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[转贴] 200亿马币带来的金钱盛宴? 但是,但是,钱从那里来?? - Harryt30

Tan KW
Publish date: Mon, 14 Sep 2015, 10:25 PM
Tan KW
0 482,815

今天相信很多人看到大马首相宣布,政府股票投資公司將獲得200億令吉(46億美元) 的資金去扶持股市。股市在2.30p.m.开市过后直接飙升到1630点左右,这就是因为政府扶市的效果。看看下图的蓝筹股,全部都是绿油油。而 TENAGA更是上涨了86仙,占据了10大上升的榜单的榜首,蓝筹股也占据了上升榜的半壁江山。

不过我告诉自己要懂得“独立思考”,这个消息带来的影响又会是什么??首先,假设马来 西亚股市的总市值是15,000亿,而昨天Bursa Director Miss Ong在松大报告会里分享的数据是,外资在8月底的持股是23.1%左右。200亿相等于马股市值的1.3%,其实可以算是比较大的浪花了。

记得中国之前豪气地丢了几千亿人民币救市吗??结果好像也没有什么效果??但是这里是 马来西亚而不是中国,我们的“国家队“是非常强劲的!他们只要"选择性"地去救15家公司,股市KLCI就可以上涨个100 - 200点。今天的TENAGA,SIME, PETDAG以及FGV就是最好的例子。


再仔细一看,你有没有发现自己的股票组合“好像”没有什么起色。最多只是持平,甚至有 好多家都是红通通的。很简单,因为你所持有的不是GLC的公司,也就是所谓的官联股。其实200亿的作用只是要推高马来西亚KLCI指数,其他2 - 3线的小型股,只能自己吃自己。只要我国的指数回到1700点以上,政府就可以很大声地说我们救市成功了。可是回头一看,可能80%的小型股都在酷酷挣 扎。



还有,我有位朋友在早上LONG了KLCI Future,不久前出货了。短短的时间4位数入口袋,衷心的恭喜他。这就股市的魅力啦!



3 people like this. Showing 6 of 6 comments


value cap can be a fund manager, not owner

EPF, Khazanah and PNB subscribe for the fund

that is where the money will come from

actually it is not new money

EPF and PNB might have already earmarked those money for equity market investment, but now it is done through Valuecap

2015-09-15 12:25


钱从那里来?? Donation lar, don't ask this kind of question lar

2015-09-15 12:27


Under previous Prime Minister, Valuecap is a credible name. It invested responsibly and hold very long term, making the risk of losing money very low (I know that because Valuecap's name used to appear in many annual reports over many years, until the government gradually wind it down)

Don't jump into conclusion and be cynical about Valuecap, the concept of Valuecap was credible and win win for everybody (in its previous life)

However, all these depend on the Top People also (you know who I am referring to). Hopefully, he doesn't have evil intention and tried to operate Valuecap "differently"

That is all I can say

2015-09-15 12:31


agreed with Icon, don't be so emotional, look at thing objectively

2015-09-15 12:33


Of coz la, Icon is calling klci, but im putting klci, thumbs down to Valuecap.

Buying 30 components 能有什么作为?u keep buying, funds keep selling.

Unless u learn from Beijing, limit big funds outflow at the same time in flow the money. But still no legs

2015-09-16 00:14


Valuecap didn't go in and made splash like what people imagined

Most of the time, you won't be able to detect its activities

It is actually quite low key

Those who anticipate wave and wave of buying will be disappointed

2015-09-16 14:41

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