Bursa Co. announcement website has not function properly, e.g. today, after reading the 1st. page co.annoucement on 05Dec, the 2nd page (or next) goes to 14Sep, anyone knows how to continue to read the following pages after 1st page?
This has been happened since last week, although it was rectified later, it happens repeatedly.
The search function is also not working now, no one experiences this?
Created by firehawk | Apr 05, 2020
Today the site back to normal view, after more than 2 weeks in glitch .... this is how GLC performs .....
Anyway, seemed that not many i3 users concern ......
2022-12-20 22:51
is not function properly again .... a so important website, after so long time still unable to solve an issue, is a very good example on how efficiency and capability of our gov /GLC staffs .........
2023-01-03 21:15
Bursa Co. announcement website has not function properly, e.g. today, after reading the 1st. page co.annoucement on 05Dec, the 2nd page (or next) goes to 14Sep, anyone knows how to continue to read the following pages after 1st page?
This has been happened since last week, although it was rectified later, it happens repeatedly.
The search function is also not working now, no one experiences this?
2022-12-05 21:30