My Trading Adventure

June 3 : HengYuan and PetronM

Publish date: Mon, 03 Jun 2019, 05:55 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

5.45pm : crazy ... KLCI GREEN and forced me to cutloss my shorts in FKLI, but to maintain some, to short higher. bad day in shorting FKLI but good for my shorts in FCPO. Very volatile and crazy moments ... DOW-futures was minus 200 ...rebounded to minue 90plus now.

HengYuan : Now it is more obvious to talk about EUPHORIA in this one ... nothing to do with single-PER or refinery-oil ... or even related to oil prices leh. That is mere common sense ...

it is called : PUMP ... and DUMP.

I m still waiting for HengYuan to be back to RM3 level ... then, NO ONE would be interested with HengYuan for years to come ... it is called : CRASH.

If any retailers stuck up there, still holding. Blame yourself. Nothing else or whoever you wish to point your fingers too ...

PetronM : As HengYuan pumped ... so, PetronM ...also followed and many so-called sifu-bloggers telling you the single PER and cheap ... be aware of such people and never get misled again by them. If you bought up there and stuck ... check on them, why you bought and etc.

we called this : PROXY-play.

Stock market is defnitely a cruel place to be in ... if one is without knowledge and experiences. You have to stay around, reading and watching for few years ... then you will understand the WHYs .... and HOWs. Learn the rules of the games ... as soon.

NEVER buy and hold due to single PER. NEVER believe whatever you read out there ... with 80-90% losers out there ... be aware of many sharks.

Will continue the waterfall list ... tonight if I m in mood.


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If technical chart can making you rich, i already living poor by now, after 30 years in bursa but know nothing about any chart!!!


2019-06-04 08:49

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