
Berlin | Joined since 2015-06-03

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1 week ago | Report Abuse

After buying 20m shares at 60 sen in a DBT from his billionaire uncle Wong Kie Chie who is resident in Australia, MD Patrick Wong emerges as a substantial shareholder with 6.2% in WTK. This is a confidence booster for its longer term price performance and business transition.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

1st plane has landed but not the blurry eyed eagle still circling Nusantara jungle looking for shiny gold amidst the green jungle and hidden streams!


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

The clown never ceases to amaze. His ignorance is mind boggling. Just because DBS Bank and UOB Bank are listed in the annual reports as having a beneficial interest in TSH shares registered through an exempt nominee name does not make them owners of the shares. Not any more than The Central Depository Pte Ltd owns 250m shares registered in its name following TSH's secondary listing in Singapore.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Just imagine JTiasa's worth when the timber business stops bleeding and contributes to profits. Timber lost money the last 7 years. Painful.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Looks like the disaffection with JTiasa's 4Q2024 results trumps the positive 3.5% final dividend going by past few days' trading. This is a great chance to establish a long position at RM1.03/4. JTiasa's palm oil plantation division has become a reliable money spinner. Timber continues to be loss making due to industry wide issues. All in all, going forward, JTiasa will continue to be profitable and generating strong cash flows of some RM300m allowing generous dividends to be paid. I find the current valuations compelling.


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

I found it totally pointless having a discourse with someone totally into himself, unwilling to admit mistakes, unable to learn and apparently with untreated mental health issues. The repetitive promotion is nauseating and exhausting. Sold most of my TSH shares as a consequence and allocate time elsewhere in more productive ways.


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

It's not confined to KSL. Other bursa companies like MNRB also do not follow their announced 40% dividend policy irrespective of financial performance or position. We investors have to live and learn.


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Look at KSL for a prime example of a bursa company with good earnings, a great balance sheet, a 40% dividend policy but zero dividends.


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

No need to go further than JTiasa itself.


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Huh? It says dividend policy, not dividend guarantee. Better go find out the difference between a policy and a guarantee.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Dividends can be zero, or over 100% of net annual profit, if there are accumulated profit reserves. It's the BOD who decides. Declaration of dividends is at the BODs discretion with dividend policy a guideline. You want a guarantee? Sorry, no company will give you one.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Payout 6% dividend FY2024 is RM58 m or 41% of net profit RM141 m when guideline is 20%. Tell you anything?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The BOD are the gods who determine dividend payments each year and who also can vary any set dividend policy. I only try to interpret future action from their apparent signals. Having been on the BOD of a public listed company in the past gives me some insight.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I have JTiasa and OSK😀 but am holding for long term. Only a small (20% or so) portion for occasional trading. Sslee, you seem to have good instincts for taking advantage of price fluctuations so can trade more often.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Only death and taxes are certain. Dividends can never be fixed and certain; it depends on the company's performance, future needs and ultimately the BOD who determine and can vary the set policy. That is why 2.5% + 3.5 % for FY2024 is so significant being the highest for decades.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

This is interesting. Disappointed short term investors continue to focus on short term results this morning instead of looking at the longer term management of the company. To me, it is very significant the BOD approved a 6% dividend FY2024 signifying a change in tight purse strings when it comes to minority shareholders. I will continue to buy more on weakness.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I will not fuss about the FY4Q24 results but to focus on the 3.5% final dividend making 6.0% for the year. One or two quarters weaker results is palatable when the directors make a statement about future dividends by giving out 6% for the year. At a modest PE 8, dividend yield is 5.17% with share price 1.16. What's not to like about JTiasa?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

He also recommended me to buy Hexcap at 66 sen some 2 plus months back bragging it would soon breach RM1 or I would otherwise regret. He was into the HDD craze then and ignored the safety of palm oil stocks. Hexcap is 42 sen now. Did it reach Rm1? Only in your wildest wet dream.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

In 2016 Calvintaneng recommended 4 great stocks including JTiasa which traded around 1.64 then. Can anyone believe he bought it at 63 sen?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

A congenital liar and braggart with few redeemable traits. No visible proof of making money from the market, only loose cheap talk. Going by his stock recommendations, he is deep shit in the poor house.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The end of this week will reveal how much better off I am selling TSH last week and rolling proceeds into JTiasa. The numbers are already mildly positive but I expect better with release of JTiasa's FY4Q results and final dividend.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The blurry eyed eagle just refuses to see that serious money is buying into the big banking stocks and not plantations. The good thing about TSH is that there is reasonable liquidity and you can comfortably sell around 1.15 now and use the proceeds for a better investment choice.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The tangible numbers are near impeccable but the trust issues are still not dispelled. Will take time and visible efforts by management to bring back serious investors.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

I lost money following OTB. But I never blamed him because he was sincere and genuine. He is human and not infallible. Just that I followed the recommendations at the wrong time. Sad to say, the same cannot be said of KYY.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

TSH can sell a part of its 94700 acres of Nusantara land for the Calvin postulated price of RM4.2m per acre and be the ultimate cash laden cow!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Calvintaneng : "Assets play is my forte and few can understand."

I can recognize psychotic behavior when I encounter it.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The clown is deep shit into TSH hence the self interested endless promotion.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Yea, sell TSH now at 1.15 and switch to JTiasa at 1.06 and still get some pocket change back. Also good chance of profit recovery for JTiasa this 4Q2024 plus a final dividend given the strong operating cash flow of RM300m. No need to wait for property sales to boost profits.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

If you want to witness idiocy combined with obstinacy, do come visit this thread from time to time. If you miss some episodes, do not fret because the Singapore based lunatic dwelling here posts frequent re-runs.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Seriously, I'll give two hoots to the Singaporean serial commentator. One of laughter and one of derision. That's no more than he deserves. Yet he won't desist.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Malaysia's 2Q24 GDP of 5.90% is a thumbs up for positive sentiment going forward with banks seen as beneficiaries of stronger economic growth. Foreign funds are now buying the larger bank stocks. Plantations remain unloved.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@3iii ; That's an interesting story. Must have worked hand in glove with major shareholders to unload. And doing it only once shows tremendous discipline and restraint. Plus street smarts. Most operators cannot stop at one score; therein lies their downfall.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The eagle taking off from a Singapore HDB flat with impaired vision, unable to see gold in nearby Johore property stocks, was mesmerized by a blinding flash in green ulu Kalimantan and thought he spied rivers of gold there! Two years later, unable to overcome his greed and ego, the blurred eagle is still circling the Nusantara area in Kalimantan seeking gold. Little did he know, the flash he saw came from the talismanic mirror of a Dayak tribesman


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Calvin the joker, these days durians especially Musang King and Black Thorn variety are a very profitable cash crop that are graded carefully (A,B,C etc) and priced accordingly. Reputable sellers will guarantee your satisfaction or you keep your money. They accept liability if their choice is bad. You should learn something from them instead of promoting dud counters and refusing to acknowledge a mistake.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Attention and admiration (from newbies, others can see him for what he is) appear to be his motivation to post incessantly. Learning new skills and improving investment knowledge are not. He is on a one man self anointed mission. Delusional and doomed but he is unfazed. What a character!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

This Calvin is getting more desperate by the day, it seems. Grasping at any straw to promote Nusantara and by extension TSH. You are only an insignificant minority shareholder just like me. Chill, man, what will be will be. Spitting against the wind does not help. Let Kelvin Tan do the work he is paid to do. Come, relax and enjoy the current durian season in Raub, Pahang and not be cooped up in your tiny flat in Singapore.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Do we hate Calvin? No. Detest his repetitive posts, repudiate his so called investment approach, loathe his bloody mindedness, reject his self absorption ; yes.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

LOL...I wouldn't bother with Calvin's comments anymore than I would a stray dog's lost bark in the night. He is obnoxious and repetitively nauseous but has no impact in I3investor other than posting record comments. Since he is unable to learn and cannot accept being wrong, let him wallow in his ignorance imprisoned in a mental cage.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

No need to worry about Genine Chain disposing more shares so long as disposal is orderly and rational. Other savvy investors will pick up the shares if 4Q24 financial results are decently above RM40m with management transparent and fair to minorities. Yes, a generous final dividend of 3% plus no surprise RPTs or asset impairments or such will be much welcomed. I hold out hopes JTiasa can evolve to be more like Ta Ann.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Investors who bought into property counters such as Crescendo, SimeProp, SPSetia early in 2024 with high Johore land exposure are laughing all the way to the bank. Only a deranged Singapore nutcase will pick property in ulu Kalimantan over neighboring Johore.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

A disappointing but not unsurprising conclusion to a painfully drawn out sale after more than 2 years. Many questions remain unanswered but what is clear is that land sale in Nusantara is fraught with complications. What happens to TSH now? Future earnings and dividends growth will be anemic without land sale boosters. There are other more attractively priced plantation stocks. Time to do re-allocations.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Idiocy + obstinacy = lunacy. This best illustrates Calvin's investment approach. Unable to learn, unwilling to admit wrong, sideswiped by mental health issues.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Some one plus month back during the data centre craze, Calvin warned investors will lose out if they don't rush into HDD component stocks. Even had the gall to suggest I buy Hexcap at 66 sen claiming it will soon breach RM1. And now? Hexcap is 41 sen. All who followed his greed and ignorance would have lost their shirts.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I rest my case.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Calvintaneng should be locked up for everyone's sake but especially his own. When idiocy combines with obstinacy, you get lunacy of the highest order.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

@StartOfTheBull; Go peruse Appendix J Financial Effects of the Remaining Disposals of Land and especially Item 2. The pro forma statements therein expose the lies and ignorance of Calvin, in particular that Rm221m is yet due from remaining disposals and that all profit had been taken in earlier.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Saving my breadth. No more discourse with an irredeemable ignoramus.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

@gohkimhock; Thanks for the pointer.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

In 2023AR under Utilization of Proceeds (pg 121?), TSH disclosed utilization of Rm457m being proceeds from said Bulugan land sale Rm731m which indicates a balance of Rm273m is yet to be received from remaining land, not Rm221m. You explain this anomaly.