My Trading Adventure

Sunday Post

Publish date: Sun, 24 Nov 2013, 08:20 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
Good morning ... was too tired to jog today, slept after Arsenal's game ... they won 2-0, and firmly at the top. Gunner is the team to beat this year, not MU or Chelsea. Liverpool needs to maintain their consistency and pace. We shall watch ... Southampton is overbought and time for correction.

Books : This is for my new readers ... the book by William J. O'Neil is very good and comprehensive. I recommended that for my tratles-group. The new book by Adam is good too ... but if u need to buy only one, the orange-cover one is good enough. Do get both, if u could.

I will show more books that I am having, which I think will be good for novices ... FA and for TA.

In my previous post, I mentioned that we need to get some books ... regarding MINDSET.

Actually, it is more than mindset ... we need POSITIVE-ness in us to do well in anything, we need to be open-minded enough to learn, and must learn from basic ... good foundation placed. Those newbies SHOULD consider getting this first level(entry) right ... without being open-minded, being positive ... motivated, passionate to learn ... and experiences in trading, one could give-up too easily. Then, trading(or anything difficult in lives) will not be suitable. Share-market is not for everyone, those who like to make noises ... those who blame on others, making mockery of learning to improve and such ... there are plenty such individuals out there. Do choose the right mindset ... as entry-level.

Getting that motivation right might take months ... changing our habits or mindset will take TIME. Give yourself that time to change ... if you are into punting due to your gambling habit, stop that ... stop gambling(mahjong, cards, football games etc etc) before you go into markets as we will then to gamble in stock-markets if we have that gambling habits. Even stop the 4D ... clearing gambling-instinct from our systems is easier said than done. That takes discipline.

Understand the statistics ... 80% of them are losing money in markets. Find out WHY. List out those of good investors/traders. We can't be them ... but we can take our time to learn those good habits. Believe me, it is easier said than done ... we will fail a few times ... we may thought we learnt from them ... but, somehow, as humans, we might de-rail from our goals, our learning purposes .... it is only fair.

Getting a right trading group(s) is very important. Be selective of whom we are talking to ... is the group constructive, giving good sharings of infomation ... sharing of learning the skills, helping each other to be better. Do not expect much from others ... but they could give some morale support we needed. Trading is a 'lonely' game ... if we are doing things by ourselves. I was all alone when I was still back in KK(2008-2009) and just back to KL(2010-2011). Now, I am glad to form my own trading-group. I do gather information and learning from many of them. Great platform to learn too.

So, newbies should be starting to get their mindset right ... read some books about markets. Hey, if possible ... do not be in market yet. Market is topping ... at high valuations. It will be coming sharply in some years to come ... and make your journey into markets when market crashing down, and you have the bullets, knowledge ...prepared to act. Great.

Learn as much at current level, will ya?

Great Sunday ahead ... I do still have 2 classes today(as I postponed yesterday's classes due to the talk).


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1 person likes this. Showing 2 of 2 comments


good advice for newbies mr teh :)

2013-11-24 10:04


once a upon a man with no integrity no class once said… will leave i3 forum & take his post private… & bla bla bla… but he is still posting non stop… all those newbie easier manipulated into believing very single word he is saying… i feel sorry for the newbie… Mr. Teh tricks is to lure newbie with the motto NOT TO LOSE MONEY… ask him to show his portfolio if he dare … I know for sure he is currently sitting on paper loss… many stocks he traded all below his cost… is this the way NOT TO LOSE MONEY?? is he the one you newbie want to join & learn? get real guys….

2013-11-24 20:14

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