My Trading Adventure

US election : Hillary to win?

Publish date: Tue, 08 Nov 2016, 08:40 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Morning ... DOW up 370 points. It is un-certain now due to US-election but a news regarding e-mail, DOW gap up ... so, market is favouring Clinton!! Hard to BET ... I closed off my long. sigh.

Gadang is being the talk in town at the moment .... heard that KYY and Coldeye sold their stakes. Very high volume selling yesterday ... broken RM2.80.

We could be trapped inside ... if we are un-aware of those 'news' and followed blindly into 'hear-say'. I have had my share of these experiences ... we all do mistakes, but what we do at the moment could determine our 'survival'.

I m staying aside ... can't take the losses as I m adopting 'Not lose = win" mentality.

The fear of losing is greater than the greed of profiting.

Time to go lepak ... not to watch is the best.

Will be back once election over, we shall check on Bersih-rally fear next.

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I thought you sold everything and prepared for market crash? Seems that your hand itchy, went long and lost money again.

2016-11-08 09:59


If you keep going long with the mindset that market is going to crash, you can never hold on to your winning position and cut losses short. That is why you keep earning few cents on winning trades and lost bucks on losing trades. One tip for you cpteh.

2016-11-08 10:01


Bear in mind that u have sold yr son's second hand bicycle, no more bicycle to sell

2016-11-08 10:01


have you forgotten yr nightmare in Oil n Gas in 2014/2015?

2016-11-08 10:02


One itchy finger to press Buy and the money from old bicycle is gone....

2016-11-08 10:03


Better watch the Movie The Big Crash again n's free...

2016-11-08 10:07


Emotion of Cpteh is constantly manipulated by the market. we like more this kind of people in the market. yummy

2016-11-08 10:57

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