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Rest in Peace, Aunty Bersih, the epitome of Bersih 2 rally (July 9, 2011)

Publish date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024, 01:06 PM

FORMER English teacher Anne Ooi who was fondly known as “Auntie Bersih” has passed on last night (March 25), according to a brief statement issued by the Movement for Free and Fair Elections (BERSIH).

The 78-year-old received her “celebrity” status after an “iconic image of Aunty Bersih dressed in a bright yellow T-shirt and holding white chrysanthemums, drenched with chemical-laced water outside the Tung Shin Hospital” became the defining image of Bersih 2 rally.

“She represented thousands, if not millions, of ordinary Malaysian citizens who care about our nation enough to speak up and do something when things are not right,” contended the BERSIH statement.

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Tan KW

Today, we mourn the passing of a remarkable individual whose unwavering spirit and dedication to democracy inspired us all. Aunty Bersih, your courageous presence in the fight for electoral reform will forever be etched in our hearts and minds.

Your tireless efforts, despite the challenges you faced, embodied the essence of true citizenship and activism. Your commitment to a fair and transparent electoral process resonated with countless Malaysians, sparking hope and igniting the flames of change.

Though you may no longer walk among us, your legacy will continue to guide us as we strive for a better Malaysia, one where justice, equality, and democracy prevail.

Rest in peace, Aunty Bersih. Your memory will live on in the hearts of those who cherish BERSIH!

2024-03-26 13:10


Aunty Bersih, you've fought the good fight, shown us the way; rest easy now, we'll carry the torch in your honor, for a BERSIH Malaysia for the next generation, as you've inspired many and triggered the birth of the new Malaysia.

2024-03-26 13:14


Sad,wonderful lady with a beautiful heart. RIP Auntie Anne.

2024-03-26 13:15



2024-03-27 14:01

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