Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Can Malaysians Look Forward to a Better Year? Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015, 10:33 PM
Koon Yew Yin
0 1,424
An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

Our Prime Minister is said to have had a “annus horribilis”. He will probably be very happy when this stressful year for him comes to an end.

Malaysians who are not familiar with this Latin term may have dirty thoughts when hearing the term for the first time. They should be excused for thinking of rude or four letter words when cursing the BN government for making the lives of so many Malaysians so hard and miserable.

It is safe to say that our Prime Minister is not alone in his year of disaster and misfortune. Millions of Malaysians are having it worse – much worse. At least the PM's personal bank account has increased by RM2.6 billion. But pity him - let's not forget that much of this money has had to be  distributed to UMNO leaders including members of parliament, state assemblymen, supreme council members, division leaders, bloggers, media experts, etc. Much of it has also gone to various consultants, and even more to CON-SULTANS such as Jho Low.

This FAY-LOH as he is popularly known in less polite circles seems to have played out the Prime Minister, the entire cabinet and the whole MDB board as well as Bank Negara, etc. Wah – that was one hell of a scam. It deserves to go into the Guinness Book of Records for the sheer size and audacity of the scam, especially the super yacht Mediterranean excursion. But I guess that will never happen. 

As for the ordinary rakyat, the list of complaints against the government will run into several pages and is getting longer by the day. Every day it appears that there is a new scandal or case of corruption.

Meanwhile our Minister of Integrity in the PM's Department, Senator Paul Low Seng Kuan aka Corruption Hunter King of Malaysia has said that he would be out of  a job if Malaysians were “god-fearing” and held themselves accountable for their own actions.

The minister, who holds the portfolio of promoting governance and integrity, said that if all Malaysians possess that trait, even Cabinet members would not dare abuse the power entrusted in them and would instead practice good governance.

That to me is one of the most stupid statements of the year!

Tax payers like me and readers are paying big bucks for Paul Low's salary, car and driver allowance, local and overseas travel, medical, pension entitlement, etc so that he takes his job seriously and works hard at catching the crooks, especially the big time ones. But our crocodile man seems to be able to catch only small or baby crocs. The big crocs seem to be able to get away with lots of cash and apparently even murder!  

And what can he come up with to explain his inability to do his job properly - Malaysians are not god fearing!

He seems to be implying that since Muslims are god-fearing, Christians are god-fearing and  Hindus are god-fearing therefore all other Malaysians such as Taoists or Buddhists or others who do not believe in god are the ones responsible for corrupt activities.

Corruption has nothing to do with whether one is god-fearing or not. Ask any ordinary Malaysian who or what is the cause of corruption and I am sure you will hear an earful about “condos for cows”, “submarines which cannot dive”, “MARA property fraud in Melbourne”, and many more which have been kept out of the news headlines. If absence of “god fearing” is Paul Low's reasoning, he should close shop, resign from his position asap and save tax payers from having to bear the cost of keeping a PM, UMNO and BN fearing minister in the cabinet. 

But we have bigger problems than Paul Low.

As if the  pain of having to pay GST to make up for the big hole in our national finances caused by 1MDB and other scams is not bad enough, our oil, gas, palm oil and commodity exports are doing badly. Plus our ringgit has been dropping like a stone. Maybe it is because the whole nation is not God fearing.

Thank God the ringgit has steadied somewhat during the last month. Let's pray together with Paul Low that the cabinet ministers practice good governance and do not abuse the trust and power entrusted to them. Those with children studying abroad must pray harder as their ringgit shrinks in foreign currency terms.

Oftentimes prayer is not enough. What we need to do is kick the responsible party in the backside. But even that does not seem to be working.

So for this coming year I urge Malaysians not only to rely on prayers or on delivering the government and authorities a kick in the backside.

I suggest we kick BN out altogether and elect a new government the quickest opportunity we have.

For a better year, we need a better government – that is a change of government.

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11 people like this. Showing 49 of 49 comments


Uncle Kyy...i support you!!

2015-12-25 22:47


During CNY, I go Meru visit you ok?

2015-12-25 22:47


Hopefully year 2016 would be like year 2006-07...hehe

2015-12-25 22:56


They can ... On one condition: They stop reading & believing all the crrapy boeullshhit constantly & regularly being posted by KYY on I3 Forum ...

2015-12-25 22:57


DreamCruiser why u always cari pasal with my uncle Kyy?

2015-12-25 22:58


Aik, siapa yg cari pasal pulak tu ... Gua bukan cari pasal ... Gua just responding to whatever KYY is posting, according to how gua honestly feel & believe gua should respond ... Ini maciam pun lu ciakap cari pasal geh ...

Just exactly the same principle that is guiding KYY, as I very much believe ... So, if KYY can do it, so can DreamCruiser ...

2015-12-25 23:04


Why u always critic my Sifu Kyy?

2015-12-25 23:06


Post removed.Why?

2015-12-25 23:08


Why I cannot criticise your crrappy sifu ah ... He God ah ...

2015-12-25 23:09


I 100% agreed and support whatever Uncle Kyy mentioned in this article

2015-12-25 23:09


Good for you la, KoonBee ... Next time cops go take him put him into lock-up at Dang Wangi also, make sure you 100% follow him also la hor ... Hor ...

2015-12-25 23:13


The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom...King Solomon. If someone fears God, he/she will do justly, show mercy and walk humbly before God. Not using the name of God in vain to achieve his/ her political expediency.

2015-12-25 23:13


Thank you, Uncle KYY. You have my 100% respect and salute.

2015-12-25 23:15


Deng politic lagi....
Tot got stock recommendation for year 2016

Another useless article

2015-12-25 23:15


Uncle Kyy, only less than 1% of member critic you...you still have 99%+ stand with you & support u...keep it up uncle Kyy

2015-12-25 23:20


Salute la itu KYY, 10,000% pun lu poleh salute lia leihh ... Siapa yg petuli ...

2015-12-25 23:23


Let the gas and electric tariff go up and hurt every business chains and we will feel the heat from hyper inflation ahead of us

2015-12-25 23:55


Vote out the ruling party?
As if the voting system will be working.
It is a waste of effort to try to fix a system
We should learn to adjust our life to suit the system instead.
Hyper-inflation? Just deal with it.

2015-12-26 00:00


It is ok we can still afford to have three meal each day and may be smaller portion to fill the stomach, as long as there is food to be put on the table, why should we complaint so much. We aren't going into a complete Darwin rule and everyday there is the need to worry about hunting food from the jungle.

2015-12-26 00:08


If you are running out of cash to support a family
We still have this BR1M financial assistance facilities, this BR1M will be distributed into every household, and it is enough to last for a year for your most basic living cost need.
Why do you need to worry about being starve to die?

2015-12-26 00:17


speedy....this is not the time or the place to talk bad about Lim Elder.

I think you deserve the support of all Malaysians.

2015-12-26 03:16


<I think you deserve the support of all Malaysians.@>

sorry...it is...I think they deserve the support of all Malaysian

2015-12-26 03:18


unfortunately, speedyboy has a point.

DAP has a high support already for the Chinese majority.
In order to success, we need the non-Chinese support.

I know that DAP keep on promoting their works for "Malaysian", but others' don't recognize DAP as a multi-racial party yet. Maybe only the city dwellers will recognize their effort, but not the sub-urban and rural folks.

To win the GE, DAP and their alliance MUST go for the sub-urban + rural folks heart, and win them from BN.

2015-12-26 08:02


Yeah...LGE will win again to lead Penang for at least next 20 years

2015-12-26 08:32


The one who really destroyed Malaysia is that Apanama. Najib and his forty thieves are the result of his Ketuanan Melayu policy. He made sure the non-malays are totally obliterated from the running of the government so that they can do what they want. They effectively removed Chinese leaders from the history books. The sad thing is that they are still they in all government department doing their dirty work.

2015-12-26 10:14


Unless dap change a Malay or Indian as chief instead of the lim, maybe got chances

2015-12-26 11:08


The perception is too strong

2015-12-26 11:09


It is not all doom and gloom, think positive and do what is right for our beloved country Malaysia.

December 21st 2015, Wan Saiful Wan Jan - CEO of IDEAS, in an interview with the edge, propounded that we should stop being so dependent on politician from all parties. For decades, our society has been waiting for a saviour politician whom we think will change everything. It is as if when the “right” person takes over, then all our problems will be solved.

This is wrong and we must change this attitude. Instead we must realise that we as a society are the ones who hold true power and the politicians are nothing but people whose salaries we pay. We should demand that they behave like our workers and stop behaving like our masters.

For them to change, we must change the way we view them first.

Referred to the most famous speech given by President Abraham Lincoln – “Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”

Here’s wishing you all good health, peace, love and prosperity throughout 2016.

2015-12-26 12:07


Post removed.Why?

2015-12-26 22:45


Speedy is fast.....

To holland and back

2015-12-26 22:49


World oil price drop. Petrol should go down next month.

2015-12-26 22:58


MCA boo boys will always find faults with Dap.

2015-12-26 22:59


1000 stocks narrowed down to less than 10.

Makes life easier.

Make or lose, don't blame anyone.

2015-12-26 23:13


If the bandit still around, I doubt the shares can move high cos the foreign funds are out of the country,and since they are no foreign funds to compete with local funds, the shares will only selective movement. Maybe the shares will move high during the comming pre election .Another word we have to wait abt 3 yrs from now.

2015-12-27 16:15


With only the support of majority English educated Chinese here in i3, no way you can change the government. Even with all Chinese in Malaysia. Back to basic, go and convince the rural people to change BN/UMNO and they would look at you like you are from outer space.

2015-12-27 23:53


mr cool, politics is not a 100 meters race, but a way of life, A life long journey.

2015-12-28 02:21


politics in most cases is not just about winning, but also about the journey.

2015-12-28 02:22


Posted by andychucky28 > Dec 26, 2015 10:58 PM | Report Abuse

World oil price drop. Petrol should go down next month.
AndyChicken AndyChowkia ... That is just like saying, 'Since river water can be had for free, then electricity should also be had for free' ...

2015-12-28 03:50


Then we should look into solar energy for electricity.

2015-12-28 04:45


Dudes, especially the Dikkheadocratic Arrogance Party minions among ya all ... Grow up & get real ...

Your favourite party is now Deposed, Exhausted, Asphyxiated & Degraded Party ... Just work out the acronym yourself ...

2015-12-28 07:41


90% chinese already voted DAP still cannotttttt win aarrrr...then forget about it lahhhh

2015-12-28 07:51


Dat's right ... Forget about it ...

2015-12-28 07:54


How you know 90%, BTW ... You only talk ...

2015-12-28 07:55


don't lie lah, many chinese businessman that i know 90% voted for BN because of stability where they can continue make $$.

2015-12-28 10:00


Post removed.Why?

2015-12-28 10:51


Write a comment..Uncle Koon YY, i received your site add from Dato' Ong BK,an old boy of MBS. Perhaps ,you are too. I wrote to Dato' requesting for scholarship to help my son who is pursuing a three year architectural course at Taylor's Lakeside Uni at a cost of rm120k for three years but was politely turned down as he mentioned that his hands are full at the moment helping out many others in KL area. i wonder if you have the heart to help out my son to pursue his dreams of becoming an architect without fear gripping at him whether he will be able to last out every semester depending on his father's meagre income. Only last year, my daughter who has just completed her PT3 (Form 3) exam managed to gain a place to study in S'pore this year after passing her AEIS Entrance exam and is placed at Yio Chu Kang Secondary School to further her Sec 3 as I personally feel our education system is going to the dogs with all the flip flop decision made pertaining to the switch back to Malay medium for the teaching of Maths and Science and also English at SPM level no longer made compulsory this year as was originally announced. I'm currently an English teacher in MBS having taught in MBS for the last 21 years. I can be reached at pgf2355@yahoo.com.
Thks for reading. May God bless you.

2016-01-06 00:47


Richardcheng, I only help people who are earning less than Rm 3,000 per month and the students are studying in local universities. Rm 120,000 for 3 years is for rich man. Many local universities charges much less. In UTAR a 3 year degree course the fee is about Rm 36,000. Moreover all Malaysian irrespective of race can get a Government loan called PTPTN loan which carries an interest rate of 2% pa.

All Government controlled universities cost less than UTAR.

If you know of any people who are earning less than Rm 3,000 per month and their children are willing to study in local universities, please ask them to write to my wife kitpheng@gmail.com who is in charge of my charity work and she will respond within 24 hours.

All my scholarship recipients do not require to work for me or return me the money I spent for their higher education. But they must promise me that they must remember that I helped them when they are poor and when they have spare money they should help other poor people. I hope when I die many of my scholarship recipients will keep their promise to help poor people.

2016-01-06 03:56


To Uncle KYY and wife the only thing that I can utter out of my mind, heart and mouth is May God Bless You both for all your GOOD DEEDS and charities done.

2016-01-06 04:38


yes, god bless! Accrd 2 a teaching (which many think is a religion) Mr Koon's intention-less generosity has benefited a lot & he'll b born v golden, not silver, spoon in his next few lives, if not born in heaven ^_^

2016-01-06 11:27

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