
Berlin | Joined since 2015-06-03

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2024-02-28 08:51 | Report Abuse

Quarter's loss caused by Rm25 m write down in biological assets in accordance with accounting rules as the timber business continues to bleed. Many small plywood operations have closed down in the last few years. Operating cash flow is still positive hence ability to pay 1.5 sen dividend. Looks like profit recovery may take more time if there is no turnaround in the timber sector. Plantation will become more dominant with the recent acquisitions. There are also valuable surplus properties that can be monetized and funds channeled to better earning assets. Still cheap on a P/B basis.


2024-02-24 12:55 | Report Abuse

Untreated mental health issues can lead to delusions and deep seated personality disorders. The narcissism seems to have run strong and unfettered for 10 years or more. It may have taken over the person, or will, if allowed to run its course.


2024-02-24 10:39 | Report Abuse

In excess of 52000 posts in I3investor over 10 years is indeed a waste of time and one's life. It could be better spent in community service or doing good deeds for others.


2024-02-24 08:59 | Report Abuse

Someone can't figure out travail and trivial are two totally different words with entirely different meanings. Perhaps he is not suited to cope with the travail of being criticized too many times in his woeful stock predictions.


2024-02-23 10:05 | Report Abuse

Still won't admit a wrong call after 2 years. What was it my grandmother called us if we stubbornly refuse to admit wrong? A dead chicken still flapping around stretching its neck minus the chopped off head. Help, this dead rooster is still trying to crow!


2024-02-23 09:40 | Report Abuse

Offer for TSH from RM1.80 to 1.08, April 2022 to February 2024, but certainly no where near the Nestle beating 150.00!! Current price is likely to be embarrassed by Nestle's usually generous 4Q dividend which was Rm1.22 in FY2023. That truly will be a grisly fact.


2024-02-23 08:55 | Report Abuse

TSH is the poorest performing of the 10 pebbles, not even touching 66% of its April 2022 high of RM1.80 plus. (Even JTiasa has gone beyond its 2022 high and poised to go higher.) I find this fact much more gruesome than its lackluster 2023 results. This warrants a re-examination of why one should even hold TSH in a plantation portfolio.


2024-02-22 10:01 | Report Abuse

When was the last I heard someone shout JTiasa will go up to RM2, then RM3? This is almost deja vu. Oh, yes, around April 2022 during the kaw kaw buy, die die hold days of "once in a lifetime" plantation stocks bull run. Well, those who bought around RM1.20 in April 2022 but could not hold, must have "died" since JTiasa plunged to 60 sen subsequently. RIP; you are merely collateral damage in a narcissist's mind games. Did someone admit it was a wrong call? Not at all. Here he is, at it again, almost two years later, shouting the same old numbers RM2, RM3. May the ghosts of those who "died" haunt him till JTiasa reaches RM2, Rm3. That will be karma.


2024-02-21 12:31 | Report Abuse

A gruesome company helmed by a dandy CEO who enjoys being a style icon and is featured in Tatler magazine. What a deadly combination. Can it really work for TSH?


2024-02-19 09:47 | Report Abuse

Demand and price of vacant land depends heavily on economic activity within its vicinity. So it is with Nusantara. Can it develop rapidly into a vibrant economic hub or will it develop leisurely as a government administrative center? Only time will tell. Too many things can affect its outcome.


2024-02-19 09:34 | Report Abuse

Laggard WTK attracts some buying interest this morning to push it comfortably over 50 sen. Now it's a battle to take out the stale bulls at each price level until quarterly results at month end show the worst is over.


2024-02-19 09:08 | Report Abuse

Negative point of TSH ( a real big one). Nauseous repetitive promotion by an individual with an almost criminally skewed perspective that reminds of the m.o. of confidence tricksters and desperadoes. That almost put me off the stock.


2024-02-16 12:06 | Report Abuse

Looking with great anticipation within one's lifetime to the Nestle beating price of RM150 when all of us will be millionaires, billionaires or zillionaires! The longer lived you are, the better the odds.


2024-02-16 11:01 | Report Abuse

About time. Market is clearing out the long stagnant longkang in the depths of Jurong Industrial Estate. Why is'nt the longkang protector posting madly on this thread instead of his latest squeeze JTiasa? The longkang can be transformed into a pristine waterway suitable even for river otters to thrive in.


2024-02-01 09:03 | Report Abuse

Plantation stock prices are cyclical in line with commodity prices. In April 2022, guess who called for the once in a lifetime bull run in CPO prices in the face of palm oil experts who advised prices were near tops? Buy kaw kaw, he screamed again and again. Such clever timing. TSH broke RM1.80 then and was supposed to reach RM3 end 2022, RM10 for blue chip status longer term and wait for it.....the Nestle beating RM150 ultimately. And now, how? No one is that clever always getting his market timing right.


2024-02-01 08:38 | Report Abuse

Hi, skoh, welcome back. I think we can have ourselves a few laughs before CNY and beyond. The market has been kind to me in 2024 and I hope likewise to you. Take care.


2024-02-01 07:15 | Report Abuse

Maybe Calvin is unable learn from 3iii's story but investors starting on their journey can. Look at both PPB's and JTiasa's price charts but go back further to 10 years, 15 years, 20 years even. By serious investment standards, 5 years is a relatively short time. Going back 10 years to 31.01.2014, PPB was around RM13 while JTiasa was at RM2.29. And today? PPB is higher at RM14.46 while JTiasa is at a half priced RM1.14. That's the thing with dishonest people inflicted with selective bias, they cherry pick facts to suit their own purposes. Don't be misled. As to JTiasa's poor performance since 2014, that is another story.


2024-01-31 10:16 | Report Abuse

Oh yes, being included MSCI Malaysia Small Cap Index in May 2022 (along with TaAnn) is a plus for me although other investors did not think likewise apparently.


2024-01-31 10:06 | Report Abuse

Oftentimes the market is illogical or out of sync; therein lies great opportunity for those who recognize it. I also value a business leader's integrity and Kevin Tan's filial piety is a pointer to his strong moral roots. His business acumen has been time tested. So I continue to buy and hold in comfort. The exchange rate for JTiasa:TSH is now around 1:1.1 which is extremely alluring.

News & Blogs

2024-01-31 09:15 | Report Abuse

Schoolboy response to a seriously relevant question. And some investors follow him? For all serious investors out there, please diligently do your own homework. Buying a share is like buying a piece of someone else's business. You better know what you are getting into. I have owned JTiasa for over 10 years since 2014, lost some money then but followed them through thick and thin and now am reaping the benefits of their business recovery.

News & Blogs

2024-01-31 08:32 | Report Abuse

What is the value to investors in all this historical drivel? To show how clever Calvin was and is? It's a piece of tabloid trash long on self promotion and short on quality. If you want to be useful, go through JTiasa's Annual Reports for the last 10 years and critically analyze the marked changes in its business and financial performance. A hint. What has happened to its timber and plywood operations?


2024-01-30 11:45 | Report Abuse

Sold my JTiasa trading stock near RM1.20 and happy with it. The jumping tiger became overconfident and lost its footing looking for giant treasure in some dark Sarawakian cave. Will see how things go next few days.


2024-01-29 07:15 | Report Abuse

If a date in April 2022 were to be chosen as the start date, the outcome would be drastically different as many plantation stocks were near its high and gains from the 2 stocks may not have covered losses on the other 8 ie Pareto's principle is not applicable then.

If you want to know the approximate value of the RM100k portfolio on 26.01.24, just merely tote up the gains on Bplant and Jtiasa and add it to the RM100K capital. You don't need to be mathematically exact because investing is not a science.


2024-01-29 07:04 | Report Abuse

What a pathetically poor use of the 8 hours between the first and last post on the question ie
what is the value of the RM100k portfolio invested in 10 pebbles after a two year period ending 26 Jan 2024? Calvin gets an ''F" for his reply because the question is not answered. And he thinks he's so right. A clue was given to resolve the question in only 5 minutes or less but Calvin failed to see it. There were 2 of 10 stocks named that gave the bulk of gains in that period and with Pareto's principle, one would have quickly realized these 2 stocks provided more than 80% of the gains.


2024-01-28 13:45 | Report Abuse

While you're at it Calvin, try different start dates around when you issued buy kaw kaw dates such as April 22, May 22 or June 22. Keep the end date at 26.01.24. Just to see how different the results turn out to be when you get the market timing wrong. Whatever you are, you are a prolific writer and I give you credit for that. Just need much more objectivity and focus.


2024-01-28 11:55 | Report Abuse

For a hypothetical exercise on his prescient stock picking skills in 2022 for plantation stocks, Calvin should do this instead of shouting he is chun chun this and that. Assume RM100k cash outlay, splash out RM10k at then closing market price on 26.1.2022 (or such other selected historical date) spread over his 10 pebbles and determine gain/loss as at closing market price on 26.01.2024. That's a two year cycle that includes price run ups of BPlant and JTiasa. I would bet this 10 pebble portfolio lost money.


2024-01-27 09:08 | Report Abuse

@ OTB ; Just a correction of an honest error. Chua Mah Yu was the partner in RHB Securities in the 80s/90s while Tong Kooi Ong was major shareholder in Phileo Securities/Phileo Bank which was absorbed by Maybank in the aftermath of the Asian Financial crisis in 1998.


2024-01-26 13:21 | Report Abuse

Tolerable risk if going small. Take some off my profitable JTiasa and put into TSH. Wrong is where you learn from mistakes, not deny you were ever wrong.


2024-01-26 09:01 | Report Abuse

OneOracle ; Appreciate your honest views devoid of confirmation bias.


2024-01-26 08:58 | Report Abuse

Amazing. Two persons look at the same stock, have similar conclusions about its longer term value but the approach they take is entirely different. One can warm you to the stock, the other can put you off.


2024-01-23 07:19 | Report Abuse

As I post this, Calvin has already taken 2 threads of drugs very early morning today, 204 the last 7 days, 496 the last 30 days and a mind altering 52,524 over the last 10 years! Without his daily dose, he can't function. Let's see how many threads he consumes when he wakes up today with JTiasa, his latest squeeze supplanting TSH, being in active play.

News & Blogs

2024-01-22 08:55 | Report Abuse

Calvin exposed in his torn and tattered underwear with nowhere to hide his two jewels! So it's RM3.16 target price end 2022 for JTiasa compared to actual RM0.63. End 2023 JTiasa closed at RM0.91. He made so many kaw kaw buy calls in 2022 for plantation stocks all based on flawed premises one can hardly keep track. But he will selectively choose which figure to disclose to suit his mad designs.

News & Blogs

2024-01-21 12:02 | Report Abuse

Calvin; Incidently, by comparison, what were your target prices for JTiasa in April 2022 in the midst of your once-in-a-lifetime plantation bull mania? Can you recall?

News & Blogs

2024-01-21 10:25 | Report Abuse

Poor TSH. No more kaw kaw buy and all but forsaken for Calvin's latest squeeze JTiasa. Will it ever morph into the blue chip to beat Nestle as he screamed on 7.04.2022 ; with targets of RM2.00 short term, RM3-4 31.12.2022, long term blue chip status RM10 and the ultimate Nestle beating RM150!! With current price RM1.00, I guess Calvin misplaced his decimals.

News & Blogs

2024-01-20 09:13 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ha......please take a look at the headline and the kindergarten grammar. How to trust a guy who can't figure out simple past tense.


2024-01-19 14:03 | Report Abuse

Calvintaneng is a bad bad boy who did not do his homework on the estimated cost of CPO production in Malaysia. Neither did he call Ms Fong of TSH, or Ms Ivy Lee, head CIMB Agri business research. He insists on using his own outdated figure of RM2000. What does someone imprisoned in a high rise apartment in Singapore with no real time knowledge of managing an estate or mill know about the vagaries of CPO production costs?


2024-01-19 09:50 | Report Abuse

@ Calvintaneng: No thanks for posting recycled garbage. It continues to be nauseating. Go find something useful to do.


2024-01-19 08:58 | Report Abuse

I say this to JTiasa management; this year 2024, start showing us the money! Do something more proactive and exciting than related party transactions. Live up to the Tiong Hew King legacy as a shrewd businessman and captain of industry.


2024-01-19 07:00 | Report Abuse

Sure, JTiasa is very undervalued by almost every tangible measure eps, ebita, nta, free cashflow etc. But it is the intangibles that keep its value down - past management practices including poor dividend record, investor relations and the like. It no longer has any significant institutional shareholders, not even EPF, which tells you something. Investors with long memories can tell you about the private placement in 2013 which raised RM331 million, the glowing picture painted and the subsequent tanking of the share price the next 10 years due in part to a poor timber market. Big investors do not forget something like that in a hurry. JTiasa needs to clean up that history; better interim dividends this coming quarter will help. The 20% dividend payout is only a guide and much higher dividends in line with improved performance will be one smart move. Also, an orchestrated road show to the investing community to highlight its attractiveness. Not sure if its IB is still CIMB.


2024-01-18 15:07 | Report Abuse

Prevaricating once again. Go call Ms Fong of TSH. What are you doing sitting in some high rise apartment in Singapore and bashing the keys on your computer? This weekend, do take some time off and visit a palm oil estate/mill in Johore. Just to get a little dirty and a feel of the earth.


2024-01-18 14:57 | Report Abuse

Calvin the clown; Are you kidding? You made the claim, you call TSH to check the current estimated cost of CPO production and report back to us. Now be a good boy and do as I say.


2024-01-18 14:36 | Report Abuse

Just for information, I hold TSH and JTiasa and would naturally want the share price to move up. But this serial plantation counter promoter in I3 is making too many unnecessary and inaccurate posts about an industry he knows little about. His wild claims are almost hilarious if not scandalous.


2024-01-18 14:29 | Report Abuse

Calvin; Amazing rebuttal on cost of CPO production with no dates given, could be 2020 cost for all we know. Maybank IB's estimate of RM2670 per tonne was disclosed this week and can be found in today's The Star business section.


2024-01-18 12:09 | Report Abuse

Maybank IB estimates Malaysian planters cost at RM2670 per tonne for the period FY2022 to 2023 due primarily to higher fertilizer and wage cost. This is roughly in line with private estate owners estimates. How to rely on figures given by someone who lives in an apartment in Singapore and has never grown crops, much less owned an estate.


2024-01-17 16:45 | Report Abuse

Calvin, stop your prevaricating. As previously stated, I am not against palm oil stocks holding a portfolio myself but I am dead against your mindless incessant promotion of such stocks. You are truly nauseating and bereft of any shred of integrity. But then, insidious mental health issues are not easy to overcome.


2024-01-17 16:07 | Report Abuse

And so it came to pass. Calvin's "buy kaw kaw and die die hold" strategy failed for 9 of his 10 promoted plantation stocks in 2023; only Bplant was saved from ignominy by a takeover exercise.


2024-01-17 15:59 | Report Abuse

A very savvy investor and oil palm estate owner said this about Calvintaneng a year ago and I repeat ... "What does Calvin know about palm oil plantations? Absolutely nothing.He lives in an apartment in Singapore with barely any knowledge of growing crops. And you think he can tell you the future of palm oil stocks? "


2024-01-11 10:13 | Report Abuse

A weak BB breakout is better than none. TSH will cross RM1 and someone who got hammered in KGB thread will shout his prophesy is about to happen. Repeat and repeat ad nauseam.


2023-12-14 09:50 | Report Abuse

WTK management resumes modest share buyback in the face of market weakness. Take out the small weak holders and hold up stock price. That's good. Shows faith in company's impending profit recovery.