My Trading Adventure

Monday's blah blah

Publish date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012, 10:32 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
Yesterday, my colleague's friend came to see me, met at my training center ... and told me that he got to know me thru i3-portal. I guess I do still have followers in i3-site despite being 'hated' for writing tonnes of un-related personal 'rubbish'. Well, luckily I only irritated few, otherwise I will be 'banned' from the i3-portals?

Then, I noticed that my yesterday's posts were not placed there. Hmmm ... I was thinking, perhaps whatever I m writing no longer relevent and the i3-admin has removed my site from their reputable website. I have no complain as I admit that many of times, I m just taking this blog as my personal journal, writing my journey in my learning and teaching of trading. I noticed that I have even placed few songs-clips as I am listening to my songs!! Indeed, I could be carried away ... enjoying blogging and writing what I like to write about, forgetting that my writings will be read by few hundreds of them in i3-site.

It is OK to me if my irrelevent posts are taken out ... as I could still post some relevent analysis in i3-blog if I wanted to. I am busy ... and feel more comfortable writing in my own blog, more natural way. So, I guess I will stick to my own pages. Those followers in i3-site may need to check my writings here ... as if they wanting to read my posts? Well ... it is up to all, if they want to read.

My main reader of my blog now is my aunty(mom to me, ok?) ... and she said she doesnt read much whenever I write about stocks or analysis but she enjoyed reading how I am doing with my trading classes and feel proud(all moms will) when she got to know I am actually helping many in markets not to lose money, educating many and sharing knowledge. Yeah ... I was brought up by her ... to share and care for others. It is like 'planted' inside me and the influences by her is simply too great. She was a primary school-teacher, keeping strong to her values(rather than monetary gains) ... and naturally, I am 'influenced'? I will write as inependent as I wanted to ... no matter who read my writings!! I want the freedom to write (except about politics etc etc where we are NOT supposed to tell truth).

Johotin : I wanted to write about Johotin and the right-issues ... but everything I write really depending on the 'flow' of my moods, my needs ... and my time. ex-date soon ... so, if I m not going to take up the rights, I need sell some of my holdings. Perhaps I should just take 2k units. It is still hanging at 2.05 levels.

10.30 am : I started the above around 8.30am ... busy checking markets, busy chatting with my stock-watch group, busy talking to a colleague, busy ... reading Malaysian Business magz ... haha ... it is like many things going on that I loost the momentum.

Where am I?


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1 person likes this. Showing 1 of 3 comments


I like your blog & yr personal advice. You do make sense especially your knowledge on TA. I think you are a kind person.

2012-10-15 17:38

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