Posted by Tobby > 2021-07-18 03:05 | Report Abuse


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1 comment(s). Last comment by Tobby 2021-07-18 03:14


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Posted by Tobby > 2021-07-18 03:14 | Report Abuse

So yeah! Anwar Zahid power coup was total failure! Zahid lost his bargaining power! Zahid should then resign as president as his call for all Umno MPs to immediately leave PN was totally ignored!
Please! Let's be mature for a while! Mohiden already promised to make way for GE15! Yes, he abuse his position to play poltics but we all know his political maneuvering is very limited as he will not gain much lawmakers to join PN! However having said that, Harapan too will not gain majority support as well! In fact Harapan will not even past 90 MPs to back Anwar as the new PM! So what's the point of going for power coup if you know Anwar Zahid Mahathir KuLi and so forth will rush to Agong demanding PMship!
Democratic system is failing us, falling the rest of the world too! In fact post GE15, we will be in even more instability than we ever experience! In fact we need to prepare and accept that Malaysia will never be the same ever again! Perhaps too, we need to be prepared when we are in political and economic instability for too long, chaos may erupt and make things even worst!
Having said that, we have no choic! So please 222 lawmakers! We the rakyat are tired! Tired of all the political theatrics! Post GE15, the political theatrics may only get worst! Let's instead focus on Covid pandemic first! Get Covid settle, if we can before facing another day of pariah state!

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