dont worry if hexza not up today.. fundamentally hexza is as concrete as rock. rock solid foundation. just have faith will reach heaven. NTA: $1.00 and it's a GRAHAM NET NET QUALIFIER!!!!!
aiyo.. be patient lah anak anak ayam.. play candycrush game first lah... pretty sure HEXZA will move ... NTA 1.00 wor... so no worry.. a graham net net qualifiers and true investment grade mah.. no worries
let play candycrush game first on telephone .... wakakakak kikiki
tat time too late. A1-8 & AT already sapu all the way up to 80 sen. Then you will be gladfully enter @ 80 sen? When resin division SUDDENLY MAKE$ PROFIT...wahahaa AT pun bolleh terbang seperti jadi AM (Muda)-- lompat kijang
another best prediction of the century.. SEACERA style ! kikiki follow all Calvin Tan and ayam-ayam minions will not go to holland.. but HOLYLAND! kakakakakakaka
Hexza Corp (HEX MK) Technical BUY with +16.0% potential return Last price : RM0.78 Target Price : RM0.845, RM0.905 Support : RM0.725 Stop-loss: RM0.72 BUY with a target price of RM0.905 with stop loss at below RM0.720. Share price has retraced from the recent high of RM0.805 and consolidated downwards within the price channel in the last 10 weeks. However, yesterday’s breakout above the channel brings an end to the current correction and we expect HEX to establish a new up-leg. HEX has successfully closed above the “cloud” with a golden crossover between the 10-day and 21- day SMA signifying an upward continuation from here. Additionally, the higher trading volume along with strong momentum as shown by positive readings in the MACD and the Stochastics could drive share price higher. We peg our medium-term target price at 1.61x Fibonacci Extension target of RM0.905.
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Posted by Ayat > 2014-06-30 19:44 | Report Abuse
1. 沐浴球
一个沐浴球上通常隐藏着 72 亿个细菌,除了真菌之外,还有在浴室中沾染的多种菌群。
2. 牙刷
一个牙刷头使用半年,含有 180 万个细菌,用它刷一次牙,等于“吞”下了 6 个喷嚏唾液!
3. 隐形眼镜盒
4. 毛巾
5. 枕头
6. 眉笔
7. 唇膏
8. 睫毛膏
睫毛膏管内潮湿黑暗的环境是葡萄球菌繁殖的理想环境,尤其是使用开封后超过 3 个月的睫毛膏。
9. 腮红
10. 眼影
11. 指甲油
12. 不粘锅
13. 洗碗棉
美国佛罗里达州立大学环境工程系的研究人员称,20% 的洗碗布内都隐藏着如大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌等足以导致疾病的细菌。特别是夏天,部分清洁不够的洗碗布更会滋生大量细菌,让餐具在洗涤过程中因为与洗碗布接触而“交叉感染”。
14. 竹木餐具
15. BRA