Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2014-11-23 04:08 | Report Abuse

大家好, 最近股市里动荡十分,上下上下根本都不管里外因素。当然有人欢喜有人愁。另一方就好像古人常说:乱世出英雄。但你有可能不知道天天都有新的炒家,庄家和仙家诞生。 这里小弟就随便选一只股项作标题,它叫:"P"股 -----牛市趋势,"P"股向上----- 炒家:进出进出赚了几轮。等下一跌我又再买。 专家:好,这一回好好研究要赚就要赚到顶点。 仙家:都说了“全部”一定上,和你们讲过了。我觉得还会再继续上。闭上眼睛都可以赚钱咯。 -----牛市趋势,"P"股向下----- 炒家:不要买先,等下如果飚着上我一定买。 专家:这股逆市行走,根本就有问题。一定要找出股价下降的主要问题。 仙家:哎哟,小事啦。明天一定停,后天一定上。要现在买也可以,过后才买也可以。 -----熊市趋势,"P"股向上----- 炒家:太开心了,没想到我的股一直上。再来几轮就美了。 专家:涨,一定有它的原因。今天一定要好好做研究,是谁在堆它。还有空间吗? 仙家:买买买,赶快买,我都赚了不懂几多(其实都没有买,讲话大声而已)。 -----熊市趋势,"P"股向下----- 炒家:这次完了,不知道要等到几时股市才会变好。每天都没得玩,闷死了。 专家:好,继续旁外观看。出现了V形状后再进场。 仙家:都跟你说了,不要买这只股,它一定跌,现在甘愿料咯。 哈哈哈哈。。。。。。以上谈话都是“凭空想象”,绝无要冒犯任何一人。 读完之后,你是哪一类人????????????????

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6 comment(s). Last comment by duitKWSPkita 2014-11-23 18:35


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2014-11-23 14:56 | Report Abuse



GREENYB: 我{{希望}}见到它三天内冲上云霄。您怎么看?各位评评理呗。

Posted by KitTheungmakmak168 > 2014-11-23 15:26 | Report Abuse

哎哟,duit,你真的很风趣~哈哈!给你一个赞,尤其那个仙家,哎哟,哈哈哈,我beh tahan~哈哈哈。i3里面太多了,哈哈哈。一流一流!


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2014-11-23 15:52 | Report Abuse

Hi good morning. Glad that you liked it. Yup..... TALKER the easiest and always RIGHT! I do think I am 仙家 also because I know nothing about investment.. but at least I amused you much lo.....

here another fun info for you, hope you like it.


126 posts

Posted by KakiPatah > 2014-11-23 18:26 | Report Abuse

by any standard if there are any. all of you are rubbish. OTB easily replace all of you as God of Bursa. hah.


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2014-11-23 18:31 | Report Abuse

ohhh respected Lingam8,

so regret to hear that. I view myself as lousy n LAME sikalan as well.... Hope you are doing great always in the market.

Happy trading!

Posted by lingam8 > Nov 23, 2014 06:23 PM | Report Abuse

Best description of Ooi Teik Bee. sinkalan


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2014-11-23 18:35 | Report Abuse

Hi respected KakiPatah.

So glad to see you here. I admire those shout loud peoples. I know they are sincere(no personal agenda) and straight fighter. Hahaha, I hope I m street fighter also.

YOU ARE TOTALLY Wrong... No need replacement la.... In fact I m holding no position in i3........ I view myself as a clow only, the more I can do is make funny(in fact not funny at all) jokes lo... Yes... I do admit I'm rubbish here(who wan Clow right).....

anyway, still wanna wish you a fruitful trading weeks ahead....

Here, welcome you pls pls drop here more aften.

Happy trading!

Posted by KakiPatah > Nov 23, 2014 06:26 PM | Report Abuse

by any standard if there are any. all of you are rubbish. OTB easily replace all of you as God of Bursa. hah.

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