All the resolutions as set out in the Notice of 66th Annual General Meeting ("66th AGM") dated 23 December 2024 were accepted at the 66th AGM of Chin Teck Plantations Berhad ("Company").
The resolutions were voted by way of poll at the 66th AGM of the Company.
The results of the poll were validated by Quantegic Services Sdn Bhd, the independent scrutineer appointed by the Company.
Voting Results |
1. Resolution 1 |
Description |
To approve the directors' fees of the Company and its subsidiary for the financial year ended 31 August 2024 of RM515,716 and to authorise the directors to divide such fees in the proportions and manner to be determined by them. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 147 | 17 |
No. of Shares | 33,804,672 | 2,016 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9940 | 0.0060 |
Result | Accepted | |
2. Resolution 2 |
Description |
To approve the directors’ benefits for up to an aggregate amount of RM351,000 for the period from 22 January 2025 until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting in 2026 and to authorise the directors to divide such benefits in the proportions and manner to be determined by them. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 146 | 18 |
No. of Shares | 33,804,435 | 2,253 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9933 | 0.0067 |
Result | Accepted | |
3. Resolution 3 |
Description |
To re-elect Mr Gho Lian Chin as a director. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 152 | 12 |
No. of Shares | 33,805,076 | 1,612 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9952 | 0.0048 |
Result | Accepted | |
4. Resolution 4 |
Description |
To re-elect Mr Gho Eng Liong as a director. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 151 | 13 |
No. of Shares | 33,805,036 | 1,652 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9951 | 0.0049 |
Result | Accepted | |
5. Resolution 5 |
Description |
To re-elect Mr Goh Pock Ai as a director. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 152 | 12 |
No. of Shares | 33,805,076 | 1,612 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9952 | 0.0048 |
Result | Accepted | |
6. Resolution 6 |
Description |
To re-appoint Crowe Malaysia PLT as auditors of the Company and to authorise the directors to fix their remuneration. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 153 | 11 |
No. of Shares | 33,805,038 | 1,650 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9951 | 0.0049 |
Result | Accepted | |
7. Resolution 7 |
Description |
To retain Mr Gho Eng Liong as independent non-executive director. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 146 | 18 |
No. of Shares | 33,803,834 | 2,854 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9916 | 0.0084 |
Result | Accepted | |