New Country, New Capital Market

What is AirAsia, Supermax, Protasco have in common? What is next? | 亚航,速柏玛, 富达公司无端端和国阵扯上关系。是自愿还是“逼良为娼”找借口,见仁见智。股票何去何从? 一一解剖。

Publish date: Mon, 14 May 2018, 09:25 AM
New country, new economy, clean up the old cronyism and kleptocracy.

12 May 2018 - There are many companies which supported their "bosses" respectively in the Malaysia 14th General Election, many of whom with government-related contracts. Perhaps due to the (former) Barisan National government dubious dealings and poor reputation, many companies choose not to openly showing support to former Prime Minister Najib Razak's Barisan National, except the few hardcore supporters. Count Airasia, Supermax and of cause Protasco being the top 3 most "outstanding" companies with clear support to Najib Razak's General Election campaign. 

The 3 companies, lead by respected CEOs, with clear objective and agenda showing off and telling Malaysian citizen they are the hardcore supporter and beneficiary of (former) Prime Minister Dato' Sri Haji Mohammad Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak's Barisan National (BN) government policies.
The first 2 "sudden" support before General Election, count Airasia's Tony Fernandes Youtube which praised his loyalty speech towards BN and Najib being most out standing, and Supermax press conference appology to then PM Najib Razak claiming his innocence in last General Election stands behind opporsition being "misleading", which media perceived the 2 as "traitors"; however, on the contrary, the later Protasco's Chong Ket Pen's political position is very clear right from the begining, and the effort to get closer to (former) Prime Minister Najib Razak can trace back to the year 2014 when Protasco volunteer itself to help Najib construct his PPA1M low-cost housing project in order to gain personal "advantages and favors" in road maintenance contracts. Protasco pre-election press releases involving Tan Sri Dato' Sri Dr. Ali bin Hamsa (incumbent Chief Secretary to the Najib Government of Malaysia) and PDRM (Polis Diraja Malaysia, through 51%/49% "interest lobbying" with Kop Mantap aka. Polis Retiree Cooperation) in the support of Najib Razak's government becomes so apparent, the press campaign using the same PPA1M story was published 3 times within a week before 9th May election, giving credit to Najib's Barisan National. 
The later's act is "traitor" or not is subjective and is not comparable to the earlier 2, but favoritism and cronyism is current government's main enemy become sticky for the pro-Barisan National companies to self-justify. Would the "frog culture" let the former government allies escape their faith?
What about Pakatan's elected Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir's promise to "behead and total clean up the old system"? The coming few months would be a test for the current government to prove to the people of Malaysia their integrity and words in handling the corruption problem which brought down Barisan National especially UMNO, and such policy will be implemented towards "reviewing, punish and claim back" all contracts tied to old-habit former Government-linked project companies. Perhaps within those companies, the voice of "REFORMASI" already enlighten from the Pakatan Harapan's reformation success. 

original references:





2018年5月12日 - 马来西亚第14届大选少不了有政治背景的企业为各自”老板“站台。为大选宣传的企业通常以政府关联公司居多。可惜这一次的国政老板因为政绩和个人作风太过具争议性,得不到民心,所以大部分非官方企业都不敢为它抛头露面。






2018年4月14日,速柏玛(Supermax)的老板郑金森 (敲锣打鼓在记者招待会上澄清当年被反对党蒙骗和利用,其实自己是亲国政(前)首相纳吉的。报馆第二天大标题称“上届大选误信在野党,大亨郑金森向纳吉道歉”。市场一片哗然。(参考:


亚航(AirAsia) 多尼菲南德斯“滔滔不绝歌颂篇”
2018年5月6日,大选3天前,亚航(AirAsia) 多尼菲南德斯 (Tony Fernandes) 在Youtube上载了自己“全力支持”国政政府和(前)首相纳吉视频 , 引起市场一片哗然。视频还注明标题 “Sebuah video khas menampilkan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan Air Asia, Tony Fernandes menggesa orang ramai untuk membuat “pilihan bijak” pada Rabu ini, sambil menceritakan secara ringkas pengalamannya mengemudi syarikat penerbangan dengan sokongan pentadbiran Datuk Seri Najib Razak.“, 意识是”亚航(AirAsia) 首席执行员多尼菲南德斯鼓励大众在周三大选时“精明选择”政府,并夸耀自己的公司如何在(前)首席纳吉的政府得到支持等经验。(相关新闻报道: )
original source:
富达(Protasco) 张吉平“自投罗网篇”
2018年4月22日,富达(Protasco)执行副主席张吉平(Chong Ket Pen) 再度在媒体”感谢国政政府慷慨给予富达基建和廉价房屋合约和开销“ [Chong projects a minimum of 10% growth in Protasco’s net profit for FY18, driven by higher government spending on infrastructure maintenance as well as affordable housing for civil servants under the Perumahan Penjawat Awam 1Malaysia (PPA1M) scheme ],并炫耀自己和富达公司“因为是大选年,所以得到异常多的道路维修工程” [Chong: "Protasco also appears to have benefited from more road maintenance works this year because it is an election year."],以及“预计公司会得到更多政府 PPA1M(Perumahan Penjawat Awam 1Malaysia) 工程,大概达到10%政府开销增长“。自己歌颂和支持国政政府政治宣传味道鲜明,给国政纳吉的 PPA1M 政治武器戴高帽抬高自己”亲纳吉“地位。其中富达的张吉平显得自己如何”亲近“纳吉,可以追源到2014年富达千方百计”自己要求和争取” 低利润的 PPA1M 项目开始,以达到亲近(前)首相纳吉的目的,从富达”每况愈下“的财务报告收支不平衡差点赔了夫人可见一斑。(原稿: )
2018年5月4日,碰巧大选前5天,富达媒体攻势再度大炒冷饭,拉拢富达和首相纳吉的政治秘书阿里韩莎(Ali Hamsa) [阿里韩莎是纳吉心腹]炫耀国政政府纳吉的政治宣传项目  PPA1M,并借故拉拢亲纳吉的富达和“马来西亚皇家警察的关系”,有收买和映射“警察也支持纳吉”的意图。(原稿 )张吉平通过富达“千方百计‘靠拢纳吉和想尽办法拉拢“警察关系”,可从富达投怀送抱和警察退休工会硬生生签了49% PPA1M 项目可见一斑。
2018年5月6日,大选前3天,富达张吉平再度为国政政府纳吉做最后努力,在媒体再度大炒PPA1M冷饭,归功于纳吉政府的‘精明惠民政策”,并再度声明和“警察部队”有“51%对49%共同利益关系” [The PPA1M Kenanga project is a joint venture between Protasco’s wholly owned subsidiary Protasco Development Sdn Bhd (51%) and Koperasi Polis Diraja Malaysia Bhd’s wholly owned subsidiary Kop Mantap Bhd (49%)],好比“警察”和支持“纳吉国政”,给纳吉硬硬拉票。(原稿 )
2018年5月12日,星报报道政府建筑领域工程公司首当其冲,5大国政政府受益的公共工程公司,富达是其中“大部分业务”依赖前朝纳吉政府的上市公司。[原稿 ]
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Worst than we though!!!! Just read.
This one is end of protasco:

Chong ket pen is “self rushing” to see Najib and traitor to his bosses. Different from Airasia or Supermax.

Without najib support, corrupted contract all gone. MACC and polis sure catch chong ket pen and najib cronies.

Betray Mahathir and lick najib backside. Now goes back to Pakatan? Traitor better chop as example.

2018-05-14 17:51

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