Share buyback to spruce up price. Using cash to buy shares, what shareholders get is a sweet and one syrup kurang manis. Trying to decorate a fading counter.
KUALA LUMPUR: Foreign investors maintained their net buying spree on Malaysian equities for the second consecutive week, marking a net foreign inflow of RM246.2 million.
MIDF Research said foreign investors have been accumulating stocks listed on Bursa Malaysia ahead of the revised Budget 2023 announcement on Friday that came with a 4.2 per cent increase in allocations to RM388 billion.
The firm said foreign investors bought every day last week, with the strongest net inflows on Monday and Tuesday at RM61.5 million and RM77.6 million, respectively.
Foreign investors also net bought RM48.2 million on Wednesday, RM41.0 million on Thursday and RM18.0 million on Friday.
It said this was the strongest net buy seen since the week ended November 11, 2022.
According to MIDF Research, the top three sectors that saw net inflows by foreign investors last week were financial services at RM111.4 million, energy at RM60.9 million, and healthcare at RM54.8 million.
Posted by StartOfTheBull > 7 hours ago | Report Abuse
Gas fee for using myeg blockchain? Apparently the popularity is very limited. It is more secure and convenient to use Alipay, WeChat Pay ,UnionPay or others for multiple purchases of goods and services.
Zetrix ewallet... Impressive... Pemegang syer myeg maybe dapat some zetrix ico coins percuma nanti :)
A digital asset wallet for the Zetrix blockchain.
Zetrix Wallet is a mobile application used for accessing Zetrix enabled distributed applications, or Decentralized Application - "dApps" on your device.
Zetrix Wallet also lets the user create and manage their own identities with the ability to import/export wallet through the app.
Users are able to interact with the Zetrix blockchain by approving or rejecting a transaction via the apps secured interface.
dApps may perform a transaction and write data to the Zetrix blockchain through the app
Blockchain berfungsi sebagai pengkalan data (database) terbuka yang mana semua dan setiap maklumat dikongsi dan melalui setiap rantai penyertaan yang dipanggil “node”. Inilah yang dipanggil “decentralized system”. Tiada central server, tiada pemilik sistem dan tiada pengawal sistem.
Maka segala maklumat atau data dapat dilihat dan disemak oleh mereka yang berada dalam rantaian tersebut. Tiada kerahsiaan di dalam perjalanan sistem Blockchain. Inilah yang digelar “open ledger system’.
Tidak seperti sistem berpusat (centralized system) seperti bank. Duit yang kita simpan di dalamnya, adakah benar-benar telus dan selamat? Adakah ia tidak dicuri atau digunakan di tempat lain? Inilah kelemahan sistem berpusat, “ledger” juga boleh diisi dan diubah oleh entiti yang menjaganya tanpa pengetahuan kita. Sistem itu dikawal mereka, sudah pasti mudah untuk ia dimanipulasikan.
Kenapa kita perlukan pegawai keselamatan di rumah atau di taman-taman perumahan? Bukankah menjaga keselamatan adalah tanggungjawab diri sendiri? Jawabnya kerana kita tidak punya masa dan tenaga untuk menjaganya. Maka kita mengupah syarikat keselamatan untuk menjaga keselamatan kita atau taman kita bagi pihak kita.
Tetapi jika kita punya masa dan tenaga untuk kita sendiri menjaganya, ianya pilihan yang terbaik bukan? Kita tidak tahu sejauh mana jujur dan amanahnya para pekerja keselamatan. Mereka tidur, mereka ponteng, juga pernah terjadi pegawai keselamatan yang membuat onar seperti mengendap dan mencuri.
Begitu jugalah sebab kita perlukan bank dan badan amanah lain, kerana kita tidak mampu menjaga wang atau maklumat kita seperti bank atau lain-lain entiti. Tetapi, jika kita mampu menjaga sendiri, adakah ianya bukan pilihan yang baik? Sudah pasti ia jauh paling baik. Ia jauh lebih berintegriti jika kita yang menjaganya secara 100%, sekurang-kurangnya perjalanan wang atau maklumat kita boleh dikawal dan diselia oleh kita sendiri.
Begitulah teknologi Blockchain, ia sebuah sistem yang menjadi mata, telinga dan pintu untuk kita mengakses segala perjalanan sesebuah tranksaksi tanpa perlu kita mengharapkan pihak ketiga atau pihak lain.
Kehadiran teknologi Blockchain telah menamatkan era zaman idea sistem berpusat! Era sistem berkomuniti dan maklumat terbuka adalah masa depan.
Cyclone-hit New Zealand exposes the risks of a cashless society
FEB 24, 2023 AT 10:43 AM SGT WELLINGTON – The cyclone that tore through New Zealand last week has exposed the dangers of a cashless society, prompting the central bank to consider new ways of ensuring access to physical money when power and telecommunications fail.
New Zealanders were left unable to pay for vital goods such as food and water for days after cash machines and payment systems were knocked out by Cyclone Gabrielle, which left at least 11 people dead and displaced thousands as it cut across the upper North Island on Feb 13 and 14.
“What it is showing is the importance of physical cash still in society today,” Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) assistant governor Karen Silk said in an interview on Friday in Wellington, adding that she was unsure if there could ever be a truly cashless society.
“There’d have to be some quite significant changes from a technology perspective.”
The RBNZ is now looking at whether non-bank entities such as supermarkets that already offer cash-withdrawal services could play a greater role, though this brings additional challenges, Ms Silk said.
“For that to happen there’s obviously a whole number of matters that need to be considered, everything from remuneration all the way through to how do you ensure security,” she said. “But finding options for cash recycling within communities is obviously important, and it’s been highlighted again in this situation.”
RBNZ has been examining the future of money in society for the past few years and has raised concerns about the declining use of physical cash as the payment system becomes increasingly digitalised. Many towns in New Zealand are now without bank branches, which have been replaced with cash machines that rely on electricity and the Internet to operate.
RBNZ governor Adrian Orr said at a press conference on Wednesday that banks’ drive for a cashless society “shows how vulnerable we are”, and that cash management operations are a critical component of financial stability.
“You’re seeing and reading some horrific stories out there at the moment of isolated communities,” Mr Orr said. “When people lose the ability to transact, when they don’t have a means of exchange, then social cohesion is very quickly challenged.”
More than 225,000 households in the North Island lost power in the aftermath of Cyclone Gabrielle – the largest disruption to the nation’s electricity infrastructure in about 35 years. The outages lasted for several days, and some areas are still without a connection more than 10 days later.
The central bank is having discussions with banks and independent third-party operators about how to ensure resilience in the system and make sure cash remains accessible, Ms Silk said.
During natural disasters, “cash becomes incredibly important as the primary form of payment”, she said. “Having resilient distribution is important.” BLOOMBERG
pemanfaatan blockchain bisa digunakan untuk beberapa kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Adapun penggunaan untuk kegiatan lain yang dimaksud seperti berikut:
Dapat Dimanfaatkan untuk Kebutuhan di Sektor Perbankan Mengingat, teknologi blockchain yang cukup terjamin khususnya dari sisi keamanan, maka teknologi ini dapat digunakan oleh pihak perbankan pada proses mentransfer uang. Selain itu, proses input maupun verifikasi data dapat dilakukan selama 24 jam non-stop. Dengan begitu, transaksi transfer uang dengan menggunakan teknologi blockchain bisa dilakukan walaupun pada hari libur.
Mampu Menyimpan Data Pasien Secara Aman untuk Sektor Rumah Sakit Selain perbankan, sektor rumah sakit juga bisa menggunakan teknologi blockchain ketika membutuhkan database informasi terjamin secara aman. Mulai dari menyimpan data pasien, dokter, riwayat penyakit, hingga obat-obatan tentunya dapat dilakukan untuk ekosistem blockchain.
Dimanfaatkan untuk Kegiatan Voting Digital Teknologi blockchain juga dapat digunakan untuk kebutuhan voting khususnya secara digital. Di mana, data yang akan diinput tetap aman dengan semua pihak yang dapat melihat berjalannya progres voting. Bukan hal yang mustahil jika teknologi blockchain dapat dijadikan media untuk pemilihan umum secara digital.
Digunakan untuk Menyimpan Data Senjata Jenis data senjata hingga bahan kimia sering kali menjadi salah satu jenis data paling rawan untuk diakses. Oleh karena itu, keamanan untuk menyimpan data tersebut bisa dihindari dengan menggunakan teknologi blockchain. Di mana, setiap data senjata yang diakses akan mudah untuk diketahui meliputi siapa pembuat senjata, pemilik senjata, hingga jalur pendistribusiannya.
Digunakan dalam Memantau Kadar Kebersihan dari Makanan Pemanfaatan yang terakhir dari teknologi blockchain adalah pada supplier bahan makanan untuk menginput datanya melalui sistem tersebut. Hal ini bisa meliputi asal-usul bahan makanan tersebut berasal. Dengan begitu, kemungkinan bahan makanan tercemar dengan racun, maka semua pihak dapat mengetahuinya secara mudah termasuk pemilik restoran hingga konsumen. Selain itu, konsumen juga dapat memilih
Jika supplier bahan makanan menginput datanya ke blockchain, maka asal-usul bahan makanan bisa terlacak. Dengan demikian jika terjadi bahan makanan tercemar racun, semua pihak bisa mengetahui, termasuk pemilik restoran dan konsumen. Di sisi lain, konsumen juga bisa memilih jenis makanan mana yang ingin disantap maupun restoran yang didatanginya.
Itu dia beberapa manfaat lain yang bisa digunakan dengan teknologi blockchain, selain mata uang kripto.
Cyclone-hit New Zealand exposes the risks of a cashless society
FEB 24, 2023 AT 10:43 AM SGT WELLINGTON – The cyclone that tore through New Zealand last week has exposed the dangers of a cashless society, prompting the central bank to consider new ways of ensuring access to physical money when power and telecommunications fail.
New Zealanders were left unable to pay for vital goods such as food and water for days after cash machines and payment systems were knocked out by Cyclone Gabrielle, which left at least 11 people dead and displaced thousands as it cut across the upper North Island on Feb 13 and 14.
“What it is showing is the importance of physical cash still in society today,” Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) assistant governor Karen Silk said in an interview on Friday in Wellington, adding that she was unsure if there could ever be a truly cashless society.
Cash masih penting. Tak ada electric, maka blockchain menjadi BlockChai saja seperti BlockChai (Sayur kubis) yang dijual di pasar tani. Hahaha
FTX: Collapsed crypto exchange says $415m was hacked By Peter Hoskins Business reporter 18 January 2023 Collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX says that around $415m (£338m) of crypto has been stolen by hackers. About $323m was hacked from its international exchange and $90m from its US platform since the firm filed for bankruptcy, FTX's CEO says. FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried has been accused of stealing billions of dollars from FTX users to pay debts at his other firm, Alameda Research. Mr Bankman-Fried has pleaded not guilty to fraud charges. …
Bahaya cryto exchange ini. Kena hacked pula. I trust cash and physical gold and silver only. You can touch it and it is real, compare with crypto coins if no electricity or being hacked, you can’t get it out. Haha. It’s like… do you want to marry a real girl or do you want to marry an avatar girl??? Of course I choose a real girl than choosing an avatar girl. Haha.
Zetrix Price (ZTX), Market Cap, Charts, and Info | CoinStats › coins › zetrix Connect your Binance, MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Coinbase & 300 others. Analyze your portfolio's profit & loss and start managing your crypto, DeFi & NFTs from one ...
Pelabur asing membeli bersih ekuiti tempatan setiap hari sepanjang urus niaga minggu lalu $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ KUALA LUMPUR: Pelabur asing mengekalkan pembelian bersih ekuiti Malaysia untuk minggu kedua berturut-turut, menyaksikan aliran masuk asing bersih berjumlah RM246.2 juta, kata MIDF Research.
Menurut firma penyelidikan itu, pelabur asing telah membeli bersih setiap hari sepanjang urus niaga minggu lalu, dengan aliran masuk bersih paling tinggi dicatatkan pada Isnin dan Selasa, masing-masing sebanyak RM61.5 juta dan RM77.6 juta.
Selain itu, mereka turut membeli beli bersih membabitkan sejumlah RM48.2 juta pada Rabu, RM41 juta (Khamis) dan RM18 juta (Jumaat), pada Jumaat, katanya.
"Ini adalah belian bersih paling kukuh yang dilihat sejak minggu berakhir 11 November 2022," katanya dalam Laporan Aliran Dana untuk minggu dagangan berakhir 24 Februari.
MIDF Research menambah, tiga sektor teratas yang menyaksikan aliran masuk bersih daripada pelabur asing minggu lalu adalah perkhidmatan kewangan RM111.4 juta, tenaga (RM60.9 juta) dan penjagaan kesihatan (RM54.8 juta).
For retirement savings, a benefit is we are not trying to solve for 2023; we’re trying to solve for the next 30 years.
“We have to look at the global economy, and volatility is during those periods of time in which assets have been discounted because of macro events. If I don’t need the money, it is the best thing that could happen to me [owing to the discounted assets],” he says.
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This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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Posted by Good123 > 2023-02-27 11:07 | Report Abuse
rising volume the 4th most aktif dah... before unch break, kembali teraktif kot hahaha