I don't see any dividend payout the last 4 years.In that respect Boustead Plantation ( BPlant ) is in a better position to enjoy price appreciation as investors especially foreign institutional investor will root for constant dividend payout as one of the criterion in investment decision. 19/02/2022 1:25 PM
Interesting technical analysis on TH Plant & FGV. TH Plant (minute 10:10 ~ 21:25) & FGV (minute 26:34 ~ 35:03). The youtuber predicted both counters will rise back to year 2018 (14th General Election) price level. Let's see, time will tell. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfW4tUFdgqY
CNA news on Russia -Ukraine conflict: Any interruption to the flow of grain out of the Black Sea region is likely to have a major impact on prices and further fuel food inflation at a time when affordability is a major concern across the globe following the economic damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Four major exporters - Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and Romania - ship grain from ports in the Black Sea which could face disruptions from any military action or sanctions.
Ukraine is projected to be the world's third largest exporter of corn in the 2021/22 season and fourth largest exporter of wheat, according to International Grains Council data. Russia is the world's top wheat exporter.
G** group buy call strikes again, be careful think twice before u enter as they already have bad names among investors in giving buy calls and trapping investors
what Calvin elaborated is correct. THplant's Q4 2021 result is indeed very good if there is no -ve $56.6mil fair value change in biological assets. In Q4 2021, the company decide to CHANGE THE ACCOUNTING TREATMENT in fair value accrual on biologically asset ( ie immature FFB on the trees). Prior to Q4 2021, the company made accrual for immature FFB upto 3 months before harvesting. Now the company decide to only accrual for immature FFB that are ready to be harvested in 1 month only. This has resulted reversal of all the previous qtrs accruals. In Q4 2021, there is +ve $7.5 mil of fair value change for the forestry segment was recognised . -ve $64.1 mil (reversal) in fair value change for Oil palm segment. Overall change is therefeore -ve 56.6 mil (+7.5 - 64.1mil).
The accounting change is one off thing and has no impact to future qtr result. If we add back the fair value change reversal for oil palm of -ve $64.10 mil, PBT Q4 2021 would be 11.2+ 64.1 = 75.30 mil which in fact very impressive.
Average realized CPO selling price for Q4 is $4,508 which is in fact better than many big guys.
The 4th qtr result also affected by the much higher Cost of sales by $49mil. Don't quite understand why ? Finance cost increase by 12mil due to drawdown of $300 mil sukuk since 2nd qtr and incurring additional interest. Cash is 260 mil .Why is there need to standby such much cash thru borrowing since 2nd qtr 2021 ? Up to everyone to make speculate.
I certainly don’t want to rule out this possibility. —————————————————————————- Posted by amtheng > Feb 22, 2022 10:02 PM | Report Abuse
Is there a suggestion that this accounting change is to lower the stock price and the privatisation will come cheap for THPlant
If the privatization offer is to be made, THP should do it very soon ,so that EGM to approve it can be concluded well before Q1 2022 result is released by end May. Just my personal view.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
179 posts
Posted by XenDee > 2022-02-18 19:36 | Report Abuse
Breakout BOWL pattern!!! https://www.tradingview.com/chart/THPLANT/a1yVePM3-THPLANT-TP/