
AngTayKor | Joined since 2020-11-24

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2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by keyman > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
.... Sifu ATK 是 我 很appeciate 他 share update info on Taurx. 但也就是 share only. Nothing more than that..

Posted by keyman > 2024-03-12 12:19 | Report Abuse
Sifu @Balian @micheal @ATK@neoths All say downward is unlikely. How am I catch the boat now? Sold 4.85 then buy back 4.97 loss 10 cents leh...
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-12 14:09 | Report Abuse
Read clearly. I said whales exited yesterday


@keyman so fast forget? Are you sure i share nothing more than some Taurx info? You forgot you almost wanted to buy at 4.97. I stopped you. See the above records yourself. No need to thank me ya, thank your lucky stars for meeting a real trader on i3.

Posted by keyman > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
@Sifu ATK Hahaha Sifu is keen in catching every single word that others posted before. Ok lah I surrender. Sifu won.. 🤭

@Keyman its not abt my keen audit skills to catch words posted by others here. I dont make money if I win arguments here. Im a trader, I trade to win money. I am always very grateful and thankful for people who have helped me before. To have the trading skill, courage to stick out my neck here to prevent you promptly from losing almost an 80 sen "free dividend" is not so simple. You could have been bleeding very badly now if you have bought at 4.97, now at 4.20.



2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by keyman > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Some used to dump it 4.20 before. No surprise... This so call create fear? How about if Genting is going to be fined hundred millions of dollar in this incident. Nothing is impossible if the white wants to.
By the way, is NY casino license still a yummy pizza? EMM it is a question...
Posted by keyman > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
No kidding... If it is unstoppable... LKT sure kena margin call... LKT really a poor boy...
Posted by keyman > 2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Aiyo hold cash lah why so bother... LKT is in black... His pay back time after grabbed billions since his dad... 🤭
Posted by keyman >1 week ago | Report Abuse
Cash Ah Cash.... You are better than that rubbish genting share... 🤭
Posted by keyman > 18 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Aiyo... What I mean is you shouldnt buy into a company that you dont like...
If you do not hold any of its share.... Not bother you at all... Then talk so much for what... Aiyo.... SPEECHLESS....

@Keyman holding any GenB shares then? Then you keep bad mouthing GenB and LKT for what ah?

Or you following MM's fear mongering pattern before you want to buy?

Whatever you do, DO NOT put words into ATK's mouth. Understand?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-11 16:18 | Report Abuse
New data presentation on 7/3 at local time 8.50am. Not regulatory approvals yet.
Reminder: Regulatory approvals not so soon yet. Still got hurdles to cross especially the corrupted FDA.
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-11 18:36 | Report Abuse
Please remember history lesson becareful of 5.20 zone LKT waiting to dump. Price action of afternoon session dont look good.
Posted by Michael_chan2022 > 2024-03-12 11:34 | Report Abuse
Be careful. Another short squeeze in the afternoon
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-12 11:46 | Report Abuse
Posted by keyman > 2024-03-12 12:19 | Report Abuse
Sifu @Balian @micheal @ATK@neoths All say downward is unlikely. How am I catch the boat now? Sold 4.85 then buy back 4.97 loss 10 cents leh...
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-12 14:09 | Report Abuse
Read clearly. I said whales exited yesterday
Posted by Michael_chan2022 > 2024-03-12 12:11 | Report Abuse
Real sifu is here,
GenB strong support at RM4.98


@Keyman, you seem to have a habit of reading my posts incorrectly. On 11/03/2024 ATK gave exit warnings, but @keyman read it as ATK said buy. Then I have to quickly correct you again. Heng @Keyman didnt listen to scammer/fake YouTube Sifu, hence didn't buy at 4.97 and saved almost 80 sen of "free dividend" as of today 4.20.

Yesterday ATK said better listen @prudentinvestor (meaning don't do anything rash now), @Keyman read it as ATK said sell. Aiyo please read carefully la.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 23 hours ago | Report Abuse

Posted by prudentinvestor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
Don't dump at this level, already very low. May be should adopt a wait and see strategy. Not likely to go down to RM4.
Posted by kent9988 > | Report Abuse
@atk 怎么看哦 一直跌😔

ATK: My cutloss advice only for MM (follow at your own risk). I think better listen to @prudentinvestor. Shut off your Bursa computer screen, come back after Christmas. It could be either near 3.50 or near 6.00. Popi popi 🙏🙏

Posted by keyman > 46 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Your ATK Sifu asked you to sell. Kan he is expert. If you are unhappy, just sell and leave. And switch your money to Taurx. Keep complaint here and there. Aduhai.... I think ATK doesnt mind to help you. Aduhai

Please read yesterday's post carefully and please do not put words into my mouth.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by kent9988 > 36 minutes ago | Report Abuse

My 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 prompt warning exit zones for this year were made publicly here (not in private messages to kakis). My kakis are not skillful traders but they are able to spot one and most importantly, take the advice. I can preach until mouth dry liow to buy or sell at the precise right moment but if they dont act on it, what to do?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by 1invest1 > 2022-06-01 16:07 | Report Abuse
Thank you GB, Sold all GB.
Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
1invest1 stuck high dont jeles see others make money..ur time will come
Nxt time dont be kpop fangirl - blindly believe ur ‘idol’ nonsense

ATK: Dont anyhow assume la. 1invest1 sold his shares right at the top (near 5.30 zone) during early June 2022 together with LKT and ATK.

Private Messages Of ATK


ATK: Safer to clear GB today. China tourists story already fully played out. Any higher price the whales also scared LKT start dumping like what happened in june 2022. 1:37 pm

Income: ATK Sir, thank you for your advice. I will follow you advice. 1:55 pm

ATK: Dont say in forum you sold. When the play is over go back to 4.50 its too late for those greedy ones n emptyvesseli to sell. Ha! 2:15 pm

Income: Ok. I will keep quiet in forum. 3:47 pm
Income: ATK Sir, Thanks a lot for your advice. 3:48 pm

ATK: Usually for this stock xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxx abt time to sell. 4:04 pm

Income: ATK Sir, you are really professional trader. I am happy to chat with you. 4:51 pm


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by prudentinvestor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
Don't dump at this level, already very low. May be should adopt a wait and see strategy. Not likely to go down to RM4.
Posted by kent9988 > 28 minutes ago | Report Abuse
@atk 怎么看哦 一直跌😔

My cutloss advice only for MM (follow at your own risk). I think better listen to @prudentinvestor. Shut off your Bursa computer screen, come back after Christmas. It could be either near 3.50 or near 6.00. Popi popi 🙏🙏


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Need to be an accredited investor under MAS criteria. Usually sellers will only sell in 1k shares at minimum. Now not much Taurx sellers, all waiting for Christmas. Price can double if got Christmas present. If UK approved, its a very strong validation that Taurx is not an illusion + EU's EMA approval very likely since both MHRA & EMA are the same agency before brexit.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Monday Choysun can "xxx xxxx" = add more.
MM can "xxx xxxx" = cut loss? 😀


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Very brave but unwise. Near 4.50 dont short, 4.20 liow keep shorting. There is real NTA value la, this is not a weak concept stock. I know its speculative grade now but cannot keep doing gang bang bullying la. I hope mata come soon n shorts kena roasted 😀


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Total short position only 8.5m? There are abt 3.85b outstanding shares meaning total shorts at 0.22% of all outstanding shares.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

It's very possible the YouTube guy and and the guy in the forum is the same person. We have no idea

Could be. Both like to 讲华语。That YouTube fake Sifu's voice got toothless lao hong puncture sound no wonder his strong support zones always kena price break down.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Aiya not many believers of Taurx here anyway. Most believe in steep NTA discounts, scams like rm2.5b forex gains in Q3's P&L, lowering of net debt in 2024/2025/2026, cheap roll over of ZIRP era USD debts upon expiry etc.

Real believers of Taurx would have bought Taurx shares directly instead of buying GenB. Im not promoting Taurx these days but its not fair to do Taurx bashing until Christmas season show is over and Taurx fails to secure UK approval.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by ClaraChan94 > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse
They are getting stock trading lesson from which guru? 😆

Definitely not Adam Khoo! 🤣🤣🤣
@MC's stock trading Sifu always got it wrong. Latest video he said wont go below 4.30, worse case scenario 4.25. You watch for yourself........ so funny.

Posted by AngTayKor > 1 week ago | Report Abuse
Posted by Michael_chan2022 > 2024-03-12 12:11 | Report Abuse
Real sifu is here,
GenB strong support at RM4.98
Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Sifu has already hinted.. buy at 4.50
Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 38 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Genting 云頂: 在业绩公布前,运用技术分析提前准备

@MC's stock trading sifu again ah? He got it wrong so many times liow from 5.00+, all the way down to 4.50 still wrong again.

At 5.20 zone ATK already gave exit warning, 4.80+ zone ATK gave exit warning again, and the recent 4.50 zone ATK gave prompt exit warning again. I hope your stock trading Sifu is correct this time....


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Job data not that bad leh. Trader bet 25 basis la, powell doesn't want to have unintended consequences of scaring the market if he chop 50 basis. Slowly cut mah...


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Aiyo market not happy fed going to cut 0.25% only for September? Next week maybe got chance @Choysun.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Trader attending stock trading lesson now. Do not disturb.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by snowball88 > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

hold this stock long time, dump all when it's 4.8+.... bought back at drop again. walaoeh.

Not bad liow free 50 sen "dividend"


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Anything is possible in the stock market. If MM scared his loss balloon bigger, can always choose to xxx xxxx 😀


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
No wonder soo cheap
US regulator sue RWLV (money laundering violation) + GenS QR terrible
Dont bother with TauRx - got hundreds other alzheimer med under Phase 2/3 clinical trials
Current share price values TauRx at 0 - so TauRx failure only minimal affect share price
Stuck even when bursa up 1650 pts
Feel people wait sell expecting bad QR soon
2 more days margin call b4 bad QR (expected Thur) - lets see how low can go
Late selloff continue ystrdy red
Seems people want exit b4 bad QR (GenS bad) out
Crazy evening selloff - wait&see how bad QR later
Woww big revenue drop + profit cut half..bad econ people no money travel??
Ystrdy Dollar General shares drop 30% after bad QR (weak consumer)
Economy soo bad..GB Q2 revenue alrdy drop 1st time - disaster if nxt QR more revenue drop
2023 still ‘covid recovery’ so shouldnt compare y-o-y
Q2 suppose seasonally strong (raya holiday etc) but QR soo bad - Q3 later even worse??
Everywhere weak economy - GenS/GenM alrdy affected Inflation destroy wealth
Walao afternoon red alrdy - just need break under 4.30 then bye2
If GB future soo good (look forward) - wouldnt be 4.3 now

Dont do such bad karma evil tactics here, hoping your fear mongering tactics can allow you to buy at cheaper price la. You must believe in karma and also fear karma. Karma is real. Now bad karma strikes again, Immediately Bought Immediately Drop.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse
When TAK deletes his today posts
I will delete my today posts. 🤣
After that together we will lead @MC and @MM into longkang

I admit some of my bullish posts last week was to lure evil MM into longkang. I knew MM was about to buy liow, just need a little more "encouragement" for him to key in his buy orders. MM bought on Fri 30/08/2024 afternoon probably at abt 4.32. Serves him right for doing evil fear mongering tactics here whenever he wants to buy. Bad karma strikes MM again, Immediately Bought Immediately Lose.🤣🤣🤣

We (the ikan billis) can talk all the bullish things here, but always remember that price action reigns supreme. Opinions are often wrong. the market is always right.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Oaktree Capital Management says Fed cuts to take US rates no lower than 3%

These are Fed overnight rate. 10 year T-bill yield will be higher than overnight rate after inverted yield curve normalisation, "un-invert" back into a normal yield curve whereby long term rate will be higher than short term rate.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

RWLV wont be a write off la. Will be IPOed together with ER after securing NYC full license. Taurx wont be a write off la, we are already bigger than Genting Bhd. Relax eat popcorn drink beer n watch the UK Christmas show.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
Best solution is for TAK to delete all his posts today and announce he bought into Genting 100% instead of zero shares in Genting.

ATK really low in cash now, all into Taurx. How to buy stocks? Its not a glamorous thing to publicly declare here that trader in very low liquidity, a poor man now.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by ImCK > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse
ATK they need work harder because the performance is too slow ! everything is under performance this kind result shouldnt happen in GENTING

I think those overseas grandsons not performing up to expectation include UK, Empire Resorts and RWLV.

Top priority now is to secure one of the 3 coveted NYC full casino licence otherwise there is no sexy IPO story to write liow. That RWLV money laundering case must be a sabotage by USA competitors, to be used against us during NYC licence awarding process. Very dirty business tactics.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by hng33 > 25 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Genting Las Vegas report half year report revenue RM1031m and Pretax RM 231m.
However, Genting Las Vegas which owns and operates a USD4 billion integrated resort on the Las Vegas strip also bear USD 1.75 billion senior note that carry interest cost expense. These senior note due in 2029, 2030 and 2031. Therefore, it is imperative to see weaknesses in USD currency and cut interest rate cost in coming fed meeting. It is estimate fed will cut rate by 0.25% for next 3 meeting in 2024 to give total 0.75% rate cut by year end follow by another 1.25% rate cut next year.

I believe this "pretax m231m" is an EBITA figure (Before Interest charges, Taxes and Amortisations). I read from an article some years ago that the RWLV project is almost fully financed by debt, not just from USD1.75B of senior notes.

@hng33 please read my earlier posts abt those long term USD debts locked in during ZIRP era. I explained a few times liow.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Im not referring to EBITA. I want real accounting net profit like what RWS did immediately after casino biz open in 2010. Real net profit of over S$1B after interest charges, taxes and amortisations.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

A good biz operation will aim for immediately open for biz, immediately huat. Thats the hallmark of a good biz. Time may be needed for all biz segments to be fully operational n ram up to a larger scale. But cant be running at net loss for years.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

GenS net profit for 2010 n 2011 easily over S$1b each. After abt 5 years in operation can almost recover all investment cost. RWS casino immediately open for biz, immediately big huat. This is the power of operating in duopoly market + locals can enter casino (pay entrance levy). Im not sure abt Thailand mkt oligopoly (5 players), may not be a bao chiak business like RWG monopoly or RWS duopoly. Las Vegas market is "64-poly" very fierce competition! RWLV open biz for 3 years liow still cannot turn in real net profit.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

2 casinos will be in BKK region. 3 more at other Thai provinces.

Total debt now rm41.42B. Better digest what we have first. RWLV in operation for 3 years liow still cannot turn in real net profit except positive EBITA which is often a misleading figure.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

KLCI propped up by banking stocks. When these stocks roll over, so does KLCI.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Warren Buffett cautioned that you should be ready for any stock you buy to plunge ‘50% or more’

Yes @Balian, heart must be steady when it comes to stock market.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Some years ago i had RWS USS pass for family. Its really convenient, drive 10 min reach RWS liow, then take long escalator from basement carpark straight to USS entrance. Bought half yr pass then, really can go USS on any weekdays or weekends. Took rides until blur n chaotar. But parking is very expensive there n food is expensive also. Didn't renew the half-year pass thereafter.

Drive up to RWG from KL will probably take couple of hours hence peak period jialat, non-peak days how to go with kids? Hard to do day trips, most likely need to stay at RWG hotels.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 10 minutes ago | Report Abuse
never mind lah
I keep telling you. When you forgive @MM, you forgive yourself.
@MM is always lovingly evil.
He has not changed at all.

Yes @Balian, the evil one already kena immediate bad karma liow.

I remember your advice abt digging up shxt, I have to smell the shxt first myself... since MM probably wont change his evil ways, I have to try to change myself then.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Yes @Choysun. Trader promptly pointed out 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 are exit zones for those trading with long positions. If shorties have read and shorted promptly then, that will be the maximum shorting profit. If shorting now, they are fighting so hard against the bargain hunting bulls when the easy shorting profits over liow. Not a good shorting strategy right? Later engine back-fire kena roasted! 😀


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
No wonder soo cheap
US regulator sue RWLV (money laundering violation) + GenS QR terrible
Dont bother with TauRx - got hundreds other alzheimer med under Phase 2/3 clinical trials
Current share price values TauRx at 0 - so TauRx failure only minimal affect share price
Stuck even when bursa up 1650 pts
Feel people wait sell expecting bad QR soon
2 more days margin call b4 bad QR (expected Thur) - lets see how low can go
Late selloff continue ystrdy red
Seems people want exit b4 bad QR (GenS bad) out
Crazy evening selloff - wait&see how bad QR later
Woww big revenue drop + profit cut half..bad econ people no money travel??
Ystrdy Dollar General shares drop 30% after bad QR (weak consumer)
Economy soo bad..GB Q2 revenue alrdy drop 1st time - disaster if nxt QR more revenue drop
2023 still ‘covid recovery’ so shouldnt compare y-o-y
Q2 suppose seasonally strong (raya holiday etc) but QR soo bad - Q3 later even worse??
Everywhere weak economy - GenS/GenM alrdy affected Inflation destroy wealth
Walao afternoon red alrdy - just need break under 4.30 then bye2
If GB future soo good (look forward) - wouldnt be 4.3 now

MM always doing fear mongering here when he wants to buy cheaper, keep repeating his evil tactics. Now bad karma strikes again. Immediately Bought Immediately Drop.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Gdluck all hodlers - nonhodler dont missout collect cheap bought"

MM bought liow ah? No more fear mongering liow? Now switch to supporting scam post. No wonder la aiyoyo

Looks like MM kena bad karma again, Immediately Bought Immediately Drop.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

All scared of this Friday night


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by neohts > 48 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Before Christmas we will know the result.
ATK vs Balian.

Im much more concerned if I can make more money or lose money than to win arguments. Same as when trading stocks, trade to win money. Win arguments here make no money 😀


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Got 2500 Aduhelm patients willing to pay over USD50k/yr including drug cost, intravenous costs, numerous PET/MRI scans + consultations etc just to get brain bleeding + chance of death/hospitalisation. 100% these patients wont get any better.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

LKT / ATK a genius or fool to bet big into Taurx, this Christmas we will know. Anything else is pure speculation now.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Aduhelm paying patients confirm more than 10 la. There are much more important reasons why Biogen abandoned Aduhelm which I wont elaborate here.

Sand is readily available. So semi-conductor companies = worthless?

OMG last time can compare Taurx to Theranos, bashing Taurx way way below the belt la.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Its a probability game, followed by risk vs reward. Same for stock trading or invest into Taurx. 愿赌服输。


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Aiya Christmas very soon less than 4 mths only cannot wait meh?


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Thanks @Cs88888. Its ok there will always be non-believers. I prefer to let the Taurx Royal Flush (UK + UAE + EU + USA + CHINA) do the talking.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Aducanumab didn't even complete their trials, can get approved also. There is no way taurx can make a true placebo that can give out a blue pee, hence suffering from trial placebo issues. We let the regulators make their decisions.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

There are close to 200k of scientific papers written abt AD, dementia etc for the past 50 years. All written by qualified medical doctors / professors n peer reviewed. Many theories n opinions. Hmtm real or fiction, Christmas time will know.