My Trading Adventure

Selling Spree

Publish date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013, 11:52 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

KLCI rebounded 100plus points ... and we are no longer talking about Syria-War ... totally forgotten about Asian-Crisis-look-alike as currencies in Asian seen as being 'attacked' ... the foreign funds selling ... the feng-shui-chart being shared around as how BEARISH Sept could be ... seeing it go much lower till end of October ... while many singing "wake me up when sept ends" should be singing it as sept-begins. What-have-you ... think logically, when it dived ... do we BUY or SELL? 

Panic selling was seen in 28th AUG ... KLCI dived 40 points lower, but incredibly recovered well to form a hammer. great buying point.

Today is a selling day to me ... for more detail, will update at when I am free. Will be selling more tmr when it hit 1795. 1810 resistance? SELL all ...

happy festival-day. Do play tanglung.

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Agree with you on the TA view (double top in the making) since fundamental stays the same. If the CI manage to breakout at 1810 with volume ( which is unlikely), will that change your view?

2013-09-20 08:45


he is a con man la.. i dont know or dare not predict selling nor is a good idea or holding or buying .. but i can assure you all.. he is a con man... he only show you all his winning trade.. but many in his group trapped listening to his buy call... all his losses he will never share here....

2013-09-22 00:51

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