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Francis Yeoh eldest son marriage Taiwan legislation speaker's daughter 王金平的女婿是杨忠礼的长孙杨恭耀 - Peter Chen

Tan KW
Publish date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013, 04:37 PM
Tan KW
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 YTL Corporation's Francis Yeoh eldest son Mr Jacob Yeoh marriged Taiwan legislation speaker Wang Jin-pyng's 's daughter.

Younger brother of Ruth Yeoh, Mr Jacob Yeoh杨恭耀, the eldest son of Tan Sri Francis Yeoh, is deputy CEO of the telecommunications firm. In charge of Yes 4G WiMAX technology.

Taiwan legislation speaker Wang Jin-pyng has been condemns by President Ma Ying-jeou in alleged interference in a legal case infringement" of the independence of Taiwan's judiciary

Legislative Yuan Speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平) could be ejected from the Kuomintang (KMT) at a disciplinary meeting this Wednesday over allegations of illegal lobbying in a lawsuit. His ejection from the part would also result in him losing his seat as legislator-at-large and his position as speaker, according to a KMT source..

中新网9月10日电 据台湾中天电视报道,高挺的鼻子,斯文的脸庞,眉宇中流露挡不住的自信,他正是王金平的女婿,马来西亚YTL集团富三代杨恭耀,在马来西亚算是标准的高富帅。



据悉,杨忠礼祖籍金门,2011年他曾经回到故乡金门,参加公益活动,杨忠礼经营的YTL集团,在马来西亚被评选为最有影响力的企业,旗下囊括房地产 多家知名酒店,基础建设、能源产业,加上通讯公司,身家高达1700亿新台币,牵动大马经济!


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... they marry got influence the share price meh?

2013-09-10 17:08


Wakakakakakakakakakakakaka......Jerry....very true question.....

2013-09-10 17:09


dont play play..maybe can get a power station, water n internet service contract in Taiwan..LoL...

2013-09-10 17:26


read, the father in law is in BIG trouble d.
may need to seek refuge in Bolehland oo.

2013-09-10 20:13

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