Evidence-based Investing

POHUAT — Riding on a multi-year upcycle

Publish date: Sun, 06 Dec 2015, 11:12 PM
A driver and a mate drives their big car to the city one day. As they are climbing the mountain, the car stops working and is going backward. The mate quickly gets down to look for stone to stop the car from going back but couldn't find it. The mate signals to the driver that he can't find any stone, and the driver also signals to the mate, pointing to his head, saying, use your head... The mate misunderstands him and puts his head under the car tyre to stop the truck. Yes, use your head mate!
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3 people like this. Showing 4 of 4 comments


Ok...thanks talkcock...

2015-12-06 23:38


Very details article on PH. Many many many thanks

2015-12-07 00:03

Chong Lung

Thank you very much for the sharing.... it is very useful.

2015-12-08 09:47


Wonder if author working in IB? Very well structured & informative article, thanks for sharing.

2016-04-17 11:00

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