Chinese Tea 2017 - so far so good

Chinesetea Stock pick 2017 - so far so good

Publish date: Sat, 26 Aug 2017, 04:22 AM

I have not actively written for a while. However from time to time, I have been posting stock pick at . Some are tips from uncle, some are from friends.

Friends have been asking me the performance of my recommended stocks. I have compiled a watch list and set the reference price of the day I posted.

Watch List :

Althought stock market is unpredictable, I am happy to say that my tea kaki recommendation are sound and has outperformed many professional analyst. 


Note: Buy/Sell at your own risk. 

The performance exclude dividend..

2 people like this. Showing 9 of 9 comments

Ricky Yeo

My apology if I am being too straight. Buying based on recommendation from uncle and friends are bad investment process, regardless of how 'so far so good' the performance is. Do that long enough, you will not survive.

2017-08-26 06:59


Ricky, this not normal uncle. He has more than 30 years as remisier. My friends are not normal friends ;-). They have been active in stock trading for many years.
Anyway, check the portfolio I posted nearly 3 years ago without any change and dividend update., profit remain 110%.

2017-08-26 17:46


Thanks for your kind word, Ricky. I understand where you are coming from. I have spent time in fundamental analysis behind the scene before putting out recommendation. Some of the uncle's recommendation like VS, Inari were posted many years ago in my blog even before OTB and KYY recommended it. The have grown over 500%. I can say that his insight of any company is far beyond what you can imagine.

2017-08-26 18:00

Ricky Yeo

Thanks for the reply chinesetea. My concern is not with your uncle or friends nor has anything to do with how good or bad they are (even if one of them is Warren Buffett). The key is you taking their recommendation without knowing their thought process.

“You’re not going to win by trying to get what the next tip is – what’s going to be good and what’s going to be bad. You’re definitely going to lose.” - Ray Dalio

2017-08-26 20:09


Wow, not bad

2017-08-27 00:26


So glad to hear from you again, Chinesetea! Please write more often

2017-08-27 15:52

稻田·* 片片绿青~粒粒芳香


how are you??? Pls convey message to Uncle that Duit is eyeing and invest at Sunzen.......

Would be great to obtain his opinion..
Thanks in advance.


2017-08-27 16:01


Try minimize your stocks to 3 stocks and achieving 50% gain each that would really be great !

2017-08-27 18:08


Fry enough then say good? Want to sell to newbies?

2017-08-27 18:50

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