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Changing Ekovest-WB to Ekovest - felicity

Tan KW
Publish date: Thu, 04 May 2017, 11:10 PM
Tan KW
0 513,688

Thursday, May 4, 2017 

I am not here to proof a point but purely taking a position that Ekovest-WB's pricing is 20 cents different to Ekovest (the warrant exercise price is RM0.48). Hence, with all these fluctuations, I have decided to sell Ekovest-WB and buy Ekovest. Let's call it I decided to do my exercise this morning at a 28 sen discount.

On whether Ekovest can be purchased as at now fresh from the news of Bandar Malaysia's termination, I actually do not know.

It is true that Ekovest has many ongoing projects and there are higher likelihoods that they may not be terminated. In fact, the SPE has already commenced and DUKE 2 is completing soon.

In this debacle, one will also see the benefits of EPF being a project shareholder for DUKE 1 and 2, as it is harder for government to terminate a contract with EPF as shareholder.

The reason I am also sticking to the share is that I do not see enough details to sell the shares especially fresh from my earlier article last month. This I want to proof a point. Fundamentally, there are not much difference. I am not here to share with you that I am a good trader, which I am not. In fact, in writing this blog, I have some responsibility to share my experience in evaluating situations and businesses. I may be right - I may be wrong in some situations - but hopefully there are much more rights than wrongs.

Physically the group which also include IWCITY, there may be some impact which I cannot deliberate too much. It all depends on the owners and management as some may take a different approach like expanding overseas rather than locally. Some may take it with stride and move on with another project.

Definitely, I do not know what's behind the scene. However, in my opinion a large scale project such as Bandar Malaysia, there sure are many challenges. I do not see money as the largest concern especially for the purchase of the land which costs more than RM7.4 billion. It is a huge sum but with a partner which involves CREC, it is doable. Let's just say, as a government, there are many ways to kill a project.


Anyway, I do not have the clout to comment much on this but to continue looking for good investments.

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1 person likes this. Showing 12 of 12 comments


Post removed.Why?

2017-05-04 23:29

Apollo Ang

knusford is a distance cousin, TSR and PLS is a no relationship, but Ekovest and IWCity is abang adik,everyone knows that except u ar?

2017-05-04 23:32


Its hard to see your logic.

But if you say you are arbitraging i may buy your idea. (volume too small though)

2017-05-04 23:37


how much is a share worth if without X factor?

especially if the share rise is on the X factor as much as on fundamentals.

2017-05-04 23:41

John Lu

Waiting at 80 for ekovest

2017-05-05 07:27


Agree with John Lu, waiting ekovest at 80

2017-05-05 07:44


Hope for another limit down?

2017-05-05 08:59


Being proactive, smart move .

2017-05-05 10:32


Agree with sale of Ekovest WB, but with the ongoing uncertainty maybe better to wait at the sideline and watch Ekovest. If no can do, there is always DRB etc etc etc

2017-05-05 15:48

Jonathan Keung

sometimes opportunity comes knocking ( who dare to take the risk reap the benefits ) good luck

2017-05-05 16:23


sometimes catch failing knife, mine as well catch the start of uptrend confirmation?
no doubt failing knife may rebound but still uncertain while start of uptrend confirmation has a already "confirmed".
Sometimes, have to take profit but if cut loss on this counter, i have no comment.

2017-05-06 18:02


2 kali 5 Sama dengan 5 kali 2

2017-05-06 22:06

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