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14 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 2020-01-21 12:33

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-20 21:37 | Report Abuse

Yes, you can. It is time for parents to teach young people early on that there is beauty and strength in diversity. And security breeds synergy. Like in chess, offensive player has a greater chance to win over defensive opponent. On behalf of PH, Tun has a responsibility to act fast against many NGOs and political parties which are going all out to destabilize the nation by creating a sense of insecurity among the less educated folks. Finally, time is not on PH's side. GE15 is approaching.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-20 22:03 | Report Abuse

"I don’t understand why people can be influenced by those who cheated and stole," PM said.

Clue to simple answer: education

Must relook into education - what and how the people learm from young.

Nolte is correct - Children Learn What They Live.

If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

Now, relook into national schools.....and the many narrow-minded teachers who take schools as preaching ground.

Again, 'RUKUN NEGARA' recital and appreciation are more than enough. Waste no time with surah al fatihah et cetera

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-20 22:08 | Report Abuse

Zaid Ibrahim should be given a chance to run the education ministry.


6,316 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2020-01-20 22:11 | Report Abuse

Dear Engineering profit,
Thank you. I just update it to PM Tun Dr. Mahathir's Blog comment waiting for published.

Thank you


6,316 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2020-01-21 07:03 | Report Abuse

Dear EnginneringProfit,
Refer your comment, “Zaid Ibrahim should be given a chance to run the education ministry”

It was a great mistake and shortsighted of DAP for no nominated an urban Parliament seat in GE14 for Zaid Ibrahim to contest.

I am hoping that PPBM Wan Siafal who did not successes in winning the GE14 Pendang Parliamentary seat from PAS will be made a senator and appoint as our New Education Minister.
Below is Wan Siaful background:

Wan Saiful Wan Jan is the founding and former chief executive of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (, and former Visiting Senior Fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) Singapore.

Wan Saiful has remained actively involved in community activities. In 2014 he helped set up IDEAS Academy, which is a charity secondary-level learning centre for refugees in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Prior to that, in 2012 he set up another charity project, the IDEAS Autism Centre to provide education, care and therapy for autistic children from urban poor households in Kuala Lumpur.

In 2018, Wan Saiful resigned from IDEAS to join politics, where he contested in the 14th General Election as a candidate for the Parti Pribumi Bersatu (PPBM) in the Pendang Parliamentary seat. Currently he is the chairman for the Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN), Malaysian government entity for students’ loans.

Thank you
PS: Your article is now on PM Tun Dr. Mahathir’s Blog


6,316 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2020-01-21 09:00 | Report Abuse

Dear EnginneringProfit,
Another article I posted at PM Tun Dr. Mahathir’s blog base on your comments.

Thank you

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-21 10:31 | Report Abuse

Although moral, celestral, astromythological, biological and historical knowledge gap has narrowed down due to new evidences from scientific research by sapiens of all creeds and ethnicities, students' understanding of themselves, living things around them and the earth still embarrassingly too redimentary, pathetically too superficial and unassumingly primitive at best (by any modern standard)

What has gone wrong? Major hindrance? What is stopping the innocent children from learning properly, becoming a simpleton (Pak Pandir abad ke-21) or the 21st Century misfits (Si Lebai Malang)?

moe must bear full responsibility for producing Pak Pandir and Si Lebai Malang in this very challemging era, no?


14,805 posts

Posted by DickyMe > 2020-01-21 10:43 | Report Abuse

Herd mentality will kill creativity. Humans progressed when they started to THINK. Invention was possible due to necessity. When necessity is analysed the thinking starts, hence a solution is sought to alleviate the problem.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-21 11:41 | Report Abuse

A Tale Of Pak Pandir's and Si Lebai Malang's Lust For Mercedes (Ignorance s bliss)

Siegfried Marcus was born in 1831 in a tiny town that now lies in northern Germany. His parents Rosa and Lippman, leaders of the town’s Jewish community, discovered when their son was still very young that he – unlike other mortals – very rarely thought inside the box. The rest of the time, a constant lightning strike of neurons in his brain sparked primal inventions.

Marcus was a one-man patents office. During his life, he worked on many projects in the fields of mechanics, electronics, lighting, ultra-mechanics, and the development of artillery employing electric ignition. As many as 131 patents were registered in his name. The collection included eclectic inventions: Light bulbs, triggers for underwater mines, a printing instrument, a whale-hunting knife, a distributor and carburetor for an internal combustion engine, and more.

As significant and original as these inventions were, they were nothing compared to Marcus’s opus vitae. In 1870 (some say as early as 1867), the ingenious inventor installed a gas-fueled internal combustion engine in a simple hand wagon. Marcus was able to ride the makeshift vehicle for 15 minutes before seemingly alarmed local police arrested what appeared to be an approaching alien. That feat made him the first man in history to drive a fuel-powered vehicle.

In 1887, Marcus began to collaborate with the Märky, Bromovsky & Schulz motor company. That collaboration gave rise to what would be called the “Marcuswagen.” People were finally knocking on the scatterbrained genius’s door. The automobile was displayed in the Technisches Museum Wien (Vienna’s museum of technology) and ASME (the American Society of Mechanical Engineers) officially recognized him as the vehicle’s inventor. Karl Benz, who upgraded Marcus’s motored carriage to a real motorcar with a cooling system, brakes, a stable frame, and everything necessary to drive longer distances, patented it. That would eventually become the first Mercedes, which was named after a Jewish girl.

Promoting And Immortalizing Jewish Glory: A Luxury Car's Namesake Is Born

September 16, 1889, is the birthdate of “Mercedes” Adrienne Manuela Ramona Jellinek, the third child, and first daughter, of Emil Jellinek (1853-1918) and the former Rachel Goggman Cenrobert (1854-1893). Emil’s father was Rabbi Adolf Aharon Jellinek, was not only probably the best-known rabbinic orator of his day in Vienna, but also a scholar of midrashic and mystical literature.

The nickname Mercedes, meaning “mercies” in Spanish. Emil spent the winters in Nice, on the French Rivera, where he liked to race cars, calling his team by his daughter’s nickname. In April 1900, Jellinek and Daimler agreed that the company would design a new engine, which would be called “Daimler-Mercedes.” By 1903, Emil Jellinek had legally changed his surname to Jellinek-Mercedes.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-21 11:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Jan 21, 2020 10:43 AM | Report Abuse

Herd mentality will kill creativity. Humans progressed when they started to THINK. Invention was possible due to necessity. When necessity is analysed the thinking starts, hence a solution is sought to alleviate the problem.


Creativity is an indispensible skill in this Century. (Although herd mentality was more advantageous during Muhammad's or Genghis Khan's era)

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-21 12:06 | Report Abuse

Why these parents are disappointed, worry or unhappy?

Parent 1:
Amir questioned the version of Islam being taught in the school. He said students were taught to question many traditional Malay-Muslim practices as being bid’ah. “When they go home to their families, they would even accuse family members of committing bid’ah through their religious practices,” he said. “Is this what the school administrators call ‘blessing’?”

Parent 2:
Haiqal was surprised when his niece told him of “illogical rules” at her school, such as a requirement that female students wear long pants under their long skirts, as well as gloves and long-sleeved T-shirts during sports and games. Haiqal said he was told by school authorities that the requirement was to avert male gazes on female students. “We didn’t have rules like these last time when we were in school, but we were still able to take care of ourselves and dress well to school,” he said.

Parent 3:
A concerned mother spoke of her daughter’s bizarre experience of her school’s obsession with the supernatural. Her daughter was told to attend a “ruqyah” session, in which Quranic verses are used to treat a sick person, as well as to cure from the possession of “bad jinns”. Her offence was missing the Talaqqi, or Quranic pronunciation classes, because she had to attend extra classes in Biology.
“My daughter was accused of being too lazy to study (the Quran) and of having disturbances from jinns. So they told her to come for the ruqyah session. It’s simply unbelievable,” said the parent who wanted to remain anonymous. She said the teacher had insisted that her daughter attend the Quranic recitation classes, even after being told that the biology teacher had requested that she be excused. “In the end, my daughter dropped the Biology subject when sitting for SPM last year,” she said.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-21 12:26 | Report Abuse

How could nationhood even be possible if:

the prime minister does not uphold fairness and meritocracy, but expect the rakyat to prioritize justice and forgo mediocrity;

the education minister does not ensure the school children live with honesty, kindness and consideration, but expect the young people to prioritize truthfulness and learn respect;

the home minister fail to assure everyone and ever party are living with security, but expect they learn to have faith and dignity in themselves and in those about them?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-21 12:32 | Report Abuse

PART 1: Ominous Vivious Cycle - Fundamentalism begets fundamentalism (How to march towards nation-building and global citizenry?)

Owing to decades of irresponsible, unaccountable and unethical public school funding? (CAUSE)


"I don’t understand how people can be influenced by someone who is facing trial for cheating, for stealing money,” PM

Can't they make good decision when they reach the voting age?

The prefrontal cortex is responsible for executive control, willful behavior, and decision-making. A 'deo volente' mental practice that centers on relinquishing control would result in decreased activity in this brain area.

Both religious fundamentalism and intense prayer — "which has, as its most fundamental concept, the surrendering of one's self" — reduces, suppresses and diminishes the activity in the prefrontal cortex and the frontal lobes connected with it, as well as the activity in the parietal lobes, hence could hamper the development of these parts of the brain in young sapiens.

PART 2: Self-fulfilling prophecy, Shiok sendiri syndrome or Self-indulgence-cum-destruction

Increased in religious fundamentalism has a inverse relationship cognitive flexibility and openness.

Brainwash from Young (Analogy= White shoe turning black)

Fundamentalism indicates unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs. Fundamentalism has a markedly stricted literalism as it is applied to certain specific scriptures, dogmas, or ideologies, and a strong sense of the importance of maintaining ingroup and outgroup distinctions, leading to an emphasis on purity and the desire to return to a previous ideal from which advocates believe members have strayed. Rejection of diversity of opinion as applied to these established "fundamentals" and their accepted interpretation within the group often results from this tendency.

Religious beliefs differ from empirical beliefs, which are based on how the world appears to be and are updated as new evidence accumulates or when new theories with better predictive power emerge. On the other hand, religious beliefs are not usually updated in response to new evidence or scientific explanations, and are therefore strongly associated with conservatism. They are fixed and rigid, which helps promote predictability and coherent to the rules of society among individuals within the group.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-01-21 12:33 | Report Abuse

PART 3: The Danger and Futility Of Overdriving Reward-processing Brain Circuit While Compromising The Development Of Frontal Lobe (Do At Own Peril, but why using public fund)

Religion is like 'sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll'? A recent study that Medical News Today reported on found that religion activates the same reward-processing brain circuits as sex, drugs, and other addictive activities; proving Karl Marx's notion that opium of all sapiens, no?

Coupled with the fact that both religious fundamentalism and intense prayer — "which has, as its most fundamental concept, the surrendering of one's self" — reduces, suppresses and diminishes the activity in the prefrontal cortex and the frontal lobes connected with it, as well as the activity in the parietal lobes, hence could hamper the development of these parts of the brain in young sapiens.

End results? Figure it out yourself!

PART 4: Garbage In, Garbage Out (G.I.G.O) - The 21st Century Cowboy-Pak Pandir-Si Lebai Malang vs Socrates-Plato-Aristotle-Epicurus Hybrid

With Socratic method of questioning over a long time, only the best ideas, leaders, policies, practices and philosophy survive.

With Plato's 'think-out-of-the-box' Cave, 3M's supposedly super-strong adhesive which turned out to be a "low-tack" adhesive, was put to good use? leading to the invention of the popular 'Post-it' sticky note.

With Aristotle's foundationalism, young Newton, the greatest seventeenth-century thinker, developed the surrounding theory of infinitesimal calculus in response to issues he perceived pertaining to his physics - gravity, planetary motion, etc.

With Epicurus' way of logical deduction and elimination of the 'not workable', Edison succeeded in his historical-cum-noble invention of light bulb.

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