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Datasonic - don't mess with her - UncleZ M'sia

Tan KW
Publish date: Wed, 25 Jun 2014, 11:54 PM
Tan KW
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Wednesday, 25 June 2014 

Datasonic is not without fundamental. The prospect is clear as day light. The previous events of UMA, newspaper speculation, over exaggerate comments on its stock price, and most important - envy, had somehow killed the sentiment of DSonic for the last 2 months or so. But don't mess with her. She got substance. Not an empty vessel. She will bounce back and bounce back she will.


Now its stock price is trading around RM2.00 as I write this. This is equivalent to about RM4.00 before ex-bonus. Let's re-examine the chart. When was its stock price traded and closed above RM4.00? It was between 26.3.2014 to 03.4.2014. That was only for 7 days! It was hit with limit-down on the next day 04.4.2014. How many had bought during those 7 fateful days? If you have bought during those 7 days, ask yourself what is the reason. There is no right or wrong reason. Whatever reason it may be, it should make you better understand your investment philosophy. 

Its stock price is now back to RM4.00 level. I don't see anymore negative comments now unlike the previous round when it touched RM4.00 and the negative comments got intensified when it hit RM4.50.


It is a very good lesson to learn from this episode. First - invest in stock based on value investing principle will never get you wrong. Second - have patience. Third - invest for long term. Fourth - don't speculate hoping to make quick profit in quick time.


Time and time again has proven that if you invested based on value investing principle, you will always at the winning side. Presbhd, OCK, and Ecoworld just to name a few. SCable, Hovid and Caring will be my next new story. It is not a question of will it happens, but it is a question of when only if you could wait a little longer. By the way, the first batch of some few hundreds towers job is pending announcement. Let's wait with abated breath.


Someone asked whether I buy more or sell when its price limit down previously. I posted my thought on this on 20.4.2014. Here. To recap, I have invested another 20% units at RM3.70 after it was hit with limit down. And my patience paid off in just 2 months. When the company's fundamental is as clear as daylight, nothing will sway me to part with my old flame.


My friend suggested that I should have sold at high RM4.87 and buy back later when it drops. That is definitely excellent thing to be able to do. But I just don't have the luck neither I am a stock expert to time the market. I am still learning.



Its price closed new high post-bonus-issue at RM2.02 on 25.06.2014.


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2 people like this. Showing 4 of 4 comments

JT Yeo

Hm there is no value investing in Ecoworld at current price, that's just speculative investing.

2014-06-26 05:27


Doesn't matter! as long as you make money! I come across this radio talk show. It will give you some heads up on ecowrld

2014-06-26 10:42

JT Yeo

Doesn't matter? Maybe you will make money before your luck runs thin

2014-06-26 12:00


Don't mess means don't buy lo?

2014-06-27 12:53

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