INDIVIDUAL PERIOD CUMULATIVE PERIOD CURRENT YEAR QUARTER PRECEDING YEAR CORRESPONDING QUARTER CURRENT YEAR TO DATE PRECEDING YEAR CORRESPONDING PERIOD 30 Jun 2020 30 Jun 2019 30 Jun 2020 30 Jun 2019 $$'000 $$'000 $$'000 $$'000 1 Revenue 4,301 13,243 22,158 32,553 2 Profit/(loss) before tax -17,350 -3,247 -18,921 -8,923 3 Profit/(loss) for the period -17,290 -3,957 -19,651 -9,093 4 Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent -15,298 -3,904 -18,360 -9,665 5 Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) -12.14 -3.10 -14.57 -7.67 6 Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AS AT END OF CURRENT QUARTER AS AT PRECEDING FINANCIAL YEAR END 7 Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) 0.1800 0.3000
Definition of Subunit: In a currency system, there is usually a main unit (base) and subunit that is a fraction amount of the main unit. Example for the subunit as follows:
GETS GLOBAL BERHAD Company No: 200201029469 (597132 A) (Incorporated in Malaysia) AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD OF THREE MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2020 Revenue Cost of sales Gross profit/(loss) Other income Administrative expenses Selling and distribution expenses Profit/(Loss) from operations Finance costs Profit/(Loss) before taxation Taxation Profit/(Loss) for the period Profit/(Loss) after taxation attributable to:- Owners of the Company Non-controlling interests Other comprehensive income / (expense) Revaluation Reserve Other comprehensive income/(expense) for the period, net of tax Total comprehensive Profit/(loss) attributable to:- Owners of the Company Non-controlling interests Basic and diluted earning/(loss) per ordinary share (sen) (Note B13) 30-Jun-20 RM'000 (Unaudited) 4,301 (2,945) 1,356 891 (17,444) - (15,196) (2,153) (17,350) 60 (17,290) (15,298) (1,992) (17,290) 5,158 5,158 (10,139) (1,992) (12,131) (12.14) 30-Jun-19 RM'000 (Unaudited) 13,243 (10,581) 2,662 4,292 (9,978) (15) (3,039) (208) (3,247) (710) (3,957) (3,904) (53) (3,957) - - (3,904) (53) (3,957) (3.10) 30-Jun-20 RM'000 (Unaudited) 22,158 (22,569) (411) 7,301 (22,701) (26) (15,837) (3,084) (18,921) (730) (19,651) (18,360) (1,291) (19,651) 5,158 5,158 (13,202) (1,291) (14,493) (14.57) 30-Jun-19 RM'000 (Unaudited) 32,553 (33,876) (1,323) 8,610 (15,064) (73) (7,850) (1,073) (8,923) (170) (9,093) (9,665) 572 (9,093) - - (9,665) 572 (9,093) (7.67) CURRENT QUARTER CUMULATIVE QUARTER The Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income should be read in conjunction with the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2019 and the accompanying explanatory notes attached to the interim financial statemen
GETS GLOBAL BERHAD Company No: 200201029469 (597132 A) (Incorporated in Malaysia) AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 2020 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Right of use assets Development expenditure Trade and other receivables Total non-current assets Current assets Inventories Trade and other receivables Tax recoverable Cash and bank balances Total current assets TOTAL ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the Company Share capital Reserves Shareholders' funds Non-controlling interests TOTAL EQUITY Non-current liabilities Lease liabilities Deferred tax liabilities Trade and other payables Total non-current liabilities Current liabilities Trade and other payables Lease liabilities Loans and borrowings Government grants Tax payables Total current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Net assets per ordinary share (RM) AS AT 30-Jun-20 RM'000 (Unaudited) 60,927 11,581 5,849 4,245 82,602 2,407 10,600 36 432 13,475 96,077 69,145 (47,771) 21,374 1,578 22,952 9,476 5,530 1,999 17,005 31,787 2,393 20,779 - 1,161 56,120 73,125 96,077 0.18 AS AT 30-Jun-19 RM'000 (Audited) 65,797 - 113 4,245 70,155 6,180 14,404 36 341 20,961 91,116 69,145 (34,569) 34,576 2,869 37,445 - 4,264 2,199 6,463 26,471 - 18,165 2,500 72 47,208 53,671 91,116 0.30 The Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position should be read in conjunction with the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2019 and the accompanying explanatory notes attached to the interim financial statements.
GETS GLOBAL BERHAD Company No: 200201029469 (597132 A) (Incorporated in Malaysia) AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD OF THREE MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2020 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Profit /(Loss) before taxation Adjustments for:- Depreciation of property, plant and equipment Gain on the realised forex Bad debts written off Impairment loss on property, plant and equipments Right of use depreciation Reversal of impairment loss on trade receivables Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment Loss on remeasurement of trade and non-trade receivables Allowance for expected credit loss - trade receivables Reversal of remeasuerement of trade and non-trade receivables Reversal of remeasuerement of trade and non-trade payables Amortisation of government grants Write down of inventories Write off of property, plant and equipment Interest expenses Finance lease interest Unwinding of discount for long term payable Operating profit before working capital changes Changes in working capital:- Inventories Trade and other receivables Trade and other payables Cash generated from operations Interest paid Tax refund Net Operating Cash Flows CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Development expenditure Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment Purchase of property, plant and equipment Net Investing Cash Flows CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Interest paid Advance from directors Advances from related parties Increase in trust receipts Government grants (Repayment)/Drawdown of hire purchase payables, net (Repayment)/Drawdown of term loans, net Net Financing Cash Flows NET CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS BROUGHT FORWARD CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS CARRIED FORWARD ANALYSIS OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS:- Cash and bank balances Bank overdrafts Year To Date 30-Jun-20 RM'000 (Unaudited) (18,921) 2,823 (33) - 8,842 1,782 - - - 2,707 - - (2,500) 3,711 - 2,318 665 (220) 1,174 62 121 3,025 4,382 (38) - 4,344 (5,736) - - (5,736) (1,172) (9) - - 1,196 (416) 0 (402) (1,793) (9,779) (11,572) 432 (12,004) (11,572) Year To Date 30-Jun-19 RM'000 (Audited) (10,497) 5,543 - 273 580 - (397) 217 215 1,910 (1,204) 125 (8,100) 2,176 107 1,165 - - (7,887) 4,495 (4,637) (2,221) (10,250) (842) 18 (11,074) (113) 854 (513) 228 (323) 650 1,281 99 10,600 (260) (1,045) 11,002 156 (9,935) (9,779) 341 (10,120) (9,779) The Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows should be read in conjunction with the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2019 and the accompanying explanatory notes attached to the interim financial statements. 4
PETALING JAYA: Pasaran saham seperti periuk emas. Pasaran saham adalah untuk semua orang. Ia amat menarik dan sangat sukar ditahan ketika pada masa kesukaran.
Pada masa yang sama, pada musim buruk boleh membawa maut tetapi kebanyakan orang yang mengetahuinya sudah terlambat.
Dalam sembilan bulan pertama tahun ini, Bursa Malaysia Bhd memperoleh pendapatan perdagangan berjumlah RM349.2 juta, dua kali ganda daripada RM173.6 juta yang dicatatkan pada tempoh yang sama tahun lalu.
Tetapi walaupun Bursa Malaysia meraih jutaan tambahan, jumlah pelabur yang kehilangan semuanya meningkat sebanyak 30% berbanding dengan tempoh yang sama tahun lalu.
Malangnya, sebahagian besar dari mereka adalah peniaga kecil yang dipercayai telah meminjam dari pinjaman yang tidak berlesen atau haram untuk mencuba nasib di pasaran saham.
Walaupun belum ada data yang menyatakan siapa yang kalah, ini adalah fakta bahawa banyak yang kehilangan pekerjaan atau pendapatan mereka dipotong disebabkan oleh perintah kawalan pergerakan yang bermula pada bulan March untuk menghalang penyebaran Covid-19.
Brian Leong, ketua pegawai operasi di Pusat Perjudian Rehab, mengatakan bahawa sebahagian besar terkorban adalah mereka yang berumur antara 41 hingga 50 tahun, mereka dalam golongan ini juga adalah golongan yang akan mencapai puncak kerjaya mereka pada umur ini .
Masalahnya, kata Leong kepada The Sun, adalah bahawa kebanyakan peniaga ini memasuki pasaran saham tanpa pengalaman atau nasihat yang tepat dari para pakar.
Ini terutama bagi mereka yang berumur 21 hingga 30 tahun, muda dan berani tetapi kurang pengetahuan dan kebijaksanaan.
Leong menyatakan bahawa peningkatan jumlah pedagang saham kemungkinannya disebabkan dan berkaitan dengan mereka yang kerja dari rumah dengan orang kehilangan pekerja an semasa MCO.
Jauh dari pengawasan penasihat saham mereka, godaan untuk masuk dan menonton pergerakan pasar setiap hari sukar ditolak.
Seperti yang dikatakan oleh pakar kewangan, satu fenomena yang buruk adalah pembeli saham golongan ini, tidak hanya menghapuskan keuntungan sebelumnya tetapi juga melibatkan ke dalam hutang.
Ini terutama bagi peniaga yang tidak mempunyai sumber kewangan untuk mengatasi masalah kewangan yang berlaku.
Salah seorang peniaga tersebut adalah seorang lelaki berusia 28 tahun yang.
Dia baru-baru ini kehilangan RM10,000 dalam beberapa jam, satu episod yang sangat dia menyesal.
Dia terpikat dalam permainan oleh rakan-rakan yang telah menghasilkan keuntungan "ratusan ribu".
"Saya sentiasa pada telefon atau komputer saya, melihat grafik. Saya mengabaikan kerja saya, tidak makan tengah hari atau makan malam dan berjaga sepanjang malam. Itu ketagihan, ”katanya.
Seorang peniaga lain, seorang usahawan sepenuh masa setiap hari, didorong oleh keuntungan awal sebanyak RM10,000.
"Saya memasukkan semua simpanan saya ke dalamnya dan sekarang ini telah menjejaskan kekayaan saya, menjejaskan hubungan saya dan memberi tekanan kepada kesihatan mental saya," dia mengakui.
Perancang kewangan Felix Noah mengatakan jumlah "guru pelaburan" juga meningkat sejak beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini di platform seperti Facebook dan YouTube.
"Terdapat banyak iklan di media sosial yang mempromosikan kelas dan memberi petua bagaimana berjaya di pasaran saham. Sebilangan 'guru' ini mungkin tidak disahkan, "katanya kepada The Sun.
Belajar melabur, jangan tunggu diberi sepenuhnya maklumat . Berdisiplin. Peruntukkan sejumlah wang tunai yang dapat anda keluarkan atau mampu sahaja, ”katanya.
Menurut, beli saham sebagai tembak di pasar saham adalah seperti berjudi dan seseorang itu cepat merasa kegembiraan apabila untung.
Dan seperti semua ketagihan, sukar untuk berhenti.
Trading play in casino anyway. As for authority, always slow in action and do unnecessary easy tasks such as inquiry on unusual price movement instead of auto disclosure requirements by company once price movement beyond certain range.
Read l announcement on 8th Sept. Former owner of Latex Partners building glove business. Party has just started. Easily market cap can go to RM5 billion. EGM also coming .. approve private placement and then full steam
GETS had just paid in full - Ambank ( RM3.277Mil) & AmIslamic (RM9.650Mil) as a full & final settlement today. Both banks will withdraw / discontinue all legal actions immediately. GETS will fly tomorrow, bro.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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Posted by yiqqre > 2020-11-17 08:55 | Report Abuse
This counter is dominated by big investors. UMA will not affect its riseOnly retail investors are afraid to sell..