Posted by Speedy Boy > 2018-09-28 20:34 | Report Abuse

Of course Mahathir wants UMNO members and warlords to cross over to PPBM and declare UMNO dead and buried! However, i don't think Mahathir realise it will create rage and angry in Pakatan voters that PKR and DAP will have easy job of cutting ties with Mahathir and PPBM! Look, you don't take UMNO warlords through the backdoor! You don't dumbfook Pakatan supporters into thinking that it's okay! In fact PPBM has done broken so many promises at the expense of Pakatan! Take Mazlee for example, he has done things no DAP and PKR ministers dare to do! In fact DAP and PKR ministers had stick on their principles! So it would be very interest yet unstabilizing if PPBM and UMNO go ahead with this plan merger!

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