My Trading Adventure

Stock Analysis : UOADev and HuaYang

Publish date: Tue, 02 Jul 2013, 01:16 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

I bought into these two last Thursday when signals are there ... so, I posted in my stock-watch ... just informing the group I am buying hugely into them. Hope some of them taken positions and profit from that. A good trade is enough to pay for more than half-year fees. Great.

UOADev : Bought on Thu at RM2.26 and RM2.30. Sold hallf last Friday at RM2.39 but the resistance at RM2.45 ... it was a black candle yesterday formed, so I exited all at RM2.38-RM2.39. It touched RM2.43 this morning ... at RM2.40 as I am writing.

HuaYang : Bought at average RM2.80, sold part at RM2.88 done today ... was queueing at RM2.89 last Friday and yesterday. It surged today ... great trade. I do keep another half to sell when it hit my next resistance at RM3.05. Well, I won't be chasing if I m not in positions. Many of times, I bought first ... anticipating a surge to sell. Great.

To see what I m trading, do join my stock-watch. To learn how to trade using simple technical charts, do join my trading class

cohort-10 : I am planning a trading class for those who wish to learn simple basic technical charting on 20th July and 27th July ... 2.30pm to 5.30pm. It will be a two 3-hours sessions. Yes, it is very 'cheap' and certainly worth the money.

e-stock analysis : This is for those staying 'far away', analysing charts thru online. The existing group is full and I am planning for second group next month(starting AUG 6th). If I have the number I will start ...otherwise, it will only in KIV.

warrant-talk : This Sat talk not getting a good response. Only few asking ... and I m not sure if I will continue the idea to share how to trade warrants. Well, will only decide this thu.

So, if you wish to join my trading group ... contact me at

Have a nice week ahead.


p/s : My site is under-repair. Soon ... all the analysis here will be shown there. Do note.
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1 person likes this. Showing 2 of 2 comments


hard at promoting his stock watch & his trading group... hahaha... only an idiot will join Mr Teh group..
dont believe me ? go & ask all his previous members... how many had left him? now he only got fresh meat.. He is a CON MAN & not a good trader by the way...

2013-07-03 10:18


Just chasing few sen gain, nothing much to shout about !

2013-07-03 11:50

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