

Justin Ngo
Publish date: Sat, 26 Jul 2014, 11:11 PM




有眼光,买到好股这里的好股就是会赚到钱的股,不管公司基本面好不好),这是一个大家都期待的。但是买到好股,也要有耐心等。因此,我认为眼光和耐心要加在一起,缺一不可。好眼光 + 能耐心可让您财富增长。在看到有赚到钱的当儿,您会是立刻就卖了,还是有耐心的再等下去,也成为重要的关键。




我的没耐心,让我看到而吃不到。去年的八月,买了novamsc 。那时看是连森美兰皇室成员持股的公司,应该会上的,就在7分买了。那时有告诉自己等10分才卖。可是就是一直等不到。等啊等的,股价跌到6分去,自己信心动摇。就在今年4月那样起到7分半时又回跌,结果又以7分卖出,亏了水钱。等了9个月就这样放弃了。耐心不够强。白等了,浪费时间。也就在昨天股价上升到13.5仙。已经将近增长100%,如果14仙的话。等一年的回酬是财富增长将近100%,也就这样的没有了。



















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I think the most important factor we sell our share "too early" is because we are scared that correction of share price will happen and we lose out the "seemingly" satisfactory profit margin..I think as long as the share price is still undervalued, eg PE is still low, growth potential is great etc we should hold on to the share. Of course in some circumstances it's easy to say than done.

2014-07-27 00:50



2014-07-27 01:47

Justin Ngo

fishbone, u r right. we hv to fight with ourself to overcome negative influnces. our emotion affect our decision making which sometimes went wrong. hold while it is still hv potential

2014-07-27 06:00

Justin Ngo


2014-07-27 06:01


Must use cash to buy lo, dun use margin to wait..interest might kill your patient

2014-07-27 07:16



2014-07-27 07:45


Luck is important, but it will not forever follow u..thus need patient n skill..i think got cash is the most important thing

2014-07-27 08:10

JT Yeo

patience is important, but in your example your biggest biggest biggest biggest biggest biggest mistake is '那时看是连森美兰皇室成员持股的公司,应该会上的' <- what is this? even if you hold and make 100% profit, that doesn't make you a better investor because you have no idea what/why are you buying. You will just be lucky (in this case you are unlucky). Your luck can run out really fast, your skills will not. Practice your picking skills, read more books, think and improve your knowledge. Don't buy because you HOPE it will go up.

I bought SKPRES last year at average $0.339, I sold it recently at $0.615. 81% gain in 10 months. You know why I sell it? I realized I made a mistake, i shouldn't have bought SKPRES. Except having plenty of cash and no debts, I have no idea how the business will perform in the future, because SKPES never talks about their business in their annual report, besides reporting revenue/profit going up or down. I am just lucky. But I feel embarrassing, it is a bad mistake.

2014-07-27 09:47


Normally contral gang need LUCK more then cash

2014-07-27 10:13


JT Yeo: You are great.

2014-07-27 10:25


Cash is the minimum requirement to join the game, be it investing, trading, speculating.

2014-07-27 10:28

Justin Ngo

dragonfruits, yes. must use cash to buy n hold. dont contra. even want to contra also must use cash account. margin account do help me earn some while contra, but it will take back at a later time.

2014-07-27 10:34


In my opinion, either trading, speculating, technical investing or value/ fundamental investing, all need Luck besides special skills, knowhow, experience and patient. In order to be an outstanding player, Luck is still the most important factor.

2014-07-27 10:36


Normally play contral earn lesser then holder..better pick up, wait for flower grow n bloom

2014-07-27 10:38

Justin Ngo

bsngpg, 运气也是重要。但不可能一直都有好运。我4年前,靠CONtra。起初一直都在賺钱,过后把賺的都还回去。运来时,真是好。运没时呢?还是要做功课。靠运气,偶尔是可以赚到的

2014-07-27 10:39


Luck is important, need to look for fengshui master to count your luck be4 enter..haha

2014-07-27 10:39

Justin Ngo

JT Yeo,during that time, i didnt realise about d importance of fundamental, just with a hope that it will get china project n price will go up. i learn from my mistakes. thanks for your precious advices.

2014-07-27 10:45

Justin Ngo

for those who believe in lucks. do check with my blog. hihi. you can DIY yourself for a better luck. http://putongreninvest.blogspot.com/2014/06/blog-post_14.html

2014-07-27 10:50


I know some players in Hong Kong, they really take advice from FengShui master as one of the factor before making decision. What a brilliant idea, I would consider, thks Dragon.

2014-07-27 10:52


Check your bazhi for this year luck before enter

2014-07-27 10:58


I do agree with you guys , Luck is very important, when it is dim , better lie low, when it is on a roll , time to chiong and prosper.

2014-07-27 11:34


we called it keeping the faith kikikiii

286 posts
Posted by Bs1688 > Jul 27, 2014 11:34 AM | Report Abuse

I do agree with you guys , Luck is very important, when it is dim , better lie low, when it is on a roll , time to chiong and prosper.

2014-07-27 11:37


Another method is, if your luck is bad, just become follower of the lucky ppl..stick with them n follow what they buy..haha

2014-07-27 11:58


This types super mini penny stock below rm0.15 cents cannot buy..wait till oldzz n dry also never goreng..beware

2014-07-27 13:26


FA helps u to choose the right stocks for investment n TA assist u to time your trades. Forget about the stock market for good if u failed to score gains in the bull run market.

2014-07-27 13:45

Justin Ngo

today i c this phrase. 心态比策略重要,策略比技术重要,技术比运气重要,但有一点绝不重要,那就是“消息”。------ 四处打探消息,把道听途说的传言作为选股依据,最容易成为主力出逃时的牺牲品。“舆论关注的股票您最好先放弃”。

2014-07-29 21:42


sometime,just follow old uncle style buy share,,buy what we see,know&use daily..i stay at kajang,everyday see muda paper mill,mkh&shl property,silk highway..look at mkh,silk hld,muda hld,shl,since early this year til now,how many% increase.

2014-07-29 22:03

Justin Ngo

at my area. on my way to work. what i c is tas, syscorp, hsl

2014-07-29 23:36


fully agree with Justin

2014-08-09 14:33

Justin Ngo

thanks, steady

2014-08-09 15:44

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