My Trading Adventure

Stock Watch : JCY

Publish date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013, 12:19 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

JCY : At 50cents now, dropping another 9% today tho KLCI in green ... up 4points now.

When JCY at RM1.60, strong resistance and also its IPO level, I posted JCY ... and stating it is a sell. It was insane, as it moved from the low of 30cents to RM1.60 ... due to Thai-flood news? Really? To add to the fuel, many broker houses upgrade the sector and JCY. Great 'push' ... so, someone in i3-forum(can't remember the nick?) helping to push it higher ... stating a 'privitisation' in card with target beyond RM2 easily!! Since I was being 'banged', I just keep to myself. But, I just wish to help those many igorants who like to read forums and those buy/sell calls from some 'gurus'.

Technically, I highlighted shooting-star. That is a technical signal to sell. And recently when it broken 60cents, it is breaking strong support ... so, another sell point. Today, we shall check 0.485 ... and once broken, see you at 40cents ... that will be a good level to watch.

Worth to watch as they will 'push' it up again. Election is coming ... sell?

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KC Loh

Alamak, here we go again....... tsk

2013-02-25 13:03


so, down to 40 sent can go in la

2013-02-25 13:43


actually I don't understand, look to me no conclusion cos ending with a question mark again.

If i read correctly he say this counter is no good counter, but he predicted this counter may go up. Isn't that may attract some that love speculative counters ? then he may say join him if you wish how to trade cos he know how.. and it is not gamble, he knows the company mgmt well ? if he can predict, I tell you he already make a lot of money from JCY

teacher, watch this video... it is nice

2013-02-25 13:47


If tomorrow 0.40 sure I will go in,if after few week 0.40 then next time lah,since the kick is gone already haha

2013-02-25 14:44

Risk Trader

Best buy for JCY is below 0.35 cent

2013-02-25 14:49


Cpteh has nothing great to shout about except jcy. Unfortunately, you can't short sell this stock, so how great his sell call is also useless.

2013-02-25 15:05


By the way, this shit has no best buy price. It's the same as knm, mas. Same type of shitty management.

2013-02-25 15:07

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

best buy price is 0 cent

2013-02-25 15:19


hahaha.... Mr Teh, you can con others la here but you can con me ok. You never did say shooting star (TA terms) was a sell .... you never did touch the stock once it broken resistance level. you only went in when it was moving up - from his tratles who told me fact you traded the call warrant.
Everyone, this is how he operates .... showing all his so call great call so many would believe his is good in making buy or sell & then join his cohort or stock watch or tratles.... Mr. Teh, pls for our sake & to save yourself from further embarrassment just unlink your blog from here & stay in your nest.
btw, the guy name is Lamken if I am not mistaken who said about JCY privatization. He is also another con artist here (I know you are reading this, Mr Lamken)

2013-02-26 00:01

Frank Soweto

haha albert teacher can con u or not :) as always Shirley u 'r funny and have to agree with u but I think teacher is trying to tell u to sell if they push up maybe? heck I'm confused too :( No worries I dun hold JCY :) u still go genting or not :)

2013-02-26 00:10

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

did anyone realize lamken and kcchongnz style of commenting is kinda similar? :P

maybe they are a same person? hahaha..

2013-02-26 00:47


Hi fei mau, long time no talk. I didn't know i3investor is such an interesting place. I didn't know I have been talking about JCY so much last year until you mention about lamken whom albertLim labelled him as a con artist! Looking through lamken posts, I think he is quite knowledgeable in investing. What a complement from you. Seriously I think lamken has a lot of market knowledge. Just that he miscalculated the downfall of the technology industry, in particular the hard disk industry. I won't fault him. Everybody made mistakes. I don't think he want to con people too, why do that? Do we have the same style in analysis? You don't really read my long winded analysis, do you? He did writeup something about warrants too, very experience in the market indeed. Unlike me, my knowledge in derivatives is more academic rather than in the market place. He is good. How did you come to the conclusion that we write the same style?

2013-02-26 05:19

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

long comments with no space in between?

lamken did mention he not living in malaysia , so are you..

maybe he have a lot market knowledge, but he only commenting on jcy , in the other hand, you are quite generous in commenting on numerous stocks.

he is a con artist , this is widely confirmed, i think nobody will defend for him...

2013-02-26 05:43

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

ok.. i just went to read lamken comment, it is difference from your style, kcchong.

but... when u 2 still have 1 in common , and that is long winded reply when it come to explaining the analysis.

2013-02-26 05:55


So how did you come to the conclusion that I am lamken whom you said is a confirmed con-artist? Me a con artist? I should really review what con analysis and comments I have done. Just because we live overseas? There are 196 countries in the world you know.

Regarding my long winded writeup "with no space in between", that is just my style. You don't have to read it. It is just that my style is I don't simple shout buy this stock at what price, and say that if you don't follow me you are a hopeless idiot. If you notice, I rarely talk about market price. When I say this company is good for investing, I talk about its business, its moat, its operating efficiencies, cash flows and balance sheet etc. Then I have to give my view of what is the value of its business, then only compared to its market price and what margin of safety we have if to invest in this stock. So when I post here that a company is good or bad, I think it is fair that readers should be informed of why I think so? don't you agree? And maybe my English is not that good, I can't explain all these in a few lines. I am a follower of Benjamin Graham who said below:

•“An investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis, promises safety of principal and a satisfactory return. Operation not meeting these requirements are speculative” Benjamin Graham

I know, i know, another long winded writeup.

2013-02-26 06:55

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

relax man.. im not condemn you or anythings, it just that your style and lamken style in explaining analysis is similar, so it will be natural that the thought occur in my mind... haha

benjamin graham is a great investor in his time, but his method is too time consuming and sometime very hard to materialize.

im more keen to phillips fisher when choosing company to invest.

2013-02-26 07:21


Fei mau, good on you. You do follow some fundamentals. Phillipp Fisher did do quite a bit of analysis before he buys a stock. For your information, below was what he did and look for before buying.

Some famous numbers
1.Percent of sales
a.What that product means to the company
2.Price/Earnings ratio
a.Any company which is fairly priced equals its growth rate
3.The cash position
4.The debt factor
a.Strong balance sheet
b.Typical company debt-to-equity of 25%:75%
c.Is debt increasing relative to cash?
a.Corporations have a sorry history of blowing the money on a string of stupid diworsefications.
b.Dividend payers suffer less in times of turmoil
c.small companies that do not pay dividends grow faster by using the money for expansion.
6.Book value
a.Overvalued and outdated useless assets sold in fire sales
b.Hidden assets kept at original values
7.Cash flow Free cash flow is more important
a.If FCF/Price > 50%, “mortgage house and buy"
a.Inventory build up is a bad sign
b.When inventories grow faster than sales, it’s a red flag
10.Growth rate
a.Growth in earnings
i.Raising price or lowering costs with efficiency
b.A 20% grower selling at 20 times earnings is much better buy than a 10% grower selling at 10 times earnings
c.Are both sales and earnings per share moving in the same direction?
11.The bottom line
a.Pretax profit margin, or net profit margin
b.Compare with the same industry
c.Low cost operator has a better chance of survival if business condition deteriorates
d.Low margin operator performs more spectacular in turnaround.

As you can see, PF also do the same thing as Benjamin Graham does. Maybe you are talking about Benjamin's net-net investing. But that is not completely out of date yet, in my opinion.

2013-02-26 07:40


so, what is actual value for JCY, Seem is better than other counter some were quater & year to year always loosing,not dividen but still can goreng.

2013-02-26 07:47

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