My Trading Adventure

Are we under-paid?

Publish date: Sat, 27 Jul 2013, 12:51 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

So, are we under-paid?

YES, I am under-paid ... I am under medium-lower income bracket!!

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Dumbest is already known 5 x over we are under paid. Not only that, in global business out Ringgit is weak!

2013-07-27 20:14

King Kong73

So wht are we going to do about the stock mkt to boost yr incomelah

2013-07-27 21:43


If you think so, you should just resign and get another one with higher salary. Do you have the courage to do so? You always say this counter earn how much, that counter earn how much. So 7 geng, can become a full time trader lor, still need to work for people just to get some "under paid salary?"

2013-07-28 07:53


if u think you are under paid, then find another job or be your own boss

no point complaining

2013-07-28 08:10


In Australia if you earn less than $1,200 per week then you are considered low income family. This is RM3,600 per week and our politicians are so proud of RM5,000 household income. Of course besides their official low salary they also earn tons of side income in millions and billions for someone like CM of Sarawak. Malaysia boleh!!

2013-07-28 11:14


i think the teacher measure under-paid by the amount, if my maid request 3k salary a month i die.. she is so hard working..

2013-07-28 16:49


our govt employ a lot a lot ppl.. if all of them get minimum 5k pay or rather 3k pay.. for sure guarantee you, teacher will criticize like mad..

2013-07-28 19:03

Gabriel Khoo

May i knw teacher pay?

2013-07-28 19:25


i hav a relative who is a govt teacher, not good pay, her 2 kids doing medicine sponsored by govt, so is her contribution being rewarded or a small fortune there cuz do medicine not cheap.. not everything measure by money isnt it ?

2013-07-28 20:30


Sweating.... 23years =!=, if I"m in this situation,my ah ma & ah gong will suggest that I go back to hometown to grow vegetables already

2013-07-28 22:17


serious 23 years already stil around 3k to 5k salary ? how did he graduate from UM ?

2013-07-28 22:41


Guys, can't you see, this cpteh just trying to get sympathy by saying his salary is less than 5k so that more "student" will join his cohort class. Old man with same tricks, the end, advertisement again to recruit "water fish"

2013-07-29 00:11


Mr Teh is cunning man... using this trick to lure traders newbie into his group....

2013-07-29 12:46


shirley, working as teacher for G depends on your level of education as well...

2013-07-29 14:50


Play contra lah if under paid,0 capital game :)

2013-07-29 14:53

Steve Jub

seem like it has been awhile cpteh is conducting trading lesson for his student. last time i nearly join. anyone join before can share the experience? i think his way is more toward technical analysis. but now i am more toward fundamental analysis.

2013-07-29 15:05


cheap publicity for an under-read blog

2013-07-29 15:20


Hustle run out of topic, under paid doesnt mean no money to play share @@

2013-07-29 15:21


Shhhh he is busying to get a better paid job now. Give him a break...

2013-07-29 15:22

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