Publish date: Sat, 04 May 2013, 11:54 PM
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This is a blog to discuss Malaysia Economic and Politic news

We Malaysians stand today on the brink of history. We have reached the final day of a historic campaign that will change our country forever. Throughout Malaysia, we have seen hundreds of thousands of people of all ethnicities come to our ceramahs. The response in frontline states such as Johor, Sabah and Sarawak, the heartland and fortresses of Umno and Barisan Nasional, has been tremendous and inspiring.

To the rakyat and supporters of Pakatan Rakyat, we thank you for your faith, your courage, and your committment. This is a campaign built on the millions of small and large sacrifices that you have all made. It humbles me and all leaders in Pakatan Rakyat. 

Sunday’s election will mark the decisive step in an amazing, peaceful, democratic revolution that will take Malaysia into a new era. 
Let us go out to vote in strength on Sunday for candidates in Keadilan, PAS and DAP. 

A few instructions that will help us win: 

  1. Encourage all your friends, family and neighbours to cast their ballots because every vote counts
  2. Know where your polling station is. Double and triple check your voting status. Plan a route to the polling station and do consider traffic
  3. Vote as early in the day as possible. Polling starts at 8 AM and an early vote helps us to defend against voter fraud
  4. Do not be intimidated by those who try to scare or threaten you, we are here to defend the rights of all Malaysians 
  5. Believe that your vote will change the future of our country and when you check the box on your ballot your act will be written into the history of Malaysia

In preparation for our first few months of government, I am releasing a Pakatan Rakyat Roadmap outlining key actions that we will undertake in order to fulfill our manifesto promises. As I have always emphasized, the focus of this roadmap must be pro-rakyat  and consist of measures that will have both immediate impact, and long-term benefits. These are reforms that BN has never dared to implement, but Pakatan Rakyat has the courage to do so – reforms that will bring back a renaissance, a genuine merdeka and democracy to Malaysia.

You can read the 100 Day Plan here at Please share it with everyone who you know. 

I want assure all Malaysians not to fear. This transition will not only be historic, but also peaceful. Pakatan Rakyat’s Security Advisory Council of former generals and police will help myself and other Pakatan Rakyat leaders through the process.


I warn the Election Commission again - the rakyat will not tolerate any electoral fraud. Be vigilant of all suspicious activities. We must ensure that only Malaysians will decide the fate of our nation, and Insyallah, we will succeed.


Our nation is a land of promise and fulfillment. Seize your destiny. Ini kali lah!


Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim
May 4, 2013

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