My Trading Adventure

Stock Watch : Benalec

Publish date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013, 11:26 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Benalec : Today it was actively traded ... dropped 8% plus to close at RM1, support. It touched 0.99 ... in somewhat a panic-selling. ... what is going on?

It is a falling-knife ... dare to catch?

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stupid maths teacher who thinks he knows the market to teach people…. brothers are fighting la internally… all fund are selling…. I was told this was your baby once a upon time… hahaha… Dear readers please see how STUPID your sifu is?? want to pay him & watch him trade ???? no matter how cheap i rather burn my money instead…. only those novice newbie who brain size of a peas would pay & join Mr Teh.

2013-11-22 00:28


I never buy into Benalec! This was hot stock back in June! Too many drama even fro the start!

2013-11-22 00:31


It's funny when market is in a bullish mood, all these so-called sifus will say how their prediction based on some bull crap candlestick inverted hammer or short term RSI Bullish Crossover have given them some good returns. But when the index turns south they suddenly talk about good wine, what magazines make a good read or our local politic.
Come on show us your losses too, what shares you got stuck and have to cut, fearing they may go down further.

2013-11-22 01:44


opportunity may present itself in a day or two. Lets wait and see....

2013-11-22 04:30


ripe for a rebound - BUY

2013-11-22 09:20

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