Tek Seng 这家公司一直是笔者很关注的公司,主要是公司成长惊人,加上股价不停地跌,让笔者可以说是越来越注意这家公司值不值得投资。之前公司上了新闻版面,主要是公司裁员200名员工,让许多speculator相信业绩是无法继续成长了。但是看来这次Speculator是对的。公司的股价从RM1.2滑落到RM0.7(-42%)。相当惊人,意味着风险降低?
公司的太阳能业务在中国倾销下,导致Sales volume drop, margin 估计也会受到影响,Solar 占了 TEKSENG 接近 一半的营业额,而这次的营业额表现主要也是受到了Solar子公司的盈利下滑所影响,值得注意的是营业额已经下滑,盈利也从7.5M跌落至36K。在种种不利因素下,笔者还是决定静观其变,原本以为低风险的投资,在营业额下跌下,笔者还是看看就好,股价下跌不等于执死鸡,因为在营业额大幅下跌地同时(比上个Quater下跌50%),公司未来的盈利令人担忧。
公司其他业务如Sheeting, PP non Woven, PVC leather的盈利增长也无法弥补Solar营业额下跌。说真的公司的quaterly report交代得很随便,让笔者觉得好像雾里看花。这篇也是为了让我记着这家公司,当业务有更好的发展时我会考虑投资的!
No result.
follow the golden rule, if the company is not making more money than last year then is not worth to put your money into.
2016-11-30 13:26
cheeseburger and Patrick13
is it TS really bad ?
but I check they r generous to give dividend to us
every qr got dividend ?
2016-11-30 15:26
Hi Angie, do your homework and study. I own TS shares even with about 35% loss now. But I still choose to give chance to TS.
2016-11-30 17:58
cheeseburger, do ur math. TS's FY16 cummulative NP just 3 quarters to date has achieved +82% more than FY15's entire annual NP. don't mislead others ya hhaahhahahahaha
2016-12-01 14:19
lucky i sold already bcos i read the revenue has dropped so much,problematic next q
2016-12-01 21:11
I felt the share price over react from 1.4 to 0.7 is way too much, I also having paper losses now but yoy it still growing, the fundamental not really that bad. Seriously because of Q3 solar biz drop ppl all SELL?
2016-12-06 23:21
solar profit just 36k..how to sustain...solar biz is important to them..if solar every quarter just contribute 36k, they will goes back to 0.4 below and maybe 0.2..if one company lost money every quarter, it can be bankrupt too...
you guys always think it drop from 1.4 to 0.7 is way too much, but look at 2 years ago, it only trading at 0.2 cents only...now they expand the biz to solar biz, waste alot of cost, but if business cannot sustain, they lost all these, and it is worsen lor
2016-12-07 01:41
Hi, I think you are first time read TS qtr report? Past few qtr their commentaries quite cincai also.. You need to search their interview article or research to get more understanding.
2016-11-30 13:03