Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-02 20:16 | Report Abuse

Welcoem to the Casino of Bursa Anything speculative, additive and deceitful in nature like stock market that has caused bankruptcy and taken away many lives should be deemed worse than gambling. Sin. Sin

1 person likes this.

37 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 2024-03-12 19:45

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-02 21:45 | Report Abuse

Return of Jahiliyyah

The perpetration of injustice system, lop-sided policies, maltreatment of outgroups, cheating in GLC, as well as social corruption i.e. indulged in corrupt practices, drugs, adultery, incest and gambling in bursa.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-03 07:24 | Report Abuse

Dulu Dan Kini

Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi; harapkan jakimmm, gammmmis dan takfit, homo dipromosi subtly.

Dulu biar mati anak, jangan mati adat; kini biar arabisasi siap, tradisi asli biar lenyap

Dulu born Kerala, live as Indian; kini born ori, die copy

Dulu kata itu kota, kini tebuk atap pula

Dulu, harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama; kini harimau belum mati sudah pudar belang, pemimpin belum mati sudah busuk nama

Dulu kata itu kota, kini tebuk atap pula

Dulu, harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama; kini harimau belum mati sudah pudar belang, pemimpin uzur saja sudah busuk nama

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-03 12:33 | Report Abuse

How could Casino de Bursa halal?

Anything speculative, additive and deceitful in nature like stock market that has caused bankruptcy and taken away many lives should be deemed worse than gambling. Sin. Sin

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-03 16:41 | Report Abuse

Casino de Bursa has made i3forum a sleepless virtual city de kopitiam. Sin. Sin

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-04 18:37 | Report Abuse

Awareness Toxic Racism Module

Many innocent children continue to endure the oppressive systems of toxic racism. Many unjust systematic oppressive systems in the ancient past are still very present today. The only real remedy is to acknowledge and dismantle the structures of racism that has been embedded in workplace culture and the education, healthcare, political, social, criminal, religious, and economic systems of any country that wants to excel in the new millennium.

Racism hurts all people regardless of race or ethnicity, and fighting for equality is all of every mature, kind and intelligent grown-up's responsibility.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-04 21:55 | Report Abuse

Envy, resentment; ignorance and arrogance are some of the psychological roots of racism. But they all share one thing in common. They all involve, to varying degrees, a withholding of compassion, kindness and love from those who are subjected to racist behaviour.

It is important to understand something of the psychology of racism – the assumptions and motivations behind stereotypes, prejudice of racism and discrimination - typically, the basic structure called hatred.

There is something moral, because the question of racism involves how we treat others. An act of racism harms the social standing of another person or group of people enjoy. It can also harm the freedom and well-being of its target.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-05 13:54 | Report Abuse

We must be frank enough to call bursa a casino


35 posts

Posted by buruj57 > 2023-09-05 14:59 | Report Abuse

Bursa is a trading house. Wrong intention and action by Traders can lead it to be a casino so do donation which can meant corruption

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-08 14:24 | Report Abuse

The only right thing for the education policy maker is to understand that fundamentalism inevitably leads to the division of school children into believer and nonbeliever groups, creating an ingroup versus outgroup dynamic. This occurs when individuals adhere strictly to the core tenets of their religious or ideological beliefs. Those who share these beliefs form the "ingroup" and may isolate or ostracize those who don't, creating an "outgroup." In a school setting, this division can lead to social polarization, prejudice, and intolerance between these groups, potentially hindering cooperation and understanding among students of different belief systems.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-08 14:33 | Report Abuse

In paper mills' shadow, ethics dim,
As academic virtue wears thin.
Integrity, once held so high,
Now falters as dishonesty flies.

In scholarly realms, trust takes a blow,
As scientific facts in turmoil flow.
Mills churn out papers, truth obscured,
Leaving knowledge's foundation stirred.

Legal battles, unjust they sow,
As paper mills' deceptive winds blow.
Consequences dire, justice delayed,
Innocence tainted, rights betrayed.

Corruption thrives where mills conspire,
As greed and fraud stoke the fire.
Industries tainted, morals amiss,
In this murky world of deceit and abyss.

Yet, hope prevails, for we unite,
To combat darkness, bring wrong to light.
Education's guardians, researchers bold,
In pursuit of justice, their stories unfold.

In the face of this ethical strife,
We fight for a fair and honest life.
Promoting transparency, integrity's might,
To restore trust's gleam, in day or night.

Together we stand, a resilient throng,
To right these wrongs, to prove them wrong.
For in our efforts, we shall prevail,
And in ethics and truth, we'll set sail.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-13 20:51 | Report Abuse

DNAA is unislamic. ZH shouldn't have accepted it

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-14 09:23 | Report Abuse

Rapinzil is naive enough to think risky targeted subsidies will not jeopardize PH's chance of staying in gomen next GE

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-22 16:50 | Report Abuse

That's where Shit-sad-dick is correct i.e. PMX is all a NATO - no action, talk only.

He'll never be able to retrieve all the lost rakyats' trillions in Panama & Pandora from palpatine and other sith lords

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-22 20:46 | Report Abuse

SK Kajang had banned sexy naval-showing hot saree in school during Hari (Anak2) Malaysia

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-23 05:40 | Report Abuse

Quote from News: "NEW YORK: Quran burnings that have taken place in several countries are nothing but clear Islamophobic acts intended to incite hatred, Prime Minister said today."

Debate: Is Islamophobia justifiable?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-23 06:03 | Report Abuse

Quote from News: "GEORGE TOWN: A Catholic woman from Sabah has gone to court to challenge the legality of her conversion to Quote from News: "GEORGE TOWN: A Catholic woman from Sabah has gone to court to challenge the legality of her conversion to Islam when she was a minor."

Issue about enjoying the freedom of religious belief- rational or irrational fears?

Afraid about losing one of the basic human's birth right - reasonable or extreme fears?


26,855 posts

Posted by speakup > 2023-09-23 14:57 | Report Abuse
sorry PMX u are NO MANDELA! not even close! Mandela had the courage to do tough reform, but u PMX have no guts to do tough reforms

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-23 15:35 | Report Abuse

Truly no common sense

Badly indoctrinated.....just liwatman

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-27 11:52 | Report Abuse

QUiz: Low class in ideas, actions and results, but pandai-pandai self-serving, self-enriching and borrowing from the Jews' controlled fund senyap-senyap


Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-09-30 09:20 | Report Abuse

Religiosity, albeit overemphasized and overfunded, does not guarantee moral behavior at all. History is rife with examples of religious individuals, leaders and institutions committing immoral acts, from the Crusades to acts of terrorism justified by religious extremism. Thus, while religiosity can serve as a moral compass, it does not universally lead to increased morality.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-10-04 11:06 | Report Abuse

Quote : " .......reluctant to go to see their life maker........"

Can't do that or they'll be punished like cutting tongue, hudud hands, etc etc for telling lies and half truth, doctinating falsehood, stealing in the daylight & darkness etc etc

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-10-05 09:17 | Report Abuse

With legalised fake money business, no trust for the future

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-10-20 14:18 | Report Abuse

Welcome to the Casino of Bursa Anything speculative, additive and deceitful in nature like stock market that has caused bankruptcy and taken away many lives should be deemed worse than gambling. Sin. Sin

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-10-24 13:33 | Report Abuse

Hypocrisy is ppl who commit to their medieval texts that clearly hypocritical dehumanising labelling such as coffee harbi etc etc

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-10-24 13:38 | Report Abuse

In the midst of this ongoing crisis, hypocrisy finds itself standing on shaky ground. Hypocrisy, in its truest form, is embodied by those who adhere to archaic texts replete with glaring contradictions and dehumanizing labels, the likes of which include the unjust and divisive practice of labeling individuals as coffee harbi, among other derogatory terms. And innocent school children are unfortunately exposed to these texts.

Such hypocrisy is akin to a stark double standard, where individuals profess to follow a set of beliefs, yet in practice, their actions betray the very principles they claim to uphold. The use of these labels serves to create a rift among people, fostering animosity instead of understanding, and perpetuating the cycle of prejudice and discrimination.

In these times of crisis, we should strive for empathy, unity, and open dialogue, setting aside divisive and harmful labels. It's a reminder that true harmony can only be achieved when we cast aside hypocrisy and embrace the values of compassion, inclusivity, and respect for all, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-10-24 14:19 | Report Abuse

Would an excellent, benevolent and wise leader want his people to suffer from the enslaved-inside-Plato-cave syndrome or any of these:

Close-Mindedness: Strong religious beliefs tend to stray believers' mind to become closed off to alternative viewpoints, hindering intellectual and spiritual growth.

Intolerance: Believing in one's own religious or spiritual path too fervently lead to intolerance and judgment towards those with different beliefs, causing conflict and division.

Dogmatism: A rigid belief system can promote dogmatism, where individuals adhere to religious tenets without question, discouraging exploring contradicting facts, critical thinking and adaptability.

Suppression of Individuality: In some cases, individuals may suppress their personal desires and identity in favor of adhering to strict religious norms.

Interference with Rational Decision-Making: Indulging in a prophetic delusion can sometimes lead people to make decisions based on faith rather than reason, leading to poor life choices.

Conflict and Violence: History has shown that prophetic delusions have been a source of conflict, violence, and even wars when followers of different faiths clash.

Emotional Stress: Struggling to maintain a strong belief system, particularly in the face of doubt or internal conflict, can cause emotional stress and turmoil.

Discrimination: Some individuals may use their religious beliefs to justify discriminatory actions against those they perceive as outsiders or unbelievers.

Stifling Scientific and Intellectual Progress: In extreme cases, a dogmatic adherence to religious doctrine can hinder scientific and intellectual progress when it conflicts with empirical evidence.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-10-24 14:45 | Report Abuse

EngineeringProfit > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

Some other places are worse. You'll see the gomen there funding institutions to force people to convert to their faith. And stop them from leaving. FOrcing to believe something when one try to be honestly not believing. Depends how you define cruelty. Depends on your moral compass. Humanity etc etc


15,576 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 12 seconds ago | Report Abuse

It's worth noting that while certain situations may be concerning, there are other places in the world where the government's actions are even more extreme and troubling. In some instances, governments provide financial support to institutions that actively coerce individuals into adopting a specific faith, and they go to great lengths to prevent people from leaving that belief system. This sort of coercion can be deeply unsettling, particularly for those who wish to be true to their own beliefs and convictions.

When it comes to defining cruelty, it can be a complex matter that hinges on individual perspectives and moral values. The way we perceive cruelty is often influenced by our own moral compass, our sense of humanity, and our personal principles. What might be considered cruel in one context may not necessarily be viewed the same way in another, underscoring the importance of recognizing the subjectivity and diversity of human values and ethical standards.

Ultimately, these nuanced discussions underscore the significance of empathy, tolerance, and open dialogue as we grapple with issues of faith, belief, and individual freedom. Poor school children in these countries- will suffer more in the near future with IR 5.0

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-10-28 09:05 | Report Abuse

The paradox of Epicurus, often referred to as the "Epicurean Paradox" or the "Riddle of Epicurus," is a philosophical concept that can indeed serve as a foundation for nurturing critical and rational thinking in children and safeguarding them against gullibility and a lack of essential skepticism. Here's an elaboration on how this paradox can be applied to this purpose:

1. **Introduction to the Epicurean Paradox**: Begin by introducing children to the paradox itself. The paradox questions the existence of a benevolent and all-powerful deity in the face of the existence of evil and suffering in the world. It's a fundamental issue in the philosophy of religion.

2. **Encourage Questioning**: Use this paradox to encourage children to ask questions about the world around them. Teach them that it's okay to question things that seem contradictory or don't make sense. In the case of the paradox, it's about questioning the traditional concept of a benevolent god.

3. **Critical Thinking**: The paradox invites critical thinking. Teach children to analyze arguments and evidence. They can explore various explanations for the paradox, such as the existence of free will, theodicy, or the limitations of human understanding. This helps develop their analytical skills.

4. **Promote Empirical Inquiry**: The paradox highlights the importance of empirical evidence. Encourage children to seek evidence for their beliefs and not accept claims at face value. Discuss how science and observation play a role in understanding the world.

5. **Developing Skepticism**: The paradox naturally leads to skepticism. Children can learn to approach extraordinary claims with a healthy dose of skepticism. They should ask for evidence and avoid making unwarranted assumptions.

6. **Respect for Different Beliefs**: While the paradox may lead to skepticism about certain religious beliefs, it's important to teach children to respect the diversity of beliefs and worldviews. They can learn that people have different perspectives, and it's essential to engage in respectful dialogue.

7. **Ethical Considerations**: The Epicurean Paradox also raises ethical questions, as it touches on issues of suffering and compassion. Use this as an opportunity to discuss empathy, ethics, and the importance of helping others in the face of suffering.

8. **Life-Long Learning**: The paradox serves as a starting point for a life-long journey of learning and critical thinking. Children can understand that the pursuit of knowledge and understanding is an ongoing process, and they should be open to revising their beliefs in light of new evidence.

9. **Cultivating Intellectual Independence**: By engaging with the paradox, children can learn to think for themselves and not blindly accept what they're told. This intellectual independence is a valuable skill for navigating the complexities of the world.

10. **Safeguarding Against Gullibility**: Ultimately, this understanding of the paradox of Epicurus equips children with the tools to safeguard themselves against gullibility. They'll be less likely to fall for unverified claims or be easily manipulated.

Incorporating the paradox of Epicurus into a child's education can provide a solid foundation for critical thinking, rationality, and skepticism. It encourages them to approach the world with an inquisitive and discerning mindset, preparing them to navigate the complexities of life with confidence and intellectual rigor.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-10-29 08:16 | Report Abuse

Young school children should not be dragged into complicated, complex, and controversial Middle East wars for several critical reasons:

1. Developmental Inappropriateness: Immature young children lack the cognitive and emotional maturity to understand the complexities and nuances of international conflicts. These issues are often rooted in historical, cultural, and political contexts that are beyond their comprehension.

2. Emotional Well-being: Involving children in war-related activities can lead to trauma, anxiety, and long-lasting emotional distress. Witnessing violence, suffering, and death can have a profound negative impact on their mental health and development.

3. Physical Safety: War zones are dangerous places with inherent risks to life and well-being. Children are particularly vulnerable, and their involvement in conflict zones places them at significant physical risk.

4. Education Interruption

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-10-29 08:23 | Report Abuse

It is immoral for educators to involve children in emotionally complicated Middle East war issues because children are not emotionally equipped to handle the complexities and trauma associated with such conflicts. Educators have a responsibility to prioritize the well-being and emotional development of their students, and exposing them to the harsh realities of war can have detrimental effects on their mental health and overall growth. Children should be provided with age-appropriate, balanced, and unbiased information to help them develop critical thinking skills and form their own opinions when they are mature enough to do so.


2,188 posts

Posted by OnTime > 2023-10-29 08:24 | Report Abuse

indoctrination of children is a very easy thing to do and our cunny politicians will use them as a launchpad to achieve their objective.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-10-29 08:30 | Report Abuse

These HMs, teachers, little Napoleans in the education ministry and the education minister herslef have lost their rationality and moral compass because of fanaticism. The root cause is fanticism. Terrorism has the same root. The danger is clear. Children must be kept away from this kind of bad influences.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-10-29 08:35 | Report Abuse

Using derogatory terms like "kafir" or "caphir" to label non-Muslims, especially among school children, can have several harmful consequences:

1. **Promotion of Intolerance**: It encourages an atmosphere of religious intolerance and discrimination. Such labels can lead to prejudice and hatred against individuals of different faiths, fostering division and hostility.

2. **Bullying and Harassment**: This can lead to bullying and harassment of non-Muslim students. It creates a hostile environment where children are singled out and mistreated based on their religious beliefs.

3. **Psychological Impact**: Being called derogatory names can have a lasting psychological impact on children. It can lead to feelings of isolation, low self-esteem, and even mental health issues.

4. **Eroding Social Cohesion**: Schools should be places where diversity is celebrated, and respect for different backgrounds is fostered. The use of derogatory terms undermines these principles and weakens social cohesion.

5. **Educational Impact**: Such behavior can disrupt the learning environment, as students may be more focused on their safety and well-being than on their studies.

6. **Legal and Ethical Concerns**: In many countries, using derogatory terms to target individuals based on their religion may be considered a hate crime or a violation of anti-discrimination laws.

In essence, using derogatory terms against non-Muslims, or against any religious or cultural group, is harmful and goes against the principles of tolerance, respect, and inclusivity that should be promoted in schools and society at large. It's important for educators, parents, and communities to address and prevent such behavior and teach children about the value of diversity and respect for all.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-10-29 10:49 | Report Abuse

Deep understand of science unites the ppl deeply. Religion unites superficially, but divide unconcilably

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-10-29 11:03 | Report Abuse

A deep understanding of fundamentalism can potentially divide people eternally for several reasons:

1. **Rigid Belief Systems:** Fundamentalist ideologies often promote strict, unyielding belief systems. When individuals deeply understand and adhere to these ideologies, it becomes difficult for them to accept alternative viewpoints or engage in constructive dialogue with those who hold different beliefs.

2. **Ingroup-Outgroup Dynamics:** Fundamentalist groups tend to create strong ingroup-outgroup dynamics, where members feel a deep sense of identity and belonging within their group. This can lead to a perpetual "us vs. them" mentality, making reconciliation or compromise with outsiders seem nearly impossible.

3. **Lack of Critical Thinking:** Fundamentalism often discourages critical thinking and encourages unquestioning faith in doctrine. When individuals lack the ability to critically examine their beliefs, it can be challenging to bridge gaps with those who employ reason and evidence to support their views.

4. **Cultural Isolation:** A deep understanding of fundamentalism can lead to cultural isolation. Fundamentalist communities may limit interaction with those who don't share their beliefs, leading to further division and a lack of exposure to diverse perspectives.

5. **Historical Grievances:** Many fundamentalist movements are rooted in historical grievances or perceived injustices. Deep understanding of these grievances can fuel long-standing conflicts and resistance to reconciliation efforts.

6. **Fear of Change:** Fundamentalism often resists change and modernization. Deeply understanding the fear of change can perpetuate divisions as fundamentalists resist evolving societal norms and values.

7. **Echo Chambers:** Fundamentalist communities can serve as echo chambers, reinforcing their beliefs and shielding members from alternative viewpoints. This reinforces division and hinders open dialogue.

8. **Religious or Ideological Superiority:** Fundamentalism can breed a sense of religious or ideological superiority, making it difficult to engage in respectful discussions with those perceived as inferior or misled.

While deep understanding can be valuable for promoting empathy and dialogue, it can also, paradoxically, solidify divisions when it leads to a more entrenched commitment to fundamentalist ideologies. Breaking down these divisions often requires patience, open-mindedness, and efforts to foster understanding and empathy across different belief systems.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-11-25 11:31 | Report Abuse

Return of the Corrupt living values of Dark Age of Jahiliyyah

The perpetration of injustice system, lop-sided policies, maltreatment of outgroups, cheating in GLC, as well as social corruption i.e. indulged in corrupt practices, drugs, adultery, incest and gambling in bursa.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-12 19:45 | Report Abuse

Intermittent fasting and dehydration in young children have detrimental long-term health, psychological, metabolic, and epigenetic implications. Here's why:

1. **Nutritional Deficiency**: Young children have high nutritional requirements for growth and development. Fasting can lead to inadequate intake of essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and protein, which are crucial for their physical and jeopardize their cognitive development irreversible.

2. **Dehydration**: Fasting from dawn till dusk without consuming water can lead to dehydration, especially in young children who may not be able to communicate their thirst effectively. Chronic dehydration can impact various bodily functions, including kidney health, cognitive function, and overall well-being.

3. **Metabolic Imbalances**: Prolonged fasting can disrupt metabolic processes in growing children. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels due to fasting can lead to metabolic imbalances, potentially increasing the risk of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic disorders later in life. Innmany of these countries, the prevalence of diabetes is increasing exponentially as children fast at progressively younger age.

4. **Psychological Impact**: For young children, fasting may lead to feelings of fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. These psychological effects can impact their academic performance, social interactions, and overall mental health both during and after fasting.

5. **Epigenetic Changes**: There is emerging evidence suggesting that nutritional and environmental factors, such as fasting, can influence gene expression through epigenetic mechanisms. Exposing young children to fasting during critical periods of development may lead to lasting epigenetic changes that could predispose them to obesity, diabetes and various cardiometabolic conditions later in life.

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