Posted by duitTABUNGHAJIkita > 2015-05-11 18:11 | Report Abuse

Kepada Yg Berbahagia Ahli-ahli Pengerusi Jawatankuasa, Saya duit-TABUNG-HAJI-kita ingin mengemukakan beberapa soalan kepada ahli-ahli pengerusi jawatankuasa berikutan peristiwa yang memalukan: Soalan Pertama kepada Datuk Seri Panglima Abdul Azeez ABdul Rahim: ~~Bolehkah Tuan merujuk kepada hal peristiwa jual beli tanah TRX menerangkan bagaimana LTH dapat bisines lumayan tersebut. Adakah pelaburan jual-beli tersebut ditetapkan atau dicadangkan oleh mana mana pihak Kerajaan? Soalan Kedua Kepada Datuk Azizan Abdul Rahman: ~~Bolehkah Tuan merujuk kepada hal peristiwa jual beli tanah TRX menerangkan apakah rational-rational atas pelaburan jual beli tanah tersebut? Adakah penjualan ataupun pembelian tanah tersebut tidak disifatkan tergopoh gapah? Soalan Ketiga Kepada Prof.Emeritus Tan Sri Dato' Dr.Abdul Shukor Husin: ~~Sepertimana yang ditanya di atas bolehkah Tuan merujuk kepada hal peristiwa jual beli tanah TRX menerangkan pelaburan tersebut adalah memenuhi syarat-syarat hal ehwal Syariah sedangkan Tabung Haji memegang Visi: tonggak kejayaan ekonomi ummah, perngurusan haji terbilang dan salah satu Misi adalah untuk MEMBERI PULANGAN YANG KPMPETITIF, HALAL DAN TOYYIBAN SEKIAN TERIMA KASIH,

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29 comment(s). Last comment by andychucky28 2015-05-12 17:39

Posted by tengkuismail > 2015-05-11 18:17 | Report Abuse

Umno has been abusing tabung haji for donkey years. Bought properties overinflated price is small matter. Untung atas angin. Poor malays, they dont even know they are cheated all these years

Posted by tengkuismail > 2015-05-11 18:22 | Report Abuse

During Tun Mahathir time was much more rampant. Tabung Haji money used to bailout bankrupt malay businessmen. Do you think Mahathir care for malays? He only care about untung atas angin, just because Najib caught doing the same thing doesnt make Tun Mahathir right. Tun Mahathir will replace Najib with his puppet to continue plunder tabung haji


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2015-05-11 18:23 | Report Abuse

Dear respected duitTABUNGHAJIkita,

Hope we can work together to continue the whistle blowing for both funds.

duitKWSPkita work on Pension Fund while duitTABUNGHAJIkita work on Pilgrims Fund..................

Kita sama sama monitor GOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2015-05-11 18:26 | Report Abuse

abang tengkuismail,

sila kumpulkan semua rakan-rakan untuk memperjuangkan hak asasi dan hak miliki kita.............

Ajak lah Rakan TengkuFaizal sekali.............


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2015-05-11 18:27 | Report Abuse

Tak suka GOMEN tipu kita punya wang... Vacuum kosong KITA punya duit FGV skarang nak tindas pulak kita punya Tabung Haji..............

GOMEN:::::::::::::: Usah tindas ! Kami sedang Membangun ni!!!!!!!!

Posted by tengkuismail > 2015-05-11 18:31 | Report Abuse

Poor malays....umno is lead by crooks...songlap low middle class people hard savings

Posted by tengkuismail > 2015-05-11 18:31 | Report Abuse

You name it...epf..kwap...tabung long as your money, umno will songlap clean


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-05-11 18:33 | Report Abuse

The Umno, PKR and PAS internal strife (part 26)


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has been accused of keeping quiet and of not responding to the allegations against him. His critics are demanding that he respond, in particular regarding 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB).

Najib responded by ordering an investigation into the affairs of 1MDB. But the criticism did not stop. His critics, led by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, continued to attack him.

They then raised the issue of Lembaga Tabung Haji being used to bail out 1MDB. Actually, the Tabung Haji-1MDB land deal was struck long before 1MDB became a controversy. The spin, however, is that Tabung Haji is being used to save 1MDB, which is not quite true if the deal had been agreed earlier.

Tabung Haji has been forced to abort the deal and will now only make RM5 million instead of RM170 million had the deal gone on. And this has upset the Prime Minister.

In front of a 40,000-strong crowd in Tawau, Sabah, on Sunday, 10th May 2015, Najib said, “In 1987, I was among the ones who supported him. Why did he remain as prime minister? Because we stood together in difficult times.”

Najib was responding to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s attacks against him and related it to the 1987 push to oust him during the Team A versus Team B crisis that almost destroyed Umno and resulted in it getting deregistered.

Najib played a crucial role in that tussle and had he not rallied Pemuda Umno behind the Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir would have been ousted after just six years in office instead of serving as Malaysia’s longest Prime Minister.

“When he was in trouble, we supported him to stay on. If we did not support our leader in a time of trial, he would not have lasted for 22 years as prime minister.”

“During the Team A and Team B test (Dr Mahathir) nearly lost. Almost 50 per cent of the Umno members called him to step down. But what was his answer? ‘Even if I win by a single vote, I will continue to be the Prime Minister.’ Oh! That was a great answer.”

“So, do not forget, when he became prime minister, we gave him full support. Now when he is no longer prime minister, support us in return. If cannot support, then don’t make so much noise.”

“I only bow down to party members and the people. As long as the party members support me, and as long as people give their trust, I shall continue to serve.”

Najib also said Dr Mahathir had made misleading and contradictory statements about 1MDB. “At one time he says 1MDB lost RM42 billion and then says 1MDB did not lose but owes RM42 billion.”

This ‘declaration of war’ is Najib’s vow that he is not going to give in and will fight his detractors within the party.

Meanwhile, Zaid Ibrahim said he received unconfirmed reports that the Deputy Prime Minister is in discussions with some Umno ‘warlords’, Tun Daim Zainuddin included, in Milan, Italy, on the move to oust the Prime Minister.

If that is true then they are going to have a fight on their hands because Najib made it very clear he is not about to back down. If Najib really wants to win this fight, however, he will have to get rid of those traitors and enemies in the blanket who smile in front of him and curse him behind his back.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-05-11 18:34 | Report Abuse

They then raised the issue of Lembaga Tabung Haji being used to bail out 1MDB. Actually, the Tabung Haji-1MDB land deal was struck long before 1MDB became a controversy. The spin, however, is that Tabung Haji is being used to save 1MDB, which is not quite true if the deal had been agreed earlier.

Tabung Haji has been forced to abort the deal and will now only make RM5 million instead of RM170 million had the deal gone on. And this has upset the Prime Minister.


53 posts

Posted by rajapetra > 2015-05-11 18:35 | Report Abuse

In the past, you won a branch or division post based merely on your perjuangan, popularity and your track record of service to the community. By the 1980s, you needed to spend money to win. A branch chief post could easily cost you RM3 million and RM10 million for a division chief post


53 posts

Posted by rajapetra > 2015-05-11 18:36 | Report Abuse

During one meeting in Tengku Razaleigh’s house around nine years ago, the Umno activists and campaigners told him they could guarantee he can topple Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and take over as Prime Minister but it would cost him at least RM400 million.


53 posts

Posted by rajapetra > 2015-05-11 18:36 | Report Abuse

Over dinner, that Umno chap who proposed the RM400 million grumbled and said that even Anwar Ibrahim had to pay RM200 million to oust Tun Ghafar Baba. And that was just for the 20 Sabah divisions, not yet including the West Malaysian divisions, he said.


53 posts

Posted by rajapetra > 2015-05-11 18:38 | Report Abuse

So Umno in the 1980s was an entirely different from the Umno of the 1940s/1950s. It was an Umno where money talks and bullshet walks. If was about ‘show me the money’ or else get out of here.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-05-11 18:39 | Report Abuse

The issues with tabung haji is non issues actually. They just spin it to make najib look bad and rakyat who hodoh and do not study the fact simply accept it and swallow all the lie being put online.The only reason for this is to bring down najib and now one by one inaccurate information from Dr M side being revealed by people which shows a clear agenda played by Dr M.


53 posts

Posted by rajapetra > 2015-05-11 18:42 | Report Abuse

The TH-1MDB rushed land transaction was a clear sign of 1MDB’s desperation in its scramble to pay its creditors. Why are its interest obligations beyond its means? Wasn’t there any buffer and provisions for interest payments? There were, but the money is missing. Stolen perhaps, and that upsets all the conventional financial planning.


53 posts

Posted by rajapetra > 2015-05-11 18:42 | Report Abuse

Use TH depositors’ money to buy some of 1MDB’s land at inflated prices. And PAY NOW. No sensitivity at all to fact that these were the Rakyat’s savings towards a religious pilgrimage. In fact the executives are now actually puzzled by the public outcry That’s what Porches and Ferraris do to your sense of communal reality. Anyway, this is easy business. Rakyat’s money, who cares.


53 posts

Posted by rajapetra > 2015-05-11 18:44 | Report Abuse

In Najib’s Malaysia it’s so easy to screw the Rakyat. Use the carrot and the stick and these highly-paid custodial executives will kow-tim. Who speaks for the Rakyat? Apparently, if we are to believe Najib’s spinners, all who do are just pretending to.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-05-11 18:45 | Report Abuse

The issue seems to be regarding Tabung Haji paying 1MDB a discounted price of RM188.5 million for a plot of land at the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) or RM2,774 per sq ft. What Tabung Haji paid was for converted land with title, planning approval and infrastructure. This is relatively cheap if compared to similar transactions concluded in the Golden Triangle.

Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad (MRCB) bought the 1.8661 acre German Embassy land for RM259.15 million or RM3,188 per sq ft. This is about 6% higher than the market value of the land based on the appraisal conducted by CH Williams Talhar & Wong and Raine & Horne International Zaki & Partners.

SP Setia Bhd paid RM294.97million or RM2,200 per sq ft for the 1.22 ha British High Commission land in Jalan Ampang.

Oxley Holdings (M) Sdn Bhd, a unit of Singapore-based developer Oxley Holdings Ltd, purchased 1.3 ha in Jalan Ampang for RM446.7million or RM3,300 per sq ft.

KSK Group Bhd paid RM568 million or RM3,299 per sq ft for a 1.6 ha parcel in Jalan Conlay. The vendor was Suasana Simfoni Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Singapore-listed UOL Group Ltd.

If the issue is that Tabung Haji paid too much for the land or that it was a bad investment then this is not so, as the many other transactions around that area have proven. And the land deal was negotiated before 1MDB even became an issue and not after that.

Posted by duitTABUNGHAJIkita > 2015-05-11 18:45 | Report Abuse

Kepada rakan-rakan.

Says rasa amat bersyukur dengan kata-kata diatas. Penghargaan setinggi-tinggi kepada TengkuIsmail Dan Tengku Razaleigh


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-05-11 18:48 | Report Abuse


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The non-Malays are probably puzzled as to what is going on in 1MDB and what is really behind the Lembaga Tabung Haji land purchase from 1MDB. Many Malays as well, except those who walk in the corridors of power or are in the corporate world, would most likely not understand the rational behind all these ‘corporate’ moves.

Actually, to understand what is happening, you need to go back to the time when Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad first became Prime Minister in 1981 and Tun Daim Zainuddin took over from Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah as Finance Minister in 1984.

Prior to that, Umno was very much a party of Malay intellectuals, teachers, civil servants, writers, poets, novelists, newspaper editors, etc. When Dr Mahathir took over, he changed the entire landscape of Umno and turned it into a party for businessmen, corporate people and professionals. Just like MCA, Umno soon became a party of people with money.

In the past, you won a branch or division post based merely on your perjuangan, popularity and your track record of service to the community. By the 1980s, you needed to spend money to win. A branch chief post could easily cost you RM3 million and RM10 million for a division chief post.

One Umno division chief from Perak was even given the nickname ‘The Six Million Dollar Man’. And guess why.

During one meeting in Tengku Razaleigh’s house around nine years ago, the Umno activists and campaigners told him they could guarantee he can topple Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and take over as Prime Minister but it would cost him at least RM400 million.

I was in that meeting — in fact I was sitting next to him — and I glanced in Tengku Razaleigh’s direction to have a clearer look of his face. Tengku Razaleigh grimaced and said if he wins it has to be because Umno wants him and not because he paid RM400 million to win.

No doubt Tengku Razaleigh could easily afford that RM400 million but his ego and pride would not allow him to buy the Presidency, which would make him the new Prime Minister.

Over dinner, that Umno chap who proposed the RM400 million grumbled and said that even Anwar Ibrahim had to pay RM200 million to oust Tun Ghafar Baba. And that was just for the 20 Sabah divisions, not yet including the West Malaysian divisions, he said.

“How much did Anwar spend in total?” I asked this chap, and he replied, “At least RM500-600 million.”

So Umno in the 1980s was an entirely different animal from the Umno of the 1940s/1950s. It was an Umno where money talks and bullshit walks. If was about ‘show me the money’ or else get out of here.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the author of ‘The Malay Dilemma’, knew that the New Economic Policy (NEP) had failed. You cannot make 10 million Malays (the Malay population at that time) rich. You cannot hope to achieve a 30% share of the economic pie through 10 million Malays. You need a new strategy.

And this new strategy was you have to make a handful of Malay individuals and Malay-owned or Malay-run trust agencies and GLCs rich instead. This is under the new konsep payung or umbrella concept. This handful of Malay individuals and Malay-owned or Malay-run trust agencies and GLCs would own that 30% instead, on behalf of 10 million Malays.

And you must start with Umno, the organisation representing the Malays and the organisation that will look after the interests of the Malays.

So, when Daim took over as the new Finance Minister, his first job was to make Umno rich, filthy rich in fact. And his first project to make Umno rich was the North-South Highway.

When the Opposition Leader then, Lim Kit Siang, found out that the government had issued a Letter of Intent to United Engineers (M) Berhad (UEM), privatising the North-South Highway to this Umno-owned company, he went to court and tried to obtain an injunction to stop what he said was a conflict of interest and abuse of power.

Kit Siang lost because, according to the court, he did not have locus standi. So UEM won and the project proceeded. What further upset Kit Siang was the fact that UEM was a bankrupt company so the government had to give it grants and loans to do the project.

The project eventually doubled in cost and the government had to bail out UEM by giving it even more money, taxpayers’ money at that.

Umno needed money, a lot of money, because as soon as Dr Mahathir took over in 1981 the construction of Umno’s new headquarters, the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), had begun and was completed in 1984 when Daim took over as Finance Minister. So they had to pay for this. It is said the building cost RM60 million, a huge amount of money more than 30 years ago.

Even then it is said that the real cost of PWTC was never revealed because much of it was hidden in the cost of the Dayabumi Complex, which was inflated to cover the cost of PWTC.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-05-11 18:49 | Report Abuse

PART 2 :

Invariably, because of the high cost of Dayabumi, UDA could not afford to pay for the building so Petronas was ordered to bail out UDA by buying over the building.

Petronas was not too happy about that but since, according to the Petroleum Development Act, Petronas has to report directly to the Prime Minister and not to the Cabinet or Parliament, there was nothing much they could do about it except just fork out the money.

So Petronas, reluctantly, got its new headquarters at Dayabumi and Umno, happily, got its new headquarters at PWTC.

Anyway, we will continue in the next episode the story of how Umno was privatised and then corporatised. We also need to discuss how Dr Mahathir was going to make a handful of Malays rich to meet the 30% target of the NEP.

Posted by duitTABUNGHAJIkita > 2015-05-11 18:55 | Report Abuse

Yang Berhormat Panel panel sekalian.

Kita patut berwaspada dalam forum ini supaya semua menepati undang undang dan melanggar Akta Hasutan 1948.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-05-11 19:01 | Report Abuse

Najib should just shut the fook up


Raja Petra Kamarudin

It seems Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak did not pay for his daughter’s lavish wedding reception after all. At least this is what Najib’s special officer, Rizal Mansor, said. Rizal said the groom’s family, who had requested the reception, had paid the entire cost.

I don’t know why the Prime Minister or someone from his office wasted everybody’s time by clarifying this matter. I think Najib should just shut the fook up. I mean, do you think whatever the Prime Minister says those opposed to him are going to believe it?

Already, after just a few minutes of the release of that statement, so many are posting comments in the Internet saying they do not believe this story.

Okay, I know, maybe so many people are screaming and demanding that Najib reply and explain the many issues. But do you honestly think we really want your reply?

Of course, if you keep quiet we will whack you for keeping quiet. But if you respond we will not accept what you say anyway and will insist you are lying. So, Najib, better you just shut the fook up.

Let me put it this way. Christians believe that the Bible is the word of God and Muslims believe that the Qur’an is the word of God. And Christians believe if you follow Jesus you go to heaven while Muslims believe if you follow Muhammad you go to heaven.

Now, one belief has to be true while the other has to be a fooking lie. Both cannot be true. Or maybe both are fooking lies and only Jews will get to go to heaven — eat your heart out you silly Christians and Muslims. Hidup Yahudi!

I mean do you think Christians think they are wrong while Muslims are right? Do you think Muslims think they are wrong while Christians are right?

Once I believe in something the truth no longer matters. The truth is not important so do not confuse me with facts. What has facts got to do with what I believe?

If I think Najib is wrong then Najib is wrong. Nothing you can say will make me change my mind and think he is right. My opinion of Najib has nothing to do with facts or evidence but is based on what I think of him.

I mean two months ago we were told 1MDB has lost RM42 billion. I don’t like Najib so I believed that.

Then last month we were told 1MDB lost RM27 billion and I believed that also because, yes, you guessed it, I don’t like Najib.

Now they tell me 1MDB lost RM14 billion. Well, guess what, I also believe that as well.

Okay, maybe in one or two weeks’ time they might say 1MDB lost RM7 billion instead. And I will believe that as well. I will believe anything negative about Najib because I do not like him and I believe anything negative about him.

If you suddenly come out with the auditor’s or PAC report that confirms 1MDB actually did not lose any money but in fact made a profit, do you think I am going to believe that? I am convinced 1MDB has lost billions — first RM42 billion, then RM27 billion, and now RM14 billion — so any report that does not confirm this loss is not acceptable.

So even if you can show me documents to prove that Najib did not pay a single sen for his daughter’s wedding reception and that the entire cost was paid by the groom’s family I will tell you to go fook yourself because I am convinced that that is not true and my belief is not based on facts but on what I like to believe.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-05-11 19:02 | Report Abuse

I mean two months ago we were told 1MDB has lost RM42 billion. I don’t like Najib so I believed that.

Then last month we were told 1MDB lost RM27 billion and I believed that also because, yes, you guessed it, I don’t like Najib.

Now they tell me 1MDB lost RM14 billion. Well, guess what, I also believe that as well.

Okay, maybe in one or two weeks’ time they might say 1MDB lost RM7 billion instead. And I will believe that as well. I will believe anything negative about Najib because I do not like him and I believe anything negative about him.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-05-11 19:03 | Report Abuse

Hhahah the best thing is the number of 1MDB looses now shrinking from First accusation of 42 billion now become 14 billion. Hahahah what happen to the rest of 28 billion? The accuser make mistake in calculation? hahahhah this all wayang I also cant understand why people cant see. Heheheh terbaik la RPK.

Posted by duitTABUNGHAJIkita > 2015-05-11 19:50 | Report Abuse


BH 11/05: Pendeposit Tabung Haji tidak perlu bimbang kerana deposit mereka dijamin kerajaan - PM Najib


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2015-05-11 20:55 | Report Abuse

Gomen teruk la... Buli duit Kita masih berani beri jambinan. Ingat kami Ni biri biri ke?

Posted by duitTABUNGHAJIkita > 2015-05-12 17:10 | Report Abuse


Any feedback so far?


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2015-05-12 17:39 | Report Abuse

They are now trying print money. Haha, your whole market will collapse. Ringgit will collapse first.

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