WTF ! Leno's Investment Theory

Publish date: Thu, 22 Jun 2017, 12:10 PM
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In view of my recent NON-STOP SUCCESS ... i put up this thread to "tickle-tickle" (geletek) .. some people.
Do Giggle if u feel geli ya ! Hee ... hee ... hee ...

From my Analabs, Leader and all the way to CScenic, CSCstel, HIngYap, MBMR & UMW.

Time to look back, how come i can easily pick winner after winner.
Whether it is a small stock, big stock, or middle stock, 
whether its earning growing , flat or even declining,
some with big dividend and some with no dividend
some appear making loss in earning,
some produce big well known products like Toyota, 
all the way down to some who onli rear prawn (analabs), making cloths (hingyiap), and selling photo frame(CSCenic).

All come down to few vital things .... and of course on top of the list is ... MY VERY INTTELIGENT BRAIN !

kih kih kih

When I talk about investment, as usual i need to remind that the term investment mean different to different people.

Take for eg. the term FOOTBALL could be interpreted in different perception by different ways of involvement.
It could be a hobby where u play for fun.
It could be a job where u play for earning.
It could be business where u manage a team.
It could be a national pride where u represent the country.
It could be an entertainment where u watch it at astro.
It could be gambling, when u bet on it.

As Benjamin Graham simply put it, in the share market, 
we need to differentiate between Speculating (punter) from Investing in Value sense.
Both involved directly with buying, holding or selling SAME stocks, at the SAME time, at the SAME market) 
but with a totally DIFFERENT mindset, DIFFERENT motives ... and obviously leading to DIFFERENT outcome. 

Let me help you see more clearly on the so-call group of homo-sapiens involving in buying, holding & selling shares in share market.

First draw a straight line from A to B

Dr. Kim  >:D A _______________________________________ ____B  >:D Leno

A will represent "Intelligent Punters" and B will represent "Intelligent Investors"
The best example of Intelligent Punter that leno ever met is "Dr.Kim"  >:D
Whereas the best example of Intelligent Investor, is no other than  the World Most Intelligent Investor aka Leno of i3 Forum  >:D

95% of this share market citizen will lie between A & B ... 
They always moving back and forth between A & B , (although never really reaching the A or B point) 
like a "headless" chicken running around not realising they got no more head ...  
but of course in our case, i am referring to the ever-confusing and clueless "investors/traders"  
that keep wondering where to go, and how come never reach their destination, 
and most of the time getting furhter and further away ... FRUSTRATED.



NOw, let's zOOm in on the A-B line again .. but i will add C & D 

Dr.Kim  >:D  A ______________________ C ___ D __________________________ B  >:D leno

When i first draw up the A-B line .. it appear A are opposite of B ... but actually they are not opposite each other.
People thought if B represent "Intelligent Investor" .. then A must be "Stupid Investor"
As you can see from the label ... it is not so.
A is "Intelligent Punter" whereas B is "Intelligent Investor" and not "Stupid Punter" or whatever.
It sounds WEIRD at first to you ... but dont be afraid, after all , I am here to help (or geletek) you.

Here is where point C & D come in.
C is the "Stupid Punters" and D is the "Stupid Investor"
C & D lie side-by-side for one simple reason ... they are both "STUPID"

Let me relabelled the line again.

Intelligent Punter ____________________Stupid Punter _ Stupid Investor___________________Intelligent Investor

Very Nice, right ?

Since i introduce the point C & D , some people start feeling restless ... 
i dont want to name any name, just pretend this people got no name okay.

Let's re-label point C & D ... so as not to cause some to become so DEFENSIVE.
Point C will be called - "inexperience Punter" 
because of "lack of experience" or "inability to absord any experience."

Point D will be called - "amateur investor"

Since i labeled Dr. Kim as "Intelligent Punter", a lot of "punters" callin me up to clarify it.
To make Dr. Kim more acceptable for now.. 
I will change his title of "intelligent PUNTER" to  "MATURED Punter" from the word "masturbate" ...  :D
just kidding ... i mean from the word "MATURED" 

Let's re-draw the line again.

Matured Punter _____________ Inexperinced Punters__Amateur Investor _________________Intelligent Investors



Before I go any further, some already draw a conclusion that my A-B line is equavalent to TA-FA line

TA ________________________C ___ D ________________________FA

Where TA are ppl who used Technical Analaysis and FA is Fundamental analysis.
Kih kih kih .... really ?
Since we already know that our Dr. kim is confirmed "Matured Punter", why dont we simply ask Dr. KIm.
"Dr. Kim aaa .... sorri to disturbed u, do u use TA to punt in share market ?"
Dr Kim answered, "Elllo ? Do i look stupid to u ? "

So, if Dr. Kim aka "intelligent/matured" punter don't use TA, then who are the one use TA ?
Dr. Kim already give a BIG clue in his answer "Do i look stupid to u ?"
Only 2 type of ppl used TA
1. Inexperienced Punter or newbie to share market.
2. Punter that "unable to learn from his experience",eventhough his net asset getting "less and less", he still insist TA works.
And this 2 type belong to 1 same group at point C which i previously re-labelled as "Inexperienced" Punter.

So, let redraw the line with added label TA 

"Matured Punter" (dont use TA) _________ Inexperienced Punter (use TA) __ "amateur investor"__________Intelligent Investor


Now we already know where TA users stand .. which is at point C "Inexperienced Punter"
how about FA users ?
People will assume FA users will stand at point B .. "The Intelligent Investor" ... but REALLY ?

Before we proceed any further, i will like to ask u .. what fak is FA ?
How do u defind FA ? 
Better still is how do majority of "FA investors" defined FA.
Fundamental analysis is perceived into 2 different ways by 2 different group.
One group consist of 95% of "A investor" .. 
and the other 5% .. err .. we can forget about this 5% definition because by default, 
whatever this 5% defined is meaningless ... because the other 95% will not accept.
So, the correct meaning of FA will definitely depend on whatever this 95% "A investor".

There is no point for me to tell u how the 95% of "A investors" defined FA.
Why ? Because whoever use this so-call FA "as defined by this 95%" , 
are OBVIOUSLY standing at point D "The Amateur Investor"
Yup .. u hear me right, the A stands for AMATEUR. In other words, the FA users are AMATEUR INVESTORs !!

Dont believe me, u can ask whoever using the FA (including yourself) ,
on how well are your portfoilio performing using this FA 
... not good right ?



Let's revised our A-B line again.

Matured Punter ___________ TA users___ . ___FA users____________Intellingent Investor

Let's zOOm-in at the TA users___ . ___FA users line.

Do u noticed there appears a small little red dot in between this "inexperienced" & "amateur" users ?

The red dot is F point ... also stand for Fused Trator 
"Fused" from the word CONFUSED
and Trator from the words "dunno whether to become TRAder or InvesTOR... "

But of course they will never admit they are Confused ... 
and instead sometimes called themselves as 
... Formula 1 trader / Fusion trader / Fusion Investor / Zen or Terracotta something something ...

They wont stay long at point F, 
some will migrate to option trading, forex, or commodity
some will become conman and start to collect fee to talk on how to make money while sleeping.
but mostly retired and start talking to own self ... like our ..... sourplane ?  :D



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Talk apa....

2017-06-22 12:16


Hahaha! A nice write up !

2017-06-22 12:26



2017-06-22 12:37


leno is funny

2017-06-22 12:38



2017-06-22 13:08


implies no brainer!!! kikikiki

2017-06-22 14:27


四个字去形容 <雜乱無章> LOL

2017-06-22 15:53


"A" is Sifu Duit ; "B" is Master Paperplane. :D

2017-06-23 11:27

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