Posted by Tobby > 2021-07-26 20:31 | Report Abuse


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1 comment(s). Last comment by Tobby 2021-07-26 20:41


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Posted by Tobby > 2021-07-26 20:41 | Report Abuse

There are many factors why nowadays politics taking a backseat! Rakyat may be anger but they are also not really interested to go to streets and protest!
Simply because many of this middle income malaysians have way to many worries! Many are facing prospect of seeing their business close shop forever! Many face prospect of their house and cars taken away by banks! In fact many already lost their jobs even before MCO 2.0 began!
So if Anwar Ibrahim thinks rakyat would go to streets for him, i think he really miscalculate rakyat! Then again Anwar has always miscalculate alot of things! That's why he never become PM after 20 years of trying! And Anwar fail to show 'convincing' majority right after Mahathir resign!
So yeah, the even dissatisfy middle income are not really interested about politics! Yeah, they also experiencing burnout after 22 months of Harapan Gagal administration! I say Harapan Gagal because that's what did happen during Harapan short term in power!
However, having said that PKR may win capture more seats in GE15! Reason, alot of seats in Bersatu will fall into PKR hands! Maybe some of Umno seats will go to PKR as well! As for Pas, most probably, malays will swing towards Amanah! As for Dap, they may lose malay voters due to underwhelming performance during those 22 months! This does not happen to PKR because, all of PKR imcompetent MPs have switch to Bersatu and so PKR may escape Harapan voters anger!
Having that this, Anwar better learn to accept that he has no right to execute power coup! Backdoor 2.0 is not what rakyat want to see now!
Right now, rakyat are in deep and serious situation! Never before rakyat face such challenging and suffering time!

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