
The Balance

Publish date: Sat, 29 Dec 2018, 07:40 PM
0 148
"people want to invest, they want to be successful.......they need to have big dreams, and grit....and of course, knowledge and mind set."

The balance between


- yin and yang

- bull and bear

- short and long term

- trading and investments

- rigid and flexible

- details and big picture

- price and fundamentals

- simply wagging and informed decisions

- all in, sailang and nibbling

- rumors and speculations

- correct and wrong interpretations

- win when wrong and lose when right

- luck and not so lucky

- risk and rewards

- self reliance and help

- technical and fundamental

- facts and opinions

- critical thinking and gullibility

- blind blind hantam and blind blind wait

- too much and too little information

- paralysis through analysis and not sufficient analysis.




You want to participate in Bursa? How to handle all that?


You think stock market winnings is all about being  intelligent and informed? 


Think again.


the when is important than the How


the best performance is by those who can make the correct calls all in or all out a few times a years at major turning points...... 

I could not do that with 100% accuracy in 2018, but gotten above average score on that...the objective is to that do with even greater conviction.....I experienced leakages due to too frequent buying back.....



Its also about character


I don't think stock market is just about persistent and work hard.....stock market is also about habits, characters and practise...and attitudes towards risk.....

1 person likes this. Showing 8 of 8 comments



2018-12-29 19:56


cheoky......all the best ideas goes back to basics......

2018-12-29 20:01


Post removed.Why?

2018-12-29 20:17


now tell me.....cheoky, who is sorchai? Its u.....

2018-12-29 21:12


the best performance is by those who can make the correct calls all in or all out a few times a years at major turning points......

I could not do that with 100% accuracy in 2018, but gotten above average score on that...the objective is to that do with even greater conviction.....I experienced leakages due to too frequent buying back.....

2018-12-29 22:09


I don't think stock market is just about persistent and work hard.....stock market is also about habits, characters and practise...and attitudes towards risk.....

2018-12-29 22:11

alam Rafik

@qqq3..I agree with you...

2018-12-30 00:42


thank you rafik

2018-12-30 00:50

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