Cofounder terakhir pun dah lari. Tinggal tangan ghaib je yg tak tahu buat bisnes hanya main saham je. Habislah oversea, tamatlah :)
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0153 OVERSEA OVERSEA ENTERPRISE BERHAD Change in Boardroom Date of Change: 08/04/2022 Type of Change: Resignation Designation: Chairman Directorate: Exec Name: YU SOO CHYE @ YEE SOO CHYE Age: 77 Country: Nationality: Malaysia Qualifications: Working Experience and Occupation: Directorship of public companies (if any): Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer: Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries: Remarks: You are advised to read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment. To read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment, please access the Bursa website at Submitted By:
Selepas kematian cofounder pertama ... Oversea dah jatuh ke dalam tangan ghaib dan menuju kehancuran kini :)
KUALA LUMPUR: Oversea Enterprise Bhd, which owns and operates the Oversea chain of Chinese restaurants, yesterday announced the demise of its executive director and substantial shareholder Lee Pek Yoke at the age of 65.
In a filing with Bursa Malaysia yesterday, the ACE Market-listed Oversea Enterprise said Lee, together with her husband Yu Soo Chye @ Yee Soo Chye — who is the chairman and group managing director of Oversea Enterprise — were on the founding team of a partnership that started with the first Restoran Oversea in Jalan Imbi here in the 1970s.
“She had assisted in the establishment of the chain of Chinese restaurants and had accumulated 41 years of experience in the Chinese restaurant industry. In 1986, with the group managing director, she was involved in the setting up of the manufacturing of moon cakes.
Terbukti, oversea bukanlah oversea dulu... Kini dikuasai oleh puak tangan ghaib yg bukan berminat untuk berniaga , hanya suka main saham dan menipu pemegang syer minoriti haha
Beritahu eddie chai jangan buat macam bapanya kasi wang kocek berjuta-juta ringgit kpd orang umno macam ku nan terutamanya jika menggunakan wang sykt hahaha
Adakah oversea juga akan bernasib macam focus sebab mempunyai ED yg sama? Hahahaha
Takda wang untuk membayar gaji pekerja jabatan kewangan, bukan? Mereka dah cabut ? Ataupun terlalu banyak taik dalam akaun menakutkan mereka pula? Hahaha..
Focus menuju status pn17 macam serba dinamik kot? Mujurlah semua pemegang syer hahaha
0116 FOCUS FOCUS DYNAMICS GROUP BERHAD Current Stock Name : FOCUS Current Financial Year End : 31/12/2021 New Financial Year End : 30/06/2022 Remark : The Directors of Focus has approved the change of financial year end from 31 Dec 2021 to 30 June 2022 ("Change"). The COVID-19 pandemic is causing unexpected disruption in the workplace and due to shortage of manpower which has affected the timeline for preparation and audit of the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries. The first set of accounts after the Change shall be for a period of 18 months from 1 Jan 2021 to 30 June 2022. You are advised to read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment. To read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment, please access the Bursa website at Takda wang untuk membayar gaji pekerja jabatan kewangan, bukan? Mereka dah cabut ? Ataupun terlalu banyak taik dalam akaun menakutkan mereka pula? Hahaha..
Focus menuju status pn17 macam serba dinamik kot? Mujurlah semua pemegang syer hahaha
0116 FOCUS FOCUS DYNAMICS GROUP BERHAD Current Stock Name : FOCUS Current Financial Year End : 31/12/2021 New Financial Year End : 30/06/2022 Remark : The Directors of Focus has approved the change of financial year end from 31 Dec 2021 to 30 June 2022 ("Change"). The COVID-19 pandemic is causing unexpected disruption in the workplace and due to shortage of manpower which has affected the timeline for preparation and audit of the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries. The first set of accounts after the Change shall be for a period of 18 months from 1 Jan 2021 to 30 June 2022. You are advised to read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment. To read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment,
Dah rugi bagi tahun ke 5 kan? Macam paparich, bankrap tak lama lagi kot? Brahim pun sama. Wakaka
OVERSEA ENTERPRISE BERHAD (317155-U) UNAUDITED STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE FOURTH QUARTER ENDED 31 MARCH 2022 Current Quarter Ended Preceding Year Corresponding Quarter Ended Current Year to Date Ended Preceding 12 Months Corresponding Period Ended 31-Mar-22 31-Mar-21 31-Mar-22 31-Mar-21 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Revenue 8,070 4,180 29,622 23,374 Cost of sales (3,442) (1,745) (14,762) (10,149) Gross profit 4,628 2,435 14,860 13,225 Other operating income 1,053 903 2,978 4,230 Administration expenses (3,336) (3,672) (8,698) (7,833) Selling and Distribution expenses (6,087) (4,782) (15,780) (16,557) Operating loss (3,742) (5,116) (6,640) (6,935) Share of results in associates - (1) - (99) Loss before interest and tax (3,742) (5,117) (6,640) (7,034) Finance costs (849) (38) (954) (315) Loss before taxation (4,591) (5,155) (7,594) (7,349) Income tax (8) (154) (101) (335) Loss after taxation (4,599) (5,309) (7,695) (7,684) Other comprehensive (expenses)/income Fair value changes of equity investments (1) 5 (12) 9 Foreign currency translation differences - - 186 310 Total comprehensive expenses (4,600) (5,304) (7,521) (7,365) Loss attributable to: Owners of the Company (4,599) (5,309) (7,695) (7,684) Total comprehensive expenses attributable to: Owners of the Company (4,600) (5,304) (7,521) (7,365) Weighted average ordinary shares for basic losses per share ('000) 793,832 1,134,970 968,492 751,066 Weighted average ordinary shares for diluted losses per share ('000) 900,539 1,134,970 968,492 754,460 Losses per share (sen): - Basic (0.41) (0.67) (0.79) (1.02) - Diluted (0.41) (0.59) (0.79) (1.02) Notes: (i) (ii) The unaudited condensed consolidated statements of comprehensive income should be read in conjunction with the annual audited accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2021 and the accompanying explanatory notes attached to this interim financial report.
Right issue tak dapat dielakkan dengan kerugian tak terhingga setiap suku tahun .
Bila dapat wang dari right issue, lembaga pengarah akan menggunakan sebahagian besar dana untuk membeli quoted shares related parties dan pemegang syer minoriti pun tak diberitahu nama syer syarikat yang dibeli... Contohnya, quoted shares investment yang dibuat oleh focus, joe, netx, dll
Bila right issue siap, buat macam AT barangkali... Labur sini sana dalam sykt ataupun syer related parties hahaha
Contohnya AT as per QR terkini
Other segment reported higher pre-tax loss by RM37.68 million in Q4 FY2022 mainly due to net impairment loss on investment in associates of RM 33.85 million and share of losses in associates of RM15.31 million (Q3 FY2022: RM3 million), offset with lower loss on dilution of interest in associates, ie RM Nil in Q4 FY2022 (Q3 FY2022: RM4.59 million) and higher bargain purchase from investment in associate of RM2.63 million (Q3 FY2022: RM0.22 million) coupled with reversal of impairment of loan & receivable of RM1.33 million (Q3 FY2022: RM Nil).
0153 OVERSEA OVERSEA ENTERPRISE BERHAD Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31/03/2022 Quarter: 4th Quarter Financial Year End: 31/03/2022 Report Status: Unaudited Submitted By: Current Year Quarter Preceding Year Corresponding Quarter Current Year to Date Preceding Year Corresponding Period 31/03/2022 31/03/2021 31/03/2022 31/03/2021 RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 1 Revenue 8,070 4,180 29,622 23,374 2 Profit/Loss Before Tax (4,591) (5,155) (7,594) (7,349) 3 Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent (4,599) (5,309) (7,695) (7,684) 4 Net Profit/Loss For The Period (4,599) (5,309) (7,695) (7,684) 5 Basic Earnings/Loss Per Shares (sen) (0.41) (0.67) (0.79) (1.02) 6 Dividend Per Share (sen) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RIGHTS ISSUE WITH WARRANTS (For consistency purposes, the abbreviations and definitions used throughout this announcement shall have the same meanings as those previously defined in the announcements dated 28 July 2021 and 8 October 2021 in relation to the Rights Issue with Warrants, where applicable, unless stated otherwise or defined herein.)
Reference is made to the Company’s announcement dated 16 March 2022 wherein Mercury Securities had, on behalf the Board, announced that the Company has submitted an application to seek Bursa Securities’ approval for an extension of time of 6 months for the Company to complete the Rights Issue with Warrants.
On behalf of the Board, Mercury Securities is pleased to announce that Bursa Securities had, vide its letter dated 31 March 2022, approved the Company’s application for an extension of time until 5 October 2022 for the Company to complete the implementation of the Rights Issue with Warrants.
This announcement is dated 31 March 2022.
Announcement Info Company Name OVERSEA ENTERPRISE BERHAD Stock Name OVERSEA Date Announced 31 Mar 2022 Category General Announcement for PLC Reference Number GA1-31032022-00111
Firma audit mungkin tak berani jadi auditor oversea takut lesen audit digantung selepas diaudit oleh AOB, unit SC untuk mengaudit firma audit wakaka
KUALA LUMPUR: PJBumi Bhd has received a notice in writing from Messrs Afrizan Tarmili Khairul Azhar PLT on their resignation as external auditors of the company.
In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, the engineering and construction services provider said the auditors were re-appointed at the last annual general meeting (AGM) of the company held on Dec 17, 2021 to hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM of the company.
“The auditors had tendered their resignation because the Audit Oversight Board (AOB) had notified the auditors that they are prohibited to perform audit of public interest entities for 12 months commencing from Dec 10, 2021,” PJBumi said.
PJBumi is in the midst of identifying the new auditors to be appointed pursuant to Section 271(2)(b) of the Companies Act 2016.
What could go wrong: • External and internal auditors are unable to perform their functions in an independent manner due a lack of support from the audit committee. • Failure of audit committee members to get to the root of pertinent issues that are impacting the company.
There is an effective and independent audit committee. The board is able to objectively review the audit committee’s findings and recommendations. The company’s financial statement is a reliable source of information.
Dos Putting in place mechanisms for independent directors (including independent audit committee members) to disclose changes in relationships or circumstances that may impact their independence. Ensuring all questions and remarks (including dissenting comments made by audit committee members) are minuted. Developing channels for audit committee members to enlist the services of third party experts, if needed. Don’ts The following would render the application of this practice ineffective: × Conceding that the element of financial literacy overrides the aspect of independence. × Maintaining that adherence to the audit committee’s independence requirements set out in Paragraph 15.09 of Bursa’s Listing Requirements is the be-all and end-all.
How should audit committee members deal with conflict of interest situations? Audit committee members should declare any matter in which they have an interest. Normally, the process for recording declarations of conflicts of interests in the audit committee should mirror that used by the board. Each member of the committee should undertake to declare proactively, at the outset of each meeting, any potential conflict of interest relating to the affairs of the committee or from changes in the member’s personal circumstances. Depending on the nature, extent and potential duration of the conflict of interest situation, the chairman of the audit committee should then determine an appropriate course of action with the said member. For example, the member might be asked to abstain from deliberation and decision making, or in more extreme cases, the member could be asked to step down from the committee. If it is the chairman of the audit committee that has a conflict of interest, the board should ask another member of the committee to lead in determining the appropriate course of action.
How should audit committee members deal with conflict of interest situations? Audit committee members should declare any matter in which they have an interest. Normally, the process for recording declarations of conflicts of interests in the audit committee should mirror that used by the board. Each member of the committee should undertake to declare proactively, at the outset of each meeting, any potential conflict of interest relating to the affairs of the committee or from changes in the member’s personal circumstances. Depending on the nature, extent and potential duration of the conflict of interest situation, the chairman of the audit committee should then determine an appropriate course of action with the said member. For example, the member might be asked to abstain from deliberation and decision making, or in more extreme cases, the member could be asked to step down from the committee. If it is the chairman of the audit committee that has a conflict of interest, the board should ask another member of the committee to lead in determining the appropriate course of action.
The consideration of independence is often a matter of substance rather than mere compliance with specific rules. The board should also be cognisant and mindful of situations in which the regulatory definition of independence is met, yet impairment of objectivity or perceived conflicts of interest may still arise.
Tangkap semua ahli tangan ghaib demi masa depan bursa yang cerah
Liew Chee Yoong of the Center for Market Education said poor performance would continue, from a combination of the ringgit’s depreciation, scandals in corporate governance, and weak legal enforcement in the capital markets.
Oversea mungkin berdepan dengan risiko kemuflisan macam brahim dimana benson juga pernah berada dalam lembaga pengarahnya. Kini benson juga merupakan pengarah eksekutif oversea wakaka
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This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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Posted by Good123 > 2022-05-26 09:58 | Report Abuse
Cofounder terakhir pun dah lari. Tinggal tangan ghaib je yg tak tahu buat bisnes hanya main saham je. Habislah oversea, tamatlah :)
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Change in Boardroom
Date of Change: 08/04/2022
Type of Change: Resignation
Designation: Chairman
Directorate: Exec
Age: 77
Nationality: Malaysia
Working Experience and Occupation:
Directorship of public companies (if any):
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer:
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries:
You are advised to read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment.
To read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment, please access
the Bursa website at
Submitted By:
08/04/2022 07:00 AM
Ref Code: 202204083300183