过去几个星期,很多朋友都有在问小悟空到底GLOVE 能否继续往上攻,老实说,i have no direct answer to that...我只是说current price (that time) is fair,也许还有上升空间,but i am not dare to take a risk,毕竟很多都寄望于the coming super result,我跟好友们讨论过,除了increment in ASP and pe expansion,剩下的possible growth for the co to fetch higher valuation 就只有M&A 这条路..
以此,让我们来relax 下,
好了,今天纯属吹水,希望大家看在我们这多多支持我们的FB page 与youtube...记得点赞,follow and share our FB page and also like,share and also subscribed our youtube channel..
未来的路不简单,我们一起加油i3 的bros and sis
Everyday dreaming to become a millionaire. Wake up !!
2020-09-08 00:42