
AngTayKor | Joined since 2020-11-24

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1 month ago | Report Abuse

GenP still a 55% son after all. All sons can contribute to the family, however small.

Anyway, i know GenP's contribution will be small (probably abt rm60m x 55%) for Q2 but the main reason why i ask is because GenM + GenB results will usually be announced a day after GenP result.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

GenP Q2 result still not out yet.

All eyes on Nvidia Q2 result tmr night....


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted byĀ keymanĀ >Ā 2 hours agoĀ |Ā Report Abuse
Recall Guru Alfred Chen comparison between Genting and Pbb? Those listen to him should be very happy. Over all Malaysian Stock tidak boleh one...

I recall @MC was arguing with some Maybank promoters like STKoay etc 2 years ago over which investment is more superior. Maybe stocks like Maybank are generally considered more "investment grade" stock. I confess i sold away some MBB shares last yr. I should have made deeper love commitments to such investment grade stock.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by neohts > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
result haven't come out, people selling like crazy ?
As if they already know the result ? Very disappointed.

@neohts, you have been reading my posts. Why didnt you sell earlier at 5.20, 4.80+ zones??? I wont be dishing out free prompt exit warnings anymore since these well intended prompt exit warnings often subject ATK to slandering and attacks by the others.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 50 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Expected AngTKlown BS answer
Fella need see price go where 1st - then only give rubbish hindsight report kikiki

@MM open the stock chart. See for yourself if 11/03/2024 was the day stock price hit the peak of 5.20?

Trader bought near 4.00 zone (posted trading records) while MM sold off just before the rally. Sore loser MM cannot get over it after more than 1 year still sore abt it spinning lies and false accusations. MM ah, you have to stop your bad karma ways. Your bad karma too heavy cannot huat not my problem lo....


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-11 16:18 | Report Abuse
New data presentation on 7/3 at local time 8.50am. Not regulatory approvals yet.
Reminder: Regulatory approvals not so soon yet. Still got hurdles to cross especially the corrupted FDA.
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-11 18:36 | Report Abuse
Please remember history lesson becareful of 5.20 zone LKT waiting to dump. Price action of afternoon session dont look good.
Posted by Michael_chan2022 > 2024-03-12 11:34 | Report Abuse
Be careful. Another short squeeze in the afternoon
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-12 11:46 | Report Abuse
Posted by keyman > 2024-03-12 12:19 | Report Abuse
Sifu @Balian @micheal @ATK@neoths All say downward is unlikely. How am I catch the boat now? Sold 4.85 then buy back 4.97 loss 10 cents leh...
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-12 14:09 | Report Abuse
Read clearly. I said whales exited yesterday
Posted by Michael_chan2022 > 2024-03-12 12:11 | Report Abuse
Real sifu is here,
GenB strong support at RM4.98



1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 1 week ago | Report Abuse
........ Then buy again at around 4.20 zone, exit at around 4.50 zone. Its not difficult to trade this stock.
Posted by AngTayKor > 1 week ago | Report Abuse
I have never shorted a single GenB stock. Better watch the stock's price action, the market is already whispering something now....


Trader already called out on 15 Aug and 16 August that 4.50 was an exit zone. No äŗ‹åŽčÆø葛äŗ®ć€‚Price indeed went down to 4.27 the following week. My small little warning was correct.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse
enough of that bullshit
4.33 <= make a commitment, is it a buy or a sell?
for your own credibility say something.
Frankly I am incredible and I know nothing šŸ˜Ž

Posted by AngTayKor > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Read carefully my earlier post la. If Im trading this stock, I would have sold off earlier near 5.20, 4.80+ and 4.50 zones.
I dont have the crystal ball and cannot predict where prices will go next.



1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 22 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown doesnt have sources - fella only report what happen ystrdy (hindsight)

The sources are inside my earlier prompt warning posts. Dont make me keep reposting and repost my exit warning posts here. I use my own TA skills. There are no external sources that can tell you precise exits and entries for maximum profit except a trader's own skills.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Buy on weakness, sell into strength... normal skill la.

Able to call the peak during 5.20, 4.80+ n 4.50 zones requires some real skills. Prompt warnings, no horse-back-cannon trader.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2023-05-22 15:32 | Report Abuse

ATK just had a long lunch discussion with a successful stock investor that invested in USA, HK and local markets. Eye opener on how he think and invest. He pointed out my mistakes and gave his views. He is correct. He reads plenty of expensive investment periodical subscriptions that fund managers/ hedge funds/etc are reading. Thereafter more self-research, then he form his own investment opinions and backed his views with his own real money. I asked him for links on which low price and good subscription periodicals to read to broaden my knowledge. Wow! I paid for the "Buddha Jump Over The Wall" lunch but the knowledge I gained today is priceless.

Learning to be successful means learning from the successful people how they think and how they translate thoughts into actions.

I find online trolls easily jealous, like to spin BS just to win arguments and lack the ability to further improve themselves via FA + TA skills. Whenever ATK meet successful investors / stock traders, ATK will take initiative, pluck up courage be "thick-skin" and go chat up with them, be their friend. Im not jealous of these successful investors / traders who are much more skillful, better and richer than me. Im always happy to meet such people and learn from them. You will be surprised how friendly and helpful they usually are. Most of them are willing to share if they like you and find you trustworthy. I ask them questions and learn. What is their view? How did they do it, what strategy they using? Whats in their mind when they are putting in big investments or when they are trading a large position? ATK is also a human. I have my own internal demons (greed and fear) when I trade stocks in large positions or invest large position into Taurx.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 17 seconds ago | Report Abuse
This AngTKlown totally useless - give hindsight commentary only
Nothing useful 4 future..nuisance only

Dont make me keep reposting the old prompt exit warning posts la. It is real. Immediately gave warnings, immediately price collapsed.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by mushimushi > 51 seconds ago | Report Abuse
ATK talk kok all day long here, no working no money no trade, boleh percaya kah orang macam ni? Ei you talk kok somewhere else lah. Buat kacau aje

Next year I will sell a fraction of my Taurx shares and take back all vested capital. Now practicing my stock trading skills. You cannot deny that fact that ATK gave prompt exit warnings at 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 zones which you would have been in a much better position than now to capitalise on price weakness thereafter.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 44 seconds ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown Nobody here want be ur friend leh..u dont see many dont like u meh
Go buy robot friends with ur rm150Mil TauRx kikiki

Yes @MM not my friend. So better not to listen to my advice to @MM.

I wont sell-out all my Taurx shares even at USD400/share (post UK + UAE giving their approvals). There is more potential for price to go higher. I will wait for the other Royal Flush cards to unfold: USA + EU + CHINA approvals.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Of course buy low sell high la. If MM is ATK's friend, this is what will happen:

Posted by 1invest1 > 2022-06-01 16:07 | Report Abuse
Thank you GB, Sold all GB.
Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
1invest1 stuck high dont jeles see others make money..ur time will come
Nxt time dont be kpop fangirl - blindly believe ur ā€˜idolā€™ nonsense

ATK: Dont anyhow assume la. 1invest1 sold his shares right at the top (near 5.30 zone) during early June 2022 together with LKT and ATK.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 20 seconds ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown bark ā€˜sellā€™ rm4 last time - no need talk lo when 4.33 kikiki

Aiya @MM are you ATK's friend???

Trader bought during the low near 4.00 zone (posted trading records here). But MM dropped his tickets at low price. Sore loser MM cannot get over it after more than 1 year still doing his ATK bashing spinning lies and false accusations. MM ah, your bad karma too heavy cannot huat not my problem la.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by mushimushi > 1 second ago | Report Abuse
So you admit the price cannot go lower anymore? You also scare to sell?

Read carefully my earlier post la. If Im trading this stock, I would have sold off earlier near 5.20, 4.80+ and 4.50 zones.

I dont have the crystal ball and cannot predict where prices will go next.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

No shorties here la you barking at the wrong tree? Relax, trader not trading now just watching and making observations. My prompt trading warnings earlier this year to exit at 5.20 top, 4.80+ zone and 4.50 zones have made some perma bulls unhappy here. Hence. trader wont be making trading calls from now on.

Those who bought high, lost money and kena stuck always have strong motivation to continue their delusional cheerings to lure the naive to buy hoping price can stop going down OR make readers here confused so they wont sell the shares. But such tactics eventually wont work, will only skyrocket his followers to HOLLAND.

The most honest contributions will probably be from those who have no position and no intention to trading this stock now. No self-centred motivation due to their trade / investment position. Purest form of honest advice. Immediately give prompt warnings, immediately price collapsed.

Better to just let the naive / newbies meet their fate. The normal life cycle for the naive or newbie to be scammed, eaten by sharks and whales. No point for trader to post prompt warnings exit zones, entry zones etc to disrupt the natural order of food chain. If the naive / newbies got scammed, eaten, swallowed etc by the sharks then so be it.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted byĀ Michaelchan2024Ā > 2 months agoĀ |Ā Report Abuse

Don't sell
Posted byĀ Michaelchan2024Ā > 2 months agoĀ |Ā Report Abuse

Strong support @4.75/4.76 šŸ’Ŗ
Posted byĀ Michaelchan2024Ā >Ā 2 hours agoĀ |Ā Report Abuse

Those who wanted to sell, let them sell... as for me, ę—¢ē„¶å·²é€‰å®šļ¼Œå°±ę‚ ē„¶ē­‰å¾…č‚”ē„Øå¼€čŠ±ē»“ęžœå§! Cheers!

Why the sudden U-turn??? All went HOLLAND liow la. Aiyo 4.80+ preaching dont sell. Now 4.30 zone then @MC says want to sell just sell. How??? å¼€čŠ±ē»“ęžœ catalysts which ones? Taurx, @MC said its an illusion. USA IPO, wait long long tankuku. Fed cut rates, Balian said its recession indicator. Now only good Q2 result can save the day.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

...... Good news here. My trading disciple just won his cohort's Year 2 finance course "Stock Trading Tournament" against over 100 competitors. I guided him along to whack GenS just before result, long HSI a month ago, sell and sell short on HSI last week. He will be offered internship at a stock brokerage (event organiser) after this semester during school holiday. Im also learning when Im coaching. I backed up my analysis with both FA and TA..........

Adam Khoo is known here selling snake oil trading and investment courses la. Years ago he used to teach kids self-improvement courses, "thaan boh chiak" liow then made a switch into coaching newbies abt the stock market to make money from course fees.

I told my trading disciple to use amateur Adam Khoo (he posted some HSI videos at that time) as a reverse trading indicator for HSI trading. It worked beautifully šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

This weekend I saw someone posted Adam Khoo's video abt the stock market. Strangely its being self-deleted now. Must be posted by a no skill fella doing non-stop posting bullish things again.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 1 second ago | Report Abuse
Seems like short-term traders will have some entertainment!! But don't worry too much, thereā€™s always a chance MC might get it right
.. this time. If not, it could turn out to be a golden opportunity for ā€˜short-termā€™ investors!!

"Now i understand why stock price has been behaving like flirtatious promiscuous girl (speculative). If she can reduce her debt load by more than half, i will be much more willing to give her my commitment n love (long term investment)."

Trader also wish to settle down and commit to long term love leh... now scared scared rm39B debt no joke.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Michael_chan2022 > 2024-03-12 12:11 | Report Abuse
Real sifu is here,
GenB strong support at RM4.98
Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Sifu has already hinted.. buy at 4.50
Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 38 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Genting äŗ‘é ‚: åœØäøšē»©å…¬åøƒå‰ļ¼Œčæē”ØꊀęœÆåˆ†ęžęå‰å‡†å¤‡

@MC's stock trading sifu again ah? He got it wrong so many times liow from 5.00+, all the way down to 4.50 still wrong again.

At 5.20 zone ATK already gave exit warning, 4.80+ zone ATK gave exit warning again, and the recent 4.50 zone ATK gave prompt exit warning again.

I hope your stock trading Sifu is correct this time....


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted byĀ eagleyeĀ >Ā 1 hour agoĀ |Ā Report Abuse
Big, Enormous, Giant, Huge, Large.

Investors usually talk abt GenB very cash rich etc. That is correct during LGT era. Maybe they didn't see the rm39B debt level? How did it grow so big under LKT era?

Now i understand why stock price has been behaving like flirtatious promiscuous girl (speculative). If she can reduce her debt load by more than half, i will be much more willing to give her my commitment n love (long term investment).


1 month ago | Report Abuse

On 20 July 2023, the Company announced that its indirect wholly owned subsidiaries, RWLVLLC and RWLV Capital Inc., have on 19 July 2023, priced their offering of USD400 million aggregate principal amount of 8.45% Senior Notes due 2030 (ā€œNotesā€).

Changes in Debt and Equity Securities
On 29 June 2023, Resorts World Las Vegas LLC (ā€œRWLVLLCā€), an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, announced that it closed USD800 million of senior secured credit facilities (ā€œAmended Facilitiesā€) which were established by way of an amendment and extension of its existing USD1,345 million senior secured credit facilities (ā€œExisting Facilitiesā€). The Amended Facilities, together with the equity and junior capital described below, were used to refinance a portion of the Existing Facilities, pay transaction fees and expenses associated with this refinancing, and, in certain circumstances in the future, fund RWLVLLCā€™s general corporate requirements.
The Amended Facilities, comprising a USD700 million term loan and a USD100 million revolving credit facility, have a scheduled maturity date of 16 October 2027, and include certain terms which provide additional operational and financing flexibility to RWLVLLC relative to those contained in the Existing Facilities. In connection with closing of the Amended Facilities, Genting Berhad and its unlisted subsidiaries (a) made new equity contributions to RWLVLLC (ā€œEquity Contributionā€); and (b) provided subordinated shareholder loan in the principal amount of USD300 million.
Upon closing of the Amended Facilities, RWLVLLCā€™s weighted average debt maturity was extended because the Amended Facilities effectively extend the maturities of the Existing Facilities from 16 April 2024 to 16 October 2027, and RWLVLLCā€™s Total Net Leverage Ratio was reduced due to the satisfaction of the Equity Contribution.

I see an 8.45% for senior notes debt issuance during rollover during July 2023 (fed rate was 5.25% then).


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Got someone doing early spring cleaning here, this morning I saw abt 1125 posts now miraculously drop by over 20 posts.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Can wait n see lor whether got abt rm2.5b forex gain inside P&L in Q3 result


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by curiousq > 40 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Total borrowing 39,800.6m
Borrowing in USD 30118.3m (75.67%)
1st. Q Finance cost (527,976)
Besides lower interest rate, USD depreciates against MYR would incur forex gain

It is stated that "Approximately 44% of the Groupā€™s total borrowings has a maturity profile of more than 5 years". I believe most of their USD long term loans were locked in progressively some years ago during fed's ZIRP Zero Interest Rate Policy era. No doubt the fed is going to pivot this Sep from 5.5% with an expectation of 75 basis for 2024 and 100 basis for 2025, fed rates will not go back to ZIRP era. Hence those expired loans (ZIRP era) may even be renewed at higher rate (Fed rate at 3.75% at end of 2025) than the old ZIRP era rate. Most of these debt instruments are usually rolled over and rates locked in for another long term duration via benchmarking to the prevailing interest rate then (risk free 10 year treasury yield + ??? basis as extra margin to compensate for additional company risk according to S&P ratings). Unless if we sold off Miami land for USD1B cash / USA IPO raising USD1B cash etc, then those loans abt to be expired will not be rolled over and paid in full upon expiry / earlier repayment.

There was a deleted scam post suggesting this company may see abt RM2.5B of forex gains in P&L next quarter or so due to USD depreciation. Principles Of Accounting and accounting treatment method do not work like this la.

Something caught me eye here: Total borrowing Rm39,052.7m. Thats Rm39B of debt load.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 19 seconds ago | Report Abuse
any investment that bets a government agency is corrupt is unsound.

Others may think the government agency is being "corrupt" to approve or reject. Why bother about others' opinions which are often wrong most of the time? Investors make their own decisions and put down their own real money. No end result is 100% for sure. Its a probability, risk vs reward decision.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

See Item 8 at page 26 of 28.

Group Borrowings and Debt Securities
The details of the Groupā€™s borrowings and debt securities as at 31 December 2023 are as set out below:
As at 31/12/2023
As at
Short term borrowings
Long term borrowings
Total borrowings
Approximately 44% of the Groupā€™s total borrowings has a maturity profile of more than 5 years.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by KooSan > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
@AngTayKor How much is Taurx share a piece now?
I heard it's USD 400 a piece now?

One last and final info just for you @Koosan. Please dont be scammed. Definitely not USD400 now. Maybe after UK + UAE approvals can.

It pains me to see people here potentially being scammed and lose money.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted byĀ Michaelchan2024Ā >Ā 1 day agoĀ |Ā Report Abuse
In anticipation of weak performance from Genting, the stock price has already dropped before the earnings report. After the report next week, the market might react in these ways:

1) Negative news is already priced in, and the stock might rise.
2) With risks accounted for, investors might buy at lower prices, driving the stock up..
3) The stock may have reached a low point, with little room for further decline.
4) If sentiment remains negative, the stock might fall more.. Shortists, be ready.
5) Even with poor performance, the stock might rise, showing unexpected market strength.
LT Investor.

@Balian, he has got all corners covered so whether price goes up or down etc, @MC still a stock guru


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Its all in the financial report


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Could be due to "corruption" approvals anything is possible šŸ¤£


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
RM1 Billion useless Taurx total write off enuf said.
having said that there was a forumer here .... posted numerous many times like sand that FDA is corrupt.

No point wasting time arguing Taurx a total write-off or a huge pot of gold here.

Christmas season let the drug regulators decide.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Mikecyc > | Report Abuse
Haha Tin Kosong MonieM give lectures here ke ā€¦no more Shouting Rocket Limit Up ke as in Tsh .. donā€™t own deleted own posts loh ā€¦hahaha

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown A post out of context is called ā€˜misinformationā€™
Somemore attack people use posts from known crazy people like MikeCYC - thats like using drug dealer as witness

@MM always like to slander others crazy "drug dealer" character? @MM your enemy ah? Aiyo enemies chasing after you until coming into GenB forum. How good can you be ah?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse
ATK, go and review the Personal Data Protection Act. Youā€™re breaking the law.

Maybe ATK should get Personal Protection Order from @MC's nonstop online slandering and attacks?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 10 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown U use other people post out of context (1) without their consent (2) to create fake story (3)
People tell u stop but simply ignore like do nothing wrong

The original posts are the best form of audit who is the one talking kok, making false accusations and slandering here.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 5 days ago | Report Abuse
A non-Genting investor, ATK, has a habit of recycling others' posts and using old content to criticize, which could be motivated by several factors:
1) ATK might struggle to generate fresh ideas or perspectives, so he relies on repeating what others have said. As a non-Genting investor, this could be his way of participating in discussions without contributing anything new or meaningful.
2) By repeatedly bringing up past posts, ATK might be trying to derail ongoing conversations and stir up old conflicts. This tactic could be aimed at keeping forum members divided or distracted from more productive discussions.
3) ATK might feel that his relevance in the forum depends on maintaining a certain level of controversy. By using old posts to attack others, he can keep himself at the center of discussions, even if it means perpetuating negativity.

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 5 days ago | Report Abuse (SAME DAY SPAMMING AGAIN)
A non-Genting investor, ATK, has a habit of recycling others' posts and using old content to criticize, which could be motivated by several factors:
1) ATK might struggle to generate fresh ideas or perspectives, so he relies on repeating what others have said. As a non-Genting investor, this could be his way of participating in discussions without contributing anything new or meaningful.
2) By repeatedly bringing up past posts, ATK might be trying to derail ongoing conversations and stir up old conflicts. This tactic could be aimed at keeping forum members divided or distracted from more productive discussions.
3) ATK might feel that his relevance in the forum depends on maintaining a certain level of controversy. By using old posts to attack others, he can keep himself at the center of discussions, even if it means perpetuating negativity.
4) While not illegal, using reposted content to bully others is unethical and could violate forum rules.

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
A non-Genting investor, ATK, has a habit of recycling others' posts and using old content to criticize, which could be motivated by several factors:
1) ATK might struggle to generate fresh ideas or perspectives, so he relies on repeating what others have said. As a non-Genting investor, this could be his way of participating in discussions without contributing anything new or meaningful.
2) By repeatedly bringing up past posts, ATK might be trying to derail ongoing conversations and stir up old conflicts. This tactic could be aimed at keeping forum members divided or distracted from more productive discussions.
3) ATK might feel that his relevance in the forum depends on maintaining a certain level of controversy. By using old posts to attack others, he can keep himself at the center of discussions, even if it means perpetuating negativity.
4) While not illegal, using reposted content to bully others is unethical and could violate forum rules.

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
ATK, a non-Genting investor, frequently reuses others' posts and outdated content for criticism. This behavior could be driven by:
1) ATK might struggle to come up with new ideas, relying instead on recycling others' viewpoints to stay involved without offering fresh insights.
2) By repeatedly bringing up past posts, ATK might be trying to derail ongoing conversations and stir up old conflicts. This tactic could be aimed at keeping forum members divided or distracted..
3) ATK may see maintaining a level of controversy as essential for his presence in the forum. By using old content to attack others, he keeps himself in the spotlight, even if it means promoting negativity.
4) Although not illegal, using recycled content to criticize and bully others is unethical and potentially violates forum rules..

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse
ATK, a non-Genting investor, frequently reuses others' posts and outdated content for criticism. This behavior could be driven by:
1) ATK might struggle to come up with new ideas, relying instead on recycling others' viewpoints to stay involved without offering fresh insights.
2) By repeatedly bringing up past posts, ATK might be trying to derail ongoing conversations and stir up old conflicts. This tactic could be aimed at keeping
forum members divided or distracted..
3) ATK may see maintaining a level of controversy as essential for his presence in the forum. By using old content to attack others, he keeps himself in the spotlight, even if it means promoting negativity.
4) Although not illegal, using recycled content to criticize and bully others is unethical and potentially violates forum rules..

You.. stop this.

Nothing wrong posting historical records here. @MC have you stopped slandering ATK?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > | Report Abuse
Welcome to ATK, the 'Gila Trader' Live Performance!
Date: 20 August 2024
Time: 09am - 5pm
Location: Genting Berhad Forum
Performed by: Ang Tay Kor
Occupation: Unknown
Hobby: BBQ

Introduction of the Low-Class Performer:
Ang Tay Kor, a non-Genting investor, is notorious for his relentless activity and frequent updates on trading insights and TauRx news. Despite his constant presence, much of the information he shares often proves irrelevant or of minimal benefit to Genting investors. His ceaseless updates and high level of activity tend to disguise the fact that his content frequently lacks genuine value. Overall, he is often regarded as a low-class investor.

The performance is about to begin...come and support your Sifu!

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 14 minutes ago | Report Abuse
I have repeatedly reminded him to stop this online bullying but he continues with this arrogant behaviour!

Yes @MC you very innocent.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by eagleye > | Report Abuse

Please read.
Thank you.




That is the Real Truth.

Thanks for reminding everyone here the true reason for nonstop slandering + attacks by @MC. I used to think @MC eat full no shxt to fart. Now I realise the truth behind all his online attacks against ATK.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-11 16:18 | Report Abuse
New data presentation on 7/3 at local time 8.50am. Not regulatory approvals yet.
Reminder: Regulatory approvals not so soon yet. Still got hurdles to cross especially the corrupted FDA.
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-11 18:36 | Report Abuse
Please remember history lesson becareful of 5.20 zone LKT waiting to dump. Price action of afternoon session dont look good.
Posted by Michael_chan2022 > 2024-03-12 11:34 | Report Abuse
Be careful. Another short squeeze in the afternoon
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-12 11:46 | Report Abuse
Posted by keyman > 2024-03-12 12:19 | Report Abuse
Sifu @Balian @micheal @ATK@neoths All say downward is unlikely. How am I catch the boat now? Sold 4.85 then buy back 4.97 loss 10 cents leh...
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-12 14:09 | Report Abuse
Read clearly. I said whales exited yesterday
Posted by Michael_chan2022 > 2024-03-12 12:11 | Report Abuse
Real sifu is here,
GenB strong support at RM4.98


=> See the difference in skill? ATK called for prompt exit during 5.20 peak (maximum profit). @MC still luring the naive to buy and go HOLLAND.

@MC no skill keep quiet stop all your jealousy online attacks against ATK.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@Raymondroy is right. Q2 result just around the corner. Discussions shd focus on this for now. Any Taurx discussions please postpone until Christmas šŸŽ„ season.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@KooSan , im sorry the free Taurx info shop closed permanently liow. You can try asking @MC he seems to be an expert of all sorts, Taurx info readily available etc

........."After getting the answer they need, said its not important anyway "just testing ATK response" n start all the slandering / attacking ATK again. Then why ask ATK Taurx questions in the first place? Hence, ATK wont be answering any more Taurx questions here. I dont even bother to rebut Taurx critics / Taurx an illusion, etc.Ā "

Posted byĀ Michaelchan2024Ā >Ā 3 hours agoĀ |Ā Report Abuse
TauRx news is readily available, so there's no need to feel indebted to it...


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Trump told CNN on Sunday that he believed Harris would be easier to defeat.
A Trump win in the 2024 presidential election could have various implications, including:
Delay for TauRx: It might have to wait five more years for potential advancements or approvals.

The best Taurx analysis so far.

Indeed ę­¤åœ°é«˜ę‰‹å¦‚äŗ‘ļ¼Œč—é¾™å§č™Žļ¼Œę·±č—äøéœ² šŸ‘


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted byĀ SmallBeanĀ >Ā 1 hour agoĀ |Ā Report Abuse
Funny that some say TauRx is a scam. GenB bought 21% of their share. If it is a scam, GenB will lose a lot of money. Share price will drop. Why then you invest in GenB as an investor when you know it is a scam?

People including scammers like to feel important here but ATK was the boy who pointed out "The Emperor has no clothes". The jealous ones will keep spinning their stories knowing that ATK is holding 0.6+% of Taurx. They hope Taurx fail n ATK suffers financial loss, yet they know Taurx's success or failure will affect GenB's share price. So they asked ATK Taurx questions. After getting the answer they need, said its not important anyway "just testing ATK response" n start all the slandering / attacking ATK again. Then why ask ATK Taurx questions in the first place? Hence, ATK wont be answering any more Taurx questions here. I dont even bother to rebut Taurx critics / Taurx an illusion, etc. Opinions here are often wrong, we just wait for Christmas to find out the real answer from drug approval authorities. I dont bother to ask scammers with no skills any questions here to "test" them. I depend on my FA + TA + real trading skills to make money from the stock market.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2022-10-30 18:45 | Report Abuse

You sound like someone that bought at rm5 and sold at rm3 thats why everyday bad-mouthing this stock. High debt leh you bought also?

Anyway talking abt rm3, I really bought over 1m shares at rm3 two years ago. Sibei soong ah that one trade made over 7 digit profit. Make money run liow I dont bad mouth this stock also. Thank you Genting. (No position in this stock now). All the best to Genting comrades.
Posted by AngTayKor > 2022-10-30 19:22 | Report Abuse

At that time, price was just below rm3. I did my research and took a bet that either Pfizer or Moderna vaccine will show good clinical results very soon. Hold less than a week only the Pfizer news came in and next morning huge gap up 3.30 and rallied up 20% to 3.60. Sibei soong immediately buy immediately huat. This is hallmark of a good trade. Must show profit immediately from the start.
Posted by Investmalaysiaa > | Report Abuse
@angtaykor, yeah that was the greatest time. I did not buy the lowest. But anyway still sold most of it above RM5. Good to see they are hedging. But I donā€™t think so genting can go back up to RM6 and above in near term. Bad sentiment now.

ATK: Rm6 difficult la. That was just an illusion fountain TP by some cha cha aunty long time ago. Above rm5 LKT may start dumping again in large volumes (June 2022). Once bitten twice shy, whales wont want to swim near that zone. Maybe with some Taurx super good news, rm6 can. BTW Taurx's valuation is already bigger than GentB. Let the warrant exercise finish first before I start trading Taurx shares. Im getting interesting price quotes.


ATK's post covid vaccine trade reflections:

My original intention was to buy 2m GenB shares at around 3.00 zone during early Nov 2020, thereafter add more position immediately after good vaccine result. Since my taikor is a fund manager specialising in pharmaceutical industry, I went to seek his advice. Taikor is an anti-vax warned me those type of vaccines are actually no good for our body in the long run and he wont be taking them even after approval. I stopped my GenB accumulating halfway, only managed to buy slightly over 1m shares then. On hindsight, I should have realised that although Taikor might be correct abt the medical effects of such class of covid vaccines, he is not an experienced stock trader. The market does ont care abt my taikor's opinion, whether he was correct or proven eventually correct. The market just took off immediately. As a stock trader, our mantra has always been "The market is always right". Buying 1m shares at 2.97 VS buying 2m shares at 2.97 makes a huge difference. My initial trade plan derailed, but not a time for remorse, the trade plan has to go on. The mental psychology of the trader plays a very important factor here. I immediately bought more at higher prices, buying at any intraday dips over the next 3 days after that huge morning gap up. I dont blame my taikor. I can only blame myself and take full responsibility for that initial foul-up. That covid vaccine trade eventually worked out beautifully all the way with price finally peaking out at 4.95 a few weeks later. This taikor's covid vaccine advice itself is an important trading lesson for me, to remembered forever.



1 month ago | Report Abuse

If MM is ATK's friend, this is what will happen:

Posted by 1invest1 > 2022-06-01 16:07 | Report Abuse
Thank you GB, Sold all GB.
Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
1invest1 stuck high dont jeles see others make money..ur time will come
Nxt time dont be kpop fangirl - blindly believe ur ā€˜idolā€™ nonsense

ATK: Dont anyhow assume la. 1invest1 sold his shares right at the top (near 5.30 zone) during early June 2022 together with LKT and ATK.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Trader bought during the low. But MM dropped his tickets at low price. Sore loser MM cannot get over it after more than 1 year still doing his ATK bashing spinning lies and false accusations. MM ah, your bad karma too heavy cannot huat not my problem la.



MY06/07/23 10/07/23 430592/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 400,000 MYR 4.08500 1,634,000.00 1,638,256.50
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 2,451.00 1,490.200.00 0.29210 TAX @8%* 315.30|SGD92.10
MYR TOTAL : 1,638,256.50

MY07/07/23 11/07/23 458789/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 700,000 MYR 4.09214 2,864,498.00 2,871,146.59
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 4,296.75 1,859.350.00 0.29180 TAX @8%*492.49|SGD143.71
MYR TOTAL : 2,871,146.59

MY12/07/23 14/07/23 532223/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 50,000 MYR 4.13140 206,570.00 207,306.93
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 309.86 372.480.00 0.28990 TAX @8%* 54.59|SGD15.83
MYR TOTAL : 207,306.93

MY13/07/23 17/07/23 561546/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 150,000 MYR 4.16333 624,499.50 626,388.53
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 936.75 812.350.00 0.29090 TAX @8%* 139.93|SGD40.71
MYR TOTAL : 626,388.53

MY06/07/23 10/07/23 429864/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 128,000 MYR 4.09000 523,520.00 525,386.60
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 785.28 943.060.00 0.29210 TAX @8%* 138.26|SGD40.39
MYR TOTAL : 525,386.60

MY12/07/23 14/07/23 533130/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 72,000 MYR 4.14897 298,725.84 299,790.95
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 448.09 538.120.00 0.28990 TAX @8%* 78.90|SGD22.87
MYR TOTAL : 299,790.95



1 month ago | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2023-07-16 19:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, GenB today got power leh. Buy some more to average down your cost la :P
Posted by AngTayKor > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
MM you bought today at closing? Price drop back from 4.18 to 4.13 good buy leh...
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, did you listen to professional's advice and bought some today? Tomorrow better buy more market very strong wor. Average down your cost price next time shuuure can make you more profit.
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, did you listen to professional's advice and bought some today? Tomorrow better buy more, market very strong ah. No need to see and think so much just whack tomorrow. Have some courage to buy more and average down your cost price mah. Shuuure can make you more profit. Huat ah!
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, price rallying up liow you bought already? Later shoot up higher.
Your English fail nevermind, stock trading better dont fail also.
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
Tmr friday mah people scared scared.
MM ah, 4.18 liow quickly buy dont miss the chance to accumulate more. Later may crack 4.20
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
Yesterday morning already kept telling MM to buy. If MM have bought, shuure make profit liow correct? MM ah, its not too late to buy now later may crack 4.20.
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
4.20 liow. MM ah, you bought already? Told you dont wait already just buy correct or not?
Better focus on the price now. Hopefully another sudden drop 5 sen in afternoon then quickly buy
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah price drop 4 sen within a few minute, good chance to buy leh. Just buy la, shuuure to make money
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
Professional is spot on. Afternoon drop by 5 sen from 4.20 to 4.15. MM ah, good chance to buy leh.
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, did you listen to professional's advice this week and bought some? Tomorrow better buy more, market still strong after weak CPI data. Have some courage to buy more and average down your cost price mah. Maybe tmr same pattern as past 2 days morning strong afternoon weak? Afternoon then whack some la. Just buy some to average down your cost lor. Next time eventually shuure can make you more profit. Huat ah!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Yes @Choysun. Already told MM to buy more tmr. Huat ah!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Good morning MM. Today better buy liow dont miss the good chance ok?
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Wah.... GenB morning strong performance liow. MM ah... BUY!!!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Aiyo rallied too fast this morning. MM ah, better not chase liow. Later afternoon session see if drop 5 sen then quickly buy ok?
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Ding3 morning session abt to close soon. Hope afternoon session price collapse 5 sen for slow action MM to buy.
MM ah, when the opportunity come you must act fast and buy liow. The stock price wont suddenly "slow motion" specially wait for MM to buy. See liow good just whack. Professional trading style.
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, 4.20 good support level if later price drop 5 sen to 4.21 you better buy liow. Professional going for long meeting later cannot monitor price for you. Huat ah! :p
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
4.28 - 5 sen (usual afternoon price pullback) = 4.23
MM ah 4.23 better buy ok? BUY!!!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Is the afternoon pullback coming? MM ah, you ownself monitor price la. If see price hit 4.23 just buy. Professional going for long meeting liow. C U later!

Last week professional urged MM abt 20 times to buy from 4.10 onwards. You see la, MM still no action! Wasted 22 sen of potential profit. Aiyo really very difficult to make MM huat. I think MM's bad karma too heavy liow.

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Happy to sell if got panic buy tomorrow - better exit b4 PRN

Best joke for tonight: MM dropped her tickets when professional already non-stop told her last week to BUY BUY BUY!!! This Tin Kosong MM really cannot be educated on how to trade stocks. Hahaha....