My Trading Adventure

I am a Malaysian

Publish date: Sun, 04 Sep 2016, 03:31 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Recently, I posted a Malay group --- Ekamatra (not a tips to buy EKA, in case you seen EKA was actively traded after I posted that. haha) ... someone wondered if I m half-Malay. haha ... no-la, I m pure Chinese ... china-ah-pek fella, mixed with Malay (was from Malay school too) during Uni-time and also after grads ... liking Malay cultured family (rather than money-minded Chinese family) ...

... and being a Malaysian, I like Indian's tabla.

Yes ... tabla ... I learnt before for a short-while as one of my ex-gf was an Indian. Don't believe, right? Yeah .... I went thru such exciting, interesting ... out-of-norm kinda life ... and still NOT doing at 'normal'. I make sure I do not conform to the society and do what I like, explore and learn. Experience. So ... I have many stories to share ... just not your normal 'lecturer' kinda book-worm boring Math-geek. Haha.

She was a Bharatanatyam dancer (different from Odissi) and enjoyed Indian culture.

This is one Chinese song (Sporean) I like very much ...

Minute 2:09 ... I think I heard the sound of tabla there in this song!! Then ... continuously from here ... you could hear the beat ... of TABLA.

ok ... time to read my book : STUDYING ... for coming exams.

This is the book for today ... 2-3 hours.


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What the #&!$ is this?...You call this My Trading Adventure or trading past multiracial gf adventure?

2016-09-04 17:20


Bet your e-meeting tonight will be very active and raunchy; My Past Multiracial GF Adventure - Cheap Mindset; tonight's topic right? Ok will try to join.

2016-09-04 17:30


meathere, mind to share why do you keep bashing this guy here? If you don't like what's he writing, just don't open his links or click the "x" on the top right of your monitor if u have accidently clicked on it. I don't see the need for being so rude and spiteful. Thank you

2016-09-04 17:56


After so many time ppl including myself have given friendly suggestions, constructive comments, reminded him i3 is about investment/shares/money matters etc but get ignored or never try to change for the better; so after sometime you can see it turn to what seem like bashing. Some of his write-up absolutely no relevant to investment or not useful whatsoever but his subject/title will be misleading and when you read till the end you found nothing of substance or just kopitiam chat of what he doing at that time like waiting the wife shopping or just mention the description of a topic but never about how ppl can utilize it to become a better investor or pros n cons of the tool, topic, etc.

I thought i3 is the platform to share methodology, discuss ideas of investment/share etc and not a personal blog for self praising n self promoting your own business/venture, or just your kopitiam chat blogging to past time.

Is about respecting the i3 platform, value add, do not mislead ppl is why you think I keep bashing him. (Actually I do not against him personally, I just don't agree that his majority posts are abusing i3 usage for his own personal agenda or just no value add)

2016-09-05 11:58


Can anyone honestly say this post 'I am a Malaysian' is:

1) Value add to i3
2) Appropriate for i3
3) Relevant to money matters, shares, investment

You have freedom to write anything in your mind, but choose the correct place (platform) and time.

2016-09-05 12:10


Meathere: Yeah, I agree some of his postings are not actually investment type articles. Maybe it's because he's a TA guy so sometimes he just posts some chart and talks resistance/support/blah-blah. I'm no TA guy but sometimes I find his other postings fun to read and a different flavour than some so-called investment articles/recommendations to buy articles in i3. I3 would be a boring place if everyone is discussing P/E, ROI, WACC, ROIC, CAGR, FCF, PATAMI, etc. Chill there, there's more to life than making money in the share market...Just my 2cents

2016-09-05 16:46

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