
【分享】SAM: 5.2億新合同!36億合同在手

Publish date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 03:30 PM
依般若波羅蜜多故 心無罣礙 無罣礙故 無有恐怖 遠離顛倒夢想 究竟涅槃





31億的舊訂單加上現在的5.2億, 總數36億的訂單在手,縱觀 Bursa, 如今到底有幾家公司現在有36億的訂單?


有資訊的朋友分享一下, 我接觸的公司少, 營業額超過100億的公司不是沒有,不過感覺上手中有長期如此大量訂單的應該不超過10家吧?


對於一家市值不超過5億的公司來說, 實屬不易了。 不禁令人佩服Termasek戰略眼光。


這次訂單主要提供給Airbus 320neo family(包括A319NEO, A320NEO, A321NEO) 的飛機引擎, 現在A320NEO Airbus的現有訂單有3891臺。 沒記錯Airasia就定了300多臺。


而且, 是美金訂單。。。之後的Exchange Gain應該對SAM的營業額與現金流都有很正面的影響。


強烈譴責ICON8888, ROSMAN, PINDAN 逍遙子, 你們不是說2億新訂單嗎, 怎麼變5億了(開個玩笑, 還是很感謝你們提供我這個沒有辦法出席AGM的人這麼多資訊)。



还是那个坏习惯, 新订单都不再BURSA公布, 自在自己官网分享。

有兴趣的可以连接SAM公司网站, 了解详情。


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5 people like this. Showing 7 of 7 comments


Sorry sorry said too low the contract value XD

2015-08-28 16:06


haha, since u feel sorry, ur punishment will be help us pushing the price to rm8 on monday

2015-08-28 19:42


This is the sales number, how about the margin?

2015-08-28 22:17


current Net margin average around 10% and improving after reach economic of scale(personal estimation)

2015-08-29 03:09

Tee Tom

From the annual report, it mentioned that the aero manufacturing is running full now. Sam have so huge order backlog, the sweet problem is how it able to turn it to the profit in the shortest time. You have mentioned that it proposed to build a new plant 2017 at Batu Kawan. But 2017....em....is it too long in contrast to the huge order backlog? What is the short term solution for the management team, i am not sure.

2015-08-29 05:17


Sam have alternative plant or way to speed up and deliver their order? If not, as a buyer definitely wont issue Purchase order or contract to them!

2015-08-29 07:12


Tee and Ong, thx for the feedback, u 2 mention the most realistic problem: capacity. and your point is true. they just can not boost their capacity and productivity overnight. Factory planing is under pipeline. and 2017 is less than 1.5 years away.i expected the sales growth will steady growth before that and boost after new plant set.

and furthermore, well and long establish company like GE, and Boeing, i dun see any reason they will giving huge order to the supplier without access their capacity and planing.

after all, some of the above is under my estimation, like Factory build and current capacity.

but the things for sure is their customer base and backlog order.

sure you can buy after factory set up completed, if you think the price will be down further before 2017, due to market slump. sure you can wait.

i have no position to suggest how you invest your money and i got no clue whether price will be even lower.

for me, i always bad luck in guessing and buying at lowest point, so i buy in when i feel it worth to buy, since the company provide clear picture of next 5 years improvement (mayb thats why i having big loss on airasia, haha)

and welcome to give more suggestion and discussion, this help me a lot to clear my mind and review my decision

2015-08-29 11:56

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