 21:46 |

Post removed.Why?


19 posts

Posted by astral > 2014-04-17 21:51 | Report Abuse

izoklse, CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully shown your great understanding of your religion as THE superior religion of 'peace'.


45 posts

Posted by imat > 2014-04-17 22:06 | Report Abuse

Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat
Karpal Singh : Perginya Seorang Tokoh Politik Yang Berprinsip

Saya rakamkan takziah kepada keluarga Yang Berhormat Karpal Singh, Ahli Parlimen Jelutong yang telah meninggal dunia akibat kemalangan awal pagi ini. Saya sifatkan pemergian beliau sebagai satu kehilangan kepada dunia politik tanah air kerana beliau amat dikenali sebagai seorang yang berprinsip dan sukar digugat pendiriannya. Beliau juga merupakan pendokong kuat kepada Perlembagaan Malaysia dan amat tegas dengan pendirian bahawa Malaysia merupakan negara sekular. Sudah tentu prinsip ini amat berbeza dengan prinsip perjuangan PAS dan beliau ternyata menghormati perbezaan ini. 

Saya masih ingat sewaktu ke rumah beliau awal tahun lepas di mana saya diberikan sambutan yang sangat hangat dari beliau. Bahkan beliau menghantar saya pulang rapat ke pintu kenderaan sekalipun situasi beliau yang terpaksa bergerak dengan kerusi roda. Saya kira, di sebalik perbezaan pandangan antara kami, sambutan yang diberikan oleh beliau kepada saya sangat-sangat mencerminkan kelembutan beliau dan penerimaannya terhadap hubungan PAS dan DAP di dalam Pakatan Rakyat. 

Saya kenal Karpal Singh sebagai seorang yang mendokong kuat Perlembagaan Malaysia dan saya yakin beliau akan terus dikenali begitu di dalam sejarah politik tanah air. Di negara ini, jika semua pihak menghormati prinsip yang terkandung di dalam Perlembagaan, Kelantan pastinya tidak akan ditindas dengan pelbagai jenis penindasan. Hak Kelantan termaktub di dalam perlembagaan, tertulis di atas perjanjian, namun ada pihak yang sewenang-wenangnya membelakangi Perlembagaan dan perjanjian bertulis. 

Dalam kehangatan dunia politik pada hari ini yang menyaksikan hasrat kerajaan negeri Kelantan untuk memfailkan bil persendirian di Parlimen bagi membolehkan undang-undang hudud dilaksanakan, saya sedikit terkilan kerana individu seperti Karpal Singh tidak sempat untuk diberikan pemahaman tentang hudud. Saya amat yakin, individu seperti beliau jika diberikan kefahaman yang sebenarnya tentang undang-unda
ng ini, tidak akan mempunyai sebarang sebab untuk menolak undang-undang hudud.

Di Kelantan, sewaktu kita meluluskan Enakmen Kanun Jenayah Syariah (2) pada tahun 1993, ada yang menghantar surat kepada saya menghalang enakmen ini dikuatkuasakan dan pihak yang menghantar surat ini namanya bukan Karpal Singh. Saya benar-benar berharap, agar pihak yang bertanggungjawab menghantar surat ini sempat memahami keindahan undang-undang Allah SWT sebelum tibanya masa untuk pergi yang tidak akan kembali.

Sekali lagi saya rakamkan takziah kepada keluarga Karpal Singh dan juga DAP atas kehilangan pemimpin utama mereka. 

Bertarikh : 17 Jamadil Akhir 1435H bersamaan 17 April 2014M


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2014-04-17 22:07 | Report Abuse

astral what i understand is that when god say it will happen and by all means it will happen. And if god decide that it will not going to happen...no matter what you do...no matter how you do ... no matter what you say it will not going to happen.


107 posts

Posted by ogre > 2014-04-17 22:20 | Report Abuse

KS is against Hudud implementation as it is against the current malaysian constitution. Yes, malaysia is multi racial and religion country. Hudud cannot be forced unto other religion, as hudud is one of the islamic law. That is why hudud only applicable to muslim. Why non muslim need to worry? In malaysia, non muslim are free to practice your own religion, it is your right. Where is my right as muslim to practice islamic law (hudud) which only applicable to muslim? Non muslim against hudud implementation in malaysia. Is it not now actually, non muslim is forcing unto muslim to not practicing Islam???....


1,094 posts

Posted by nicermannson > 2014-04-17 23:02 | Report Abuse

Malaysia is a so-called multi-racial country. RIP Karpal Singh.

Posted by Samtuckfatt > 2014-04-17 23:29 | Report Abuse

Before we discuss on whether to implent hudud law , just ask one question , do you convinced to our jurisdiction system ..its fair and just ? What most people found that the AG is selective prosecution .. the judge ..misjudgement ? As long as the system is biased , what ever greatest law will tend to be misused . Its not the law , it's the people who execute it that matter .

johnny cash

6,400 posts

Posted by johnny cash > 2014-04-18 00:43 | Report Abuse

ENGLISH laws what we are having now is enough


24 posts

Posted by pytrader > 2014-04-18 01:09 | Report Abuse

izoklse you're a disgrace to your religion.

Posted by thomasleee > 2014-04-18 01:23 | Report Abuse

Hudud is PAS dream, umno promote multiracial harmony. Pakatan only bring chaos

Posted by purposeoflife > 2014-04-18 02:14 | Report Abuse


Very good for our knowledge. Why we are created.


Posted by calvinwky168 > 2014-04-18 02:37 | Report Abuse

Can it be said that god punish and took the lives of more than 290,000 muslims with tsunami and earthquakes because they murdered innocent chinese during racial riots in indon?
And if the indon muslims ever repeat the evil acts again, god will punish them with more earthquakes and tsunamis?

Can it be said that it is god will that muslim in malaysia will always need 'tongkat' (read goverment aid) in their lives because god want them to be weak and always reliant on these 'tongkat'?
And if god wants msia muslim to continue to remained weak and reliant on these 'tongkat'? You ok with the tag of "always a weak race"?

Can it be said that even thoughv the arab muslims own the most petroleum reserves, but god wanted the americans to control the arab muslim?
Will you be irritated? Will you belief that these are god will?

Only a sick and mind will belief so. It's the same as your mind where you believe god took YB Karpal Singh, because he opposed hudud.

Yes, it was god will that YB Karpal return to meet his creator, but whether its due to opposing hudud or something else only god knows.

No human being can claim to know the reason for god's act, except prophets. And according to Quran, the last prophet was Muhammad SAW.

So please tell me, did god tell you that god took YB Karpal because he opposed hudud or zul nordin told you that?

Harold Huong

1,036 posts

Posted by Harold Huong > 2014-04-18 02:53 | Report Abuse

Remember Good Friday Holiday in East, Please work hard in West

Posted by thomasleee > 2014-04-18 08:21 | Report Abuse

We used to be free from racial bias until Pakatan came


2,579 posts

Posted by bracoli > 2014-04-18 08:22 | Report Abuse

thomasleee betul ke u apa u cakap ni? kikiki

Posted by avant_upstart > 2014-04-18 11:28 | Report Abuse

Umno promote multiracial harmony? LoL... Sarcasm is really hard to detect on the internet... You're being sarcastic right?

Cos if you're not, then the proper word would be delusional... outright delusional


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-04-18 17:46 | Report Abuse

Dia kutuk Hudud terang-terang. Bala dah diturunkan. Kita tak boleh lawan kuasa Allah

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