
AngTayKor | Joined since 2020-11-24

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1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by lamkin > 24 seconds ago | Report Abuse

I still remember someone call sell when Genting down to RM4.00, perhap MoneyMaker can remind me who that guy. Lol, can himself multi-million investor in Taurx, and buy low at RM 2.97 at almost all time low, who believe that kind of nonsense. What a joker here in i3 forum.

Why always need me to repost old stuff here again? Its all in your mind when you choose to remember things that makes you happy (illusion) when reality often makes you jealous / unhappy.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Aiya newbies who have promptly followed ATK's call to exit when price at 5.20, 4.80+ n 4.50 resistance zones, thereafter free to buy back at a cheaper price (when they deemed it cheap enough to re-enter) are definitely doing much much much better than the naive who listen to wrong persons n bought near 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 resistance zones. @DividendGuy67 just did it recently n walked off with extra 30 sen free "dividend".

"Unless you are as skillful as a professional trader or enjoying professional trader's free precise timing prompt warnings here, newbies better not try themselves without any proper training or guidance. I do have precision entry n exit skills with very high probability but most traders still need a lot of training under a professional trading mentor"

Disclaimers already posted previously liow. Free gifts by professional trader ATK will stop now since it has caused much unhappiness to some people here. Let nature takes its course here, newbies / naive ikan bilis are supposed to be scammed n be eaten by sharks n whales. Kind advices may not be reciprocated with kindness here anyway.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Its true ATK had numerous passionate fun with this promiscuous girl on over 10 occasions. Sometimes after a short encounter she said she had to go off (30 sen small profit). Sometimes she stayed on for a few days, did private dance for me, made breakfast for me, gave me her Ferrari FOC (over rm1.00 profit). I do get rejected by her before, but I quickly cut my losses short with no emotions attached.

There are many other men going after her as well. Some men shower love and compliments to her nonstop, love her wholeheartedly, bought her presents and flowers daily etc. All they got back from this promiscuous girl are wasted time and effort, heart broken, ego bruised, lose face liow. Hence ATK (the playboy, the cad, the rascal, etc) become a jealousy target and start spinning all sorts of slanders, attacks, BS etc. Maybe the wrong target (promiscuous girl) to love wholeheartedly over the past few years?

I would have made more love commitment to this promiscuous girl (speculative grade). Until I assess that she has changed her flirtatious ways and she herself is willing to commit for longer term love (investment grade). Indeed she has a very beautiful face and great vital stats. I do miss the numerous wonderful passionate occasions I spent with her. But I am already fully committed to Taurx (no money to do stock trading).

When I have some money next time and when I notice she has changed her flirtatious and promiscuous ways, I hope Im smart enough to give her more love and commitment.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Junichiro > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
The answer is here all the time. GB is a speculative stock, not an investment grade stock. As a speculative stock, it didn't disappoint.

A stock's behaviour is similar to a girl's behaviour. We have to study the behaviour of girl first. If the girl is serious, committed and "wife material", you can commit to her wholeheartedly no problem (investment grade stock).

If a stock is speculative, its like a girl who is promiscuous. How to commit and love her wholeheartedly? Just play along with her and have fun la. You cannot be wholeheartedly serious with a highly flirtatious girl, expecting her to change her ways just because you love her wholeheartedly. Her beautiful face and vital stats (NTA) may look impressive, but the girl is highly promiscuous and flirtatious (speculative stock). She prefers to have multiple no-commitment romance partners (multiple short cycles of price ups and downs).


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

There are always both investors and traders in any stock la. Observing trends and price action play a huge part for traders. It has become a job hazard for me even when Im not trading, a non-stop learning journey. Different schools (investment vs trading), but both methods can be deadly, can huat big also. We have to keep learning and improving.
Posted by Michaelchan2024 > | Report Abuse
It is trader who 看不起 long term investors.

Again, please read carefully la. Trader already said long term investment strategy can huat big also. Its the long term investor 看不起 themselves start blaming traders for all their investment misfortune.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Tuesday big red AngTKlown silent donkey - ystrdy green like monkey ‘buy weakness’ (hindsight commentary) blablabla

Aiya ATK silent so as not to do more hurt on people's feeling la. Already proven 4.50 was a resistance zone warning call, I dont wish to repeat it again and again. No horse-back-cannon trading call. Got skill no skill see for yourself.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Aiyo morning start ATK bashing liow. Sour grapes again la. ATK professional trader that would have got out at peak 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 zones. I bought when price at 2.97, much lower than any so-called long term investors etc. When i stopped trading long ago, its equivalent of selling at over rm8.00. Unless you are as skillful as a professional trader or enjoying professional trader's free precise timing prompt warnings here, newbies better not try themselves without any proper training or guidance. I do have precision entry n exit skills with very high probability but most traders still need a lot of training under a professional trading mentor.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The above post was when the ATK vs MM saga first began. So GHK went bankrupt on Jan 2022. Any forced selling of GenB shares by the GHK liquidators in the Bursa open market???

ATK has already proved MM was dead wrong and spreading false malicious BS. Yet he can shamelessly start all the BS claiming he proved ATK wrong. Same person MM, the same old cheap slandering tactics



1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > Feb 15, 2022 5:04 PM | Report Abuse
LKT 570Mil pledged shares alrdy worth 2.5B
Banks no need get highest share market force-sell alrdy enough cover huge chunk GHK loan
Still got other GHK assets can sell somemore
Posted by MoneyMakers > Feb 15, 2022 5:32 PM | Report Abuse
Dont be naive..nothing posted here can affect share price..just 4 own decision-making

Posted by AngTayKor > 2022-02-15 23:58 | Report Abuse

Its true what you posted will not move the share price but it is not right for you to spread false unverified news publicly here.

Yes LKT pledged some of his GentB shares. No outsiders know what those pledged shares are for what purposes. Only the Lim family and the bank that took those GentB shares as collateral will know. The bank is bound by banking confidentiality laws to stay silent. Only the Lim family can verify what those pledge GentB shares are for. My best guess is that it could be for the massive rm10B Genting Ski resort project, the showcase venue for this Beijing Winter Olympics. It could be for their other personal projects, etc. We wont know unless LKT self-declare.

I have friends who will immediately get their banks to remove their personal guarantee for all corporate bank loans after their companies go IPO. They dont do personal guarantees or pledge their personal assets for the public listco corporate loans. Why should public shareholders get this free ride on their personal guarantee or their pledged personal assets to secure public listco corporate loans? Its a public company.

LKT is smart enough to ring-fence corporate debts and liabilities of GHK away from all other Genting group of companies. He and his team of advisors will surely use the same ring-fence strategy for GHK corporate loans and the Lim family prized assets like GentB shares (which is the controlling parent company for GenP, GenS, GenM, RWLV, etc). You think LKT is so stooopid to pledge his prized assets for GHK's (public listco) corporate loans, knowing very well that GHK has the highest chance of corporate bankruptcy among all the genting companies? Even SI88 also know since 2020 that GHK is the weakest company. "When is GHK sailing home?".... "When is GHK sailing home?"...Use you grey matter and think la.... even SI88 is smarter on this aspect.

Assuming at worse case scenario LKT may have pledge his personal GHK shares to secure more GHK corporate loans like playing showhand tactic so that corporate banks will not pull their support for GHK resulting in GHK bankruptcy. LKT is fully aware that those pledged GHK shares will be near to worthless anyway in the event corporate bankers pull their support for GHK. What is there to lose for LKT if he has pledged his personal GHK shares for GHK corporate loans? Nothing. Those GHK shares dont worth much anyway during bankruptcy.

Next, you are confused with liquidators and the bank that accepted those pledged GentB shares. Those GHK liquidators were hand chosen and appointed by LKT and the liquidator's job is to find the best outcome, price, etc so that creditors and interested parties can salvage the most out from this bad GHK situation. Liquidators dont have the power to force sell pledged shares. Its the bank's job to do it. But again, we dont know what those pledged GentB shares are for what personal loans in the first place. It is ridiculous and very irresponsible for you to spread false news publicly.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown Be honest - u hate me b’coz I prove u wrong many times (humiliation)
1st time prove u wrong, I remember tell u to forget me/past humiliation & move on - but u just couldnt let go (resentment)
Prob b’coz of ur narcissistic egomaniac disorder - cannot accept own inferiority (being proven wrong)

Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse

Posted by i3lurker > | Report Abuse
This feller always wants to win arguments
once you do this ... nobody tells you anything real in real life one
and you are forever just book theory ONLY
=> I just ignored him and he thought he won argument.
Always happens like this.
then he carries fake info around for years and years and thinks himself so grand encyclopedia.
while we are doing oil trading 24 hours.
Where got start 9/9:30 one? silly bugger
plus other things real life like trends ......... while he still remains book theory trends
we do REAL trends :)

Posted by i3lurker > | Report Abuse
You are unable to realise that people dun think about you at all.
Its not all about you, thats why I always ignore your fake statements
=> Your mind cannot process info that nobody remembers you
In trauma thereof you claim people caught lying
bleh !!!



Correct or not? Aiyo still doing the usual "proved you wrong" thing


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 18 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown No need scared Posession/Karma - u alrdy full of evil resentment/hate (esp towards me) kikiki

I dislike MM largely for his roti prata ways. Fear mongering before he buys, nonstop cheering immediately after he bought. People will leave you alone if you quit your bad karma ways of punting stock.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 27 minutes ago | Report Abuse
do you have photographic memory in the first place?
Just forget about it then. 😁

My audit skill of past historical records is good. Hence my memory skill is not bad either. 😁


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posting delusional stuff, lure the naive to buy near resistance zones, causing them to lose money n be eaten up by sharks is bad karma also. Better becareful. Karma is real.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
Huh! TauRx multimillionaire so desperate now?? Careful, ATK..keep playing with fire and you might end up in a perpetual scam.😂 A bit of common sense is your best defense!!

Its just my desire to learn from top class skillful traders. The said trader has evolved into a longer term trend trader, an area I want to learn n upgrade. I have a set of good trading notes that i have compiled. I will make a copy n give it to my would-be new trading friend.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Strange that skillful traders usually kena bad health young. The original grandmaster of stock trading (kena depression n shot himself dead), , my current stock trading sifu (stage 4 cancer), ATK's "would be fast friend" the skillful stock trader.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Was told by my friend that this skillful trader quit shark biz already (he was the syndicate's under-boss). Fulltime vegetarian now, no booze, no smoke, no nightclubs, no mistresses, no luxurious items, no sports cars, constantly religious n doing good deeds to atone for past shark biz sins. He still has superb trading skills with photographic memory. I always like to learn from other skillful traders.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 20 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown buy lunch 4 bad karma guy kahkahkah
New braindead level unlocked kikiki - this empty tin milo keeps getting emptier

Read carefully.

MM better stop all bad karma roti prata cheap tactics here also. I can sense your bad karma is strong. Immediately sold, Immediately price rallied.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
You obviously failed to learn anything from your lunch appointment.

Read carefully...

"I would like to meet this skillful stock trader and asked my friend to make an arrangement. Im sure I can learn some good trading skills from this skillful trader"

Haven't met the skillful trader yet. I didn't pay for the lunch n thanked my friend for his lunch treat.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Today's afternoon lunch appointment has been fruitful to me. My old secondary school friend has a close kaki, an ex-fulltime professional stock trader. He used to be working for a large syndicate operator until bad karma strikes in his 40s, made a lot of money but health has been suffering hence quit stock operation biz. His trading skill and strategy is top class, my friend has witnessed it a few times. I would like to meet this skillful stock trader and asked my friend to make an arrangement. Im sure I can learn some good trading skills from this skillful trader. Their trading strategy, the way they think, their psychological aspects, etc.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 13 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Bursa stock exchange has closed, ATK was at it again with another live performance, putting his usual spin on things. 😂🤣

@MC all your followers have lost money, went broke, bankrupted, unfollowed @MichaelChan, etc . End up you have to do the unthinkable "ownself follow ownself".

If jealous of ATK, I suggest you can create a few fake IDs and follow @MichaelChan2024 🤣🤣🤣



1 month ago | Report Abuse

Honestly my private message mailbox is full to the brim with many trading advice requests. I wont be entertaining any trading advice requests. I have been giving out good trading advice whenever people needed my assistance. Being a skillful and confident contributor will often attract jealous detractors starting false accusations and non-stop attacks. Where are those people that I have helped previously when the jealous ones are slandering and attacking ATK?

Better to just let the naive / newbies meet their fate. The normal life cycle for the naive or newbie to be scammed, eaten by sharks and whales. No point for trader to post prompt warnings exit zones, entry zones etc to disrupt the normal order of food chain. If the naive / newbies got scammed, eaten, swallowed etc by the sharks then so be it.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Private Messages Of ATK


w1003p: Good afternoon Sifu. 6:34 pm

w1003p: is good time to buy Genting? 😊6:35 pm

ATK: No. Last week xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx. Yesterday morning Maybank report for pump and dump scheme. I posted "A day trading whale. One day's lunch at a time" meaning stock operation on intraday basis yesterday and today. Morning pump up immediately distribute. 7:03 pm

w1003p: Oh ok! Noted with thanks. 7:16 pm


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Real trader or fake horse-back-cannon trader, you decide for yourself.

Real 0.6+% Taurx investor or fake Taurx investor, you decide for yourself.

Im used to jealous people making false accusations anyway. If you think everything abt me is fake, its ok also.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Private Messages Of ATK


ATK: Safer to clear GB today. China tourists story already fully played out. Any higher price the whales also scared LKT start dumping like what happened in june 2022. 1:37 pm

Income: ATK Sir, thank you for your advice. I will follow you advice. 1:55 pm

ATK: Dont say in forum you sold. When the play is over go back to 4.50 its too late for those greedy ones n emptyvesseli to sell. Ha! 2:15 pm

Income: Ok. I will keep quiet in forum. 3:47 pm
Income: ATK Sir, Thanks a lot for your advice. 3:48 pm

ATK: Usually for this stock xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxx abt time to sell. 4:04 pm

Income: ATK Sir, you are really professional trader. I am happy to chat with you. 4:51 pm


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2022-05-08 11:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Aiyoyo AngTK nobody cares/believes whether u make money or not..investors should only care about own portfolio
Here share useful info enough..If want brag about picking bottoms then show TA b4 price hits suddenly want brag about buying bottom 4.51 kikiki save those fairytale stories 4 grandchildren
ATK: You missed the 4.51 boat. I have already shown you I bought at least 600.000 shares at 4.51 zone. @Dream makers still trying hard to do fear mongering here hope to buy cheap.... sore loser eating sour grapes. Hahaha....

Posted by AngTayKor >2022-05-08 13:45 | Report Abuse
Posted by Income > | Report Abuse
Mr. ATK, you have shown your proofs. He (MoneyM) is diverting topic to other things. Haha.
Mr. ATK Sifu, you have shot MoneyM to pieces. Good. I believe in Sifu ATK. The first time Sifu ATK have shown his transactions.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by 1invest1 > 2022-06-01 16:07 | Report Abuse
Thank you GB, Sold all GB.

Posted by MoneyMakers > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse
1invest1 stuck high dont jeles see others make money..ur time will come
Nxt time dont be kpop fangirl - blindly believe ur ‘idol’ nonsense

ATK: Dont anyhow assume la. 1invest1 sold his shares right at the top (near 5.30 zone) during early June 2022 together with LKT and ATK.


@MM just like to make false assumptions. When will MM change this bad habit ah?



1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 53 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown Ur proven liar that create fake story using other people’s posts taken out of context

Posted by i3lurker > | Report Abuse
This feller always wants to win arguments
once you do this ... nobody tells you anything real in real life one
and you are forever just book theory ONLY
=> I just ignored him and he thought he won argument.
Always happens like this.
then he carries fake info around for years and years and thinks himself so grand encyclopedia.
while we are doing oil trading 24 hours.
Where got start 9/9:30 one? silly bugger
plus other things real life like trends ......... while he still remains book theory trends
we do REAL trends :)

Posted by i3lurker > | Report Abuse
You are unable to realise that people dun think about you at all.
Its not all about you, thats why I always ignore your fake statements
=> Your mind cannot process info that nobody remembers you
In trauma thereof you claim people caught lying
bleh !!!




1 month ago | Report Abuse

I believe after Christmas, there might be news reports of Taurx IPO etc. You can see the market cap for yourself then.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse
This  forum AngTKlown fantasy world
According to him own rm150Mil TauRx, he always right (even when proven wrong many times) & everyone else jealous (of something) kikiki
Crazy fella

Im trying to be humble here. You can check n find out how much is Taurx's market cap now. Then multiply by 0.6+%. I bought / sold Taurx shares during 2020, 2021, 2023 n 2024. I know Taurx's market cap (always quoted in USD)


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 29 minutes ago | Report Abuse
It's worth recalling that ATK once suggested selling at 4.00. 😁

Please la that advice was for MM, the one n only MM. There is only one MM here, which he finally took those advice n sold off before the rally. Trader already posted his trading records that he bought near those levels.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
I have studied ATK's behavior and reactions for years. According to psychological principles, when he consistently believes others online are jealous of him, even without personal connections, it could be due to:
1) He might feel insecure and believe that envy from others can boost his self-esteem.
2) He may project his own feelings of jealousy onto others, assuming everyone else feels the same way.
3) He might want to feel important and believe that others are jealous to validate his sense of significance.
4) He could be misinterpreting online interactions, focusing on negative comments and ignoring positive ones..
5) Previous experiences of jealousy might lead him to expect similar reactions online..
6) He might overestimate his importance and assume that any negative reaction must be due to jealousy.
Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 19 minutes ago | Report Abuse
I have studied ATK's behavior and reactions for years. According to psychological principles, when he consistently believes others online are jealous of him, even without personal connections, it could be due to:

1) He might feel insecure and believe that envy from others can boost his self-esteem.
2) He may project his own feelings of jealousy onto others, assuming everyone else feels the same way.
3) He might want to feel important and believe that others are jealous to validate his sense of significance.
4) He could be misinterpreting online interactions, focusing on negative comments and ignoring positive ones..
5) Previous experiences of jealousy might lead him to expect similar reactions online..
6) He might overestimate his importance and assume that any negative reaction must be due to jealousy.

You have to stop these spamming, false accusations and online attacks against ATK, the boy who gave prompt exit warnings at peak prices + pointed out the "Emperor has no clothes".


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 10 minutes ago | Report Abuse
With his extreme mood swings, it's like ATK was always getting BBQed.
Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse
You could almost smell the charred aroma. 😂

ATK not trading now, how to get BBQed? You have to stop these false accusations and slandering that ATK is shorting this stock. A shortist will never tell people here prompt warnings to exit at 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 peak price zones.

Those who bought high, lost money and kena stuck always have strong motivation to continue their delusional cheerings to lure the naive to buy hoping price can stop going down OR make readers here confused so they wont sell the shares. But such tactics eventually wont work, will only skyrocket his followers to HOLLAND.

For MM its very predictable. Before he buys, he will do nonstop fear mongering. After he bought, immediately roti prata flip into nonstop cheering.

The most honest contributors will probably be from those who have no position and not trading this stock now. No self-centred motivation due to their trade / investment position. Purest form of honest advice. Immediately give warnings, immediately price collapsed.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 8 minutes ago | Report Abuse
if ATK says is correct 😁should go to 4.50 for you to dump sell ?

It went around there last week when i posted the prompt warnings. But my posts were overshadowed by perma bulls cheering n luring the naive to HOLLAND + nonstop attacks on ATK by the jealous ones.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Trader spot on recommended exit 5.20 zone, 4.80+ zone, 4.50 zone promptly despite all the bullish cheering then. Already giving the best presents for you to buy back cheaper thereafter. I cant be forever spoon feeding MM when to buy.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 5 days ago | Report Abuse

ATK a ghost or not you decide lor. Hope some traders / trader cum investors here have read and exited promptly near the 5.20 top.

Then buy again at around 4.50 zone, exit at around 4.8+ zone.
Then buy again at around 4.50 zone, exit at around 4.8+ zone.
Then buy again at around 4.20 zone, exit at around 4.50 zone.

Its not difficult to trade this stock.

I have never shorted a single GenB stock. Better watch the stock's price action, the market is already whispering something now....

Good traders would have exited at around 4.50 zone last week.

Cumulatively for 2024, it would be abt exiting the stock at over rm6.00 (initial exit near the 5.20 top + rm1.00 in trading profits). Thereafter, these traders will be in good mental state and have the courage to buy the dip at lower price levels when they deem fit.

Its definitely a very bad idea to listen to scam posts and buy near resistance zones. Will these people who kena scammed bought near resistance zone (lost money), still be in good mental state and have the super strong courage to buy when price becomes cheaper?

There is no need to predict the next price movement will be 5.50. Good traders already exited at equivalent of over 6.00.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

A few here recommended to buy near 4.50 last week, ATK recommended to sell then.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

Aiyaa AngTKlown no need soo much hindsight commentary kikiki

Ystrdy big red silent donkey - today green like monkey ‘buy weakness sell strength’ kikiki


Because I would not recommend to buy before Q2 result for this case. The risk is too high. Do you agree @MM? Or you bought already after using some fear mongering tactics recently?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

4.87 - 4.65 - 4.18 - 4.50 - (5.50)?

Suggesting the next move to 5.50. But price dropped to 4.27 instead. Your followers all lost money went HOLLAND liow


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Aiya you n mushimushi were both giving delusional GenS Q2 profit $500m cheering n egging the naive to buy.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Then why i see so many scam posts luring newbies to buy after price rallied from 4.20 to 4.50?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Yes, good short term quick trading strategy @Balian. Buy on weakness, sell on strength.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Yes @Choysun for traders / trader cum investors who exited at 4.50 zone, if can manage to buy back at 4.20 zone that would be another 30 sen free "dividend". See the beauty here? They are still doing long term investing, like the savvy @DividendGuy67.

Those investors who got lured by scam posts to buy near 4.50 resistance zone may not have much confidence to buy again if price drops to 4.20.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 30 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Traders shorting and fear mongering at the peak last week after Genting Singapore announced its quarterly earnings. Imagine if there hadn't been any bad news from RWLV casino...GenB's share price might have even moved higher. 😂


4.50 was a previous support turned resistance zone. Most traders will use their experience + judgment to assess if that resistance zone shd be respected during those critical moments. Stock trading support resistance zones, measured movement targets n other trading skills etc work in a magical way. Traders dont like to "argue" with the stock market. We know opinions are often wrong but the market is always right. Traders trade to win money.

It is delusional to do nonstop accusations that price drops are primarily due to shorting by traders. I myself have never shorted GenB but still able to trade this stock n win money consistently.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Trader bought during the low. But MM dropped his tickets at low price. Sore loser MM cannot get over it after more than 1 year still doing his ATK bashing spinning lies and false accusations. MM ah, your bad karma too heavy cannot huat not my problem la.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2023-09-15 23:32 | Report Abuse

Real trading records copied and pasted from contract notes including commission, fees, levies, etc.



MY06/07/23 10/07/23 430592/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 400,000 MYR 4.08500 1,634,000.00 1,638,256.50
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 2,451.00 1,490.200.00 0.29210 TAX @8%* 315.30|SGD92.10
MYR TOTAL : 1,638,256.50

MY07/07/23 11/07/23 458789/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 700,000 MYR 4.09214 2,864,498.00 2,871,146.59
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 4,296.75 1,859.350.00 0.29180 TAX @8%*492.49|SGD143.71
MYR TOTAL : 2,871,146.59

MY12/07/23 14/07/23 532223/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 50,000 MYR 4.13140 206,570.00 207,306.93
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 309.86 372.480.00 0.28990 TAX @8%* 54.59|SGD15.83
MYR TOTAL : 207,306.93

MY13/07/23 17/07/23 561546/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 150,000 MYR 4.16333 624,499.50 626,388.53
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 936.75 812.350.00 0.29090 TAX @8%* 139.93|SGD40.71
MYR TOTAL : 626,388.53

MY06/07/23 10/07/23 429864/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 128,000 MYR 4.09000 523,520.00 525,386.60
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 785.28 943.060.00 0.29210 TAX @8%* 138.26|SGD40.39
MYR TOTAL : 525,386.60

MY12/07/23 14/07/23 533130/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 72,000 MYR 4.14897 298,725.84 299,790.95
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 448.09 538.120.00 0.28990 TAX @8%* 78.90|SGD22.87
MYR TOTAL : 299,790.95



1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2023-07-16 19:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, GenB today got power leh. Buy some more to average down your cost la :P
Posted by AngTayKor > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
MM you bought today at closing? Price drop back from 4.18 to 4.13 good buy leh...
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, did you listen to professional's advice and bought some today? Tomorrow better buy more market very strong wor. Average down your cost price next time shuuure can make you more profit.
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, did you listen to professional's advice and bought some today? Tomorrow better buy more, market very strong ah. No need to see and think so much just whack tomorrow. Have some courage to buy more and average down your cost price mah. Shuuure can make you more profit. Huat ah!
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, price rallying up liow you bought already? Later shoot up higher.
Your English fail nevermind, stock trading better dont fail also.
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
Tmr friday mah people scared scared.
MM ah, 4.18 liow quickly buy dont miss the chance to accumulate more. Later may crack 4.20
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
Yesterday morning already kept telling MM to buy. If MM have bought, shuure make profit liow correct? MM ah, its not too late to buy now later may crack 4.20.
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
4.20 liow. MM ah, you bought already? Told you dont wait already just buy correct or not?
Better focus on the price now. Hopefully another sudden drop 5 sen in afternoon then quickly buy
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah price drop 4 sen within a few minute, good chance to buy leh. Just buy la, shuuure to make money
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
Professional is spot on. Afternoon drop by 5 sen from 4.20 to 4.15. MM ah, good chance to buy leh.
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, did you listen to professional's advice this week and bought some? Tomorrow better buy more, market still strong after weak CPI data. Have some courage to buy more and average down your cost price mah. Maybe tmr same pattern as past 2 days morning strong afternoon weak? Afternoon then whack some la. Just buy some to average down your cost lor. Next time eventually shuure can make you more profit. Huat ah!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Yes @Choysun. Already told MM to buy more tmr. Huat ah!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Good morning MM. Today better buy liow dont miss the good chance ok?
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Wah.... GenB morning strong performance liow. MM ah... BUY!!!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Aiyo rallied too fast this morning. MM ah, better not chase liow. Later afternoon session see if drop 5 sen then quickly buy ok?
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Ding3 morning session abt to close soon. Hope afternoon session price collapse 5 sen for slow action MM to buy.
MM ah, when the opportunity come you must act fast and buy liow. The stock price wont suddenly "slow motion" specially wait for MM to buy. See liow good just whack. Professional trading style.
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, 4.20 good support level if later price drop 5 sen to 4.21 you better buy liow. Professional going for long meeting later cannot monitor price for you. Huat ah! :p
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
4.28 - 5 sen (usual afternoon price pullback) = 4.23
MM ah 4.23 better buy ok? BUY!!!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Is the afternoon pullback coming? MM ah, you ownself monitor price la. If see price hit 4.23 just buy. Professional going for long meeting liow. C U later!

Last week professional urged MM abt 20 times to buy from 4.10 onwards. You see la, MM still no action! Wasted 22 sen of potential profit. Aiyo really very difficult to make MM huat. I think MM's bad karma too heavy liow.


Posted by AngTayKor > 2023-07-22 10:06 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Happy to sell if got panic buy tomorrow - better exit b4 PRN

Best joke for tonight: MM dropped her tickets when professional already non-stop told her last week to BUY BUY BUY!!! This Tin Kosong MM really cannot be educated on how to trade stocks. Hahaha....


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Carrensoo > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Hi @MoneyMakers,
I think @eagleye is telling facts. Why does it related to @AngTayKor ?

@Carrensoo, you probably new here. 1invest1 = eagleye
@MM is treating his enemy's friend as an enemy also.

Posted by AngTayKor > 2023-09-29 15:28 | Report Abuse

1invest1 was holding abt 300k GenB shares as long term investment last yr. ATK advised him to sell at 5.30 zone. He trust my judgment n did it promptly. He "saved" over rm300k compared to still holding his shares now. I can understand why he has been overly zealous in stepping forward n protect ATK. I would also do the same if a friend advised n assisted me to make over rm300k profit.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Aiyo nobody is pricing Taurx shares in MYR la.

You dont believe its ok also. Wait for Christmas.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

GenB owns almost 21% of Taurx. ATK just a small fry 0.6+% Taurx shareholder.
Relax la @MM, Im not kanchiong abt Taurx.