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6 comment(s). Last comment by calvintaneng 2017-04-30 14:03


2,699 posts

Posted by fast > 2017-04-30 13:03 | Report Abuse

To make your preaching believable, you must have a honest and trustful life testimony and speech. Otherwise, the devil and unbelievers will scoff at Christianity.


12,594 posts

Posted by Surewin123 > 2017-04-30 13:08 | Report Abuse

Plan: Eternal salvation in Christ Jesus
Cost: Your life, because you are to repent of your sin, and believe in Christ.
Reward: Eternal life.
Source: The Bible

It is written that God has given us the power to gain wealth (Deut). It is also written that we are not to be lovers of money. It is, written elsewhere in the Bible, that we are to be rich to God (1 Tim) by

1) rich in good work
2) ready to give
3) ready to share

Jesus used this parable to describe a man who has a lot of wealth. Taken from Luke 12.

Paraphrased version
The land of a certain rich man produced abundantly. It's so abundant to a point that the man started to ask himself

'what should I do, since I do not have space to store all my crops?'

Then he came out with a brilliant solution.

"I know what I shall do. I will tear down my barns. And I will build larger one".

"Then I will say to my soul, 'soul, soul, you have many things laid up for you in years to come. Come, eat, drink, and be merry' ".

Then God replied from heaven

"You fool, this night your soul shall be required of you, then whose will those things be which you have provided?"

The morale of the story:
Luke 12:21 “So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”


3,151 posts

Posted by limch > 2017-04-30 13:26 | Report Abuse

Agree. Not long ago this year Calvin said he said he only 5% invested in Bursa stocks. Can trust him? Please ask Icon8888 to verify what I said is true.

fast To make your preaching believable, you must have a honest and trustful life testimony and speech. Otherwise, the devil and unbelievers will scoff at Christianity.
30/04/2017 13:03


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2017-04-30 13:33 | Report Abuse

limch Agree. Not long ago this year Calvin said he said he only 5% invested in Bursa stocks. Can trust him? Please ask Icon8888 to verify what I said is true.

fast To make your preaching believable, you must have a honest and trustful life testimony and speech. Otherwise, the devil and unbelievers will scoff at Christianity.
30/04/2017 13:03
30/04/2017 13:26

This is the truth:

At first I invested 5% in KLSE

Then I sold some and only invested 3%

This year I have invested up to 10% because I sold one house last year. And I have just sold one more house. Now waiting for cash proceeds to buy more laggard stocks which I like.

Hopefully I can get another sum to invest (5%) ? In 2 more months these stocks haven't gone up too high for me to buy.

Now go see this


3,151 posts

Posted by limch > 2017-04-30 13:42 | Report Abuse

Underinvested means you miss out gain on bull run this year. Many said they make 20% first 4 months 2017.


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2017-04-30 14:03 | Report Abuse

It's all right. I got the gain from Iskandar's properties which I bought at rock bottom prices in year 2008 to 2012. Now after more than 5 years with no property gain tax I think I made 200% to 500% from price surge.
So I am very very thankful to Almighty God.

It was a very fruitful 5 years.

For klse I am happy to know 4 stocks hit 200% gain - Super Enterprize, Silk, Pohuat and Jaks!

I am sooooo. happy!


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