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2023-12-12 09:22 | Report Abuse

@Calvin; You prove to be even more of a clown than I thought possible. Why should Jtiasa price fall just because I voice legitimate concerns about its BOD indulging in RPTs and questionable acquisitions that seem to favor their private interests? Mine is just one view even if many minority shareholders harbor similar reservations. However, imagine if the Rm 52m paid for WHD was used for special dividends, or for share buyback. I believe purchase of Jtiasa shares is a much better use of the money for all shareholders.


2023-12-09 10:35 | Report Abuse

Sorry, I not so dumb. If operating cashflow is persistently leaked through RPTs and questionable acquisitions with only crumbs of dividends thrown to minority shareholders, I will bail out of my long held position Jtiasa. What good is strong profits when it does not benefit minorities? Compare Jtiasa's past 10 year track record with that of Taann, both managing similar businesses.


2023-12-04 10:54 | Report Abuse

For FY2023, Jtiasa spent less than RM30m on dividends but more than RM52m on a directors related asset acquisition which minority shareholders could not vote on. This, after not paying dividends for 3 years from 2019-2021. Who is the BOD looking after?


2023-12-02 10:55 | Report Abuse

#Calvin; Contact the company secretary? Whatever for? Does she have equivalent authority as the BOD? What is clearly recognizable are the actions of the BOD. Rampant related party transactions, inconsistent profitability, poor dividends, weak public communications are just some of the issues adding to trust deficit. What has been done the last 10 difficult years for long suffering minority shareholders? When times are good again, who benefits most from the strong free cashflow?


2023-11-29 09:28 | Report Abuse

Looks like legacy issues are still weighing down Jtiasa despite a good 1Q2024. Stock price barely moved. Investors' trust is a fragile thing; if lost it's hard to regain. Virtual AGM tomorrow provides opportunity to ask tough questions of the BOD especially on future dividend policy.


2023-11-10 09:01 | Report Abuse

WTK would be worse off than similar timber/palm oil plantation companies on a historical ROE basis because of its loss making plywood operations. But it is undertaking business diversification albeit belatedly and if this pays off, may reward patient minority shareholders handsomely. In the meantime, eke out an existence on 1-1.5 sen dividend.


2023-10-03 15:40 | Report Abuse

So, Calvin, what stage is Bplant now with the latest developments? Back to joining your gang of 10 pebbles or do you have an 8th phase?


2023-09-25 18:20 | Report Abuse

Once more, deleting his comment to hide the mixup but I am keeping my eye out for such acts of dishonesty. Calvin, man up.


2023-09-25 16:55 | Report Abuse

Calvin, go visit a counsellor to help with your mental issues. You are so stressed you are mixing up Jtiasa and TSH in your comments. This is not the first occasion.


2023-09-25 08:14 | Report Abuse

Calvin; I am flabbergasted to read your reply to the 51,200 comments question and can only say it contains self incriminating material that points to your state of mind. Please do take care of your mental health.


2023-09-23 07:19 | Report Abuse

No need to ask the 3 named persons why. They have stated it publicly often enough through the years in one forum or another.

Munger/Buffet: I enjoy my job at Berthshire Hathaway making stock investments, its the best job in the world.
Kcchongnz: I want to educate people on stock investing and share with them my knowledge and experience

So...Calvin, what drives you to write 51,200 comments over 10 years?


2023-09-22 12:33 | Report Abuse

Come on, Calvin, why do you invest so much time and effort here? The orgasmic thrill when you get a stock pick right, similar to when one strikes a lottery? The adulation of newbies who think you are some stock sifu? That thrill is fleeting and far between. Are you addicted to it though? Ten years of relentless posting!!!


2023-09-22 10:22 | Report Abuse

Sheer enthusiasm is a kind description for Calvin; it's more like manic obsession. Over 51,200 threads over 10 years is mind boggling and all time record. What's with the guy? What does he get out of it notwithstanding all the (often well deserved) brickbats?


2023-09-20 15:15 | Report Abuse

Bought more for long term hold in the expectation new plantation acquisitions using cash hoard will be earnings accretive with higher future dividend payouts. Just too cheap to resist at 0.3 x book value and improving prospects.


2023-09-20 12:29 | Report Abuse

WTK which diversified into palm oil plantation later than Jtiasa is trading at a very steep discount to NTA because its unprofitable timber division is dragging down performance. It could be the next great plantation buy for the (very) patient investor.


2023-09-18 10:12 | Report Abuse

Thanks, Calvin, but you are one of the last persons I will take advice from. With good reason, I must add. It will be akin to a teacher taking advice from a boastful primary school student.


2023-09-18 10:09 | Report Abuse

Hi, skoh, good to see you here. Hope you are keeping well.


2023-09-18 09:44 | Report Abuse

Gracias for re-printing the astounding TSH claims of the longkang clown who is probably too embarrassed to do so. You have the Jtiasa figures too?


2023-09-18 09:00 | Report Abuse

So, Calvin the joker, tell us again your 2022 target prices for TSH and Jtiasa. Or rather, the range of target prices for you keep changing the parameters. We all know how it all turned out end 2022. Those who listened to you cried kaw kaw.


2023-09-18 07:38 | Report Abuse

Calvin, you are a dishonest and cynical person who can't get his facts straight. None of those you label as naysayers attacked Jtiasa; it was all about you and your way off claims on palm oil stocks in 2022. Yes, and your unashamed inability to admit wrong. I hold a portfolio of plantation stocks, including Jtiasa, but do not suffer from your detestable confirmation bias. You should apologize profusely to all those who followed your kaw kaw buy, die die hold call in 2022 on your 10 pebbles and must be still hurting.


2023-09-11 15:36 | Report Abuse

Jtiasa goes ex-dividend tomorrow but does Genine Chain about the 1.5 sen dividend? Not at all. Only Calvin will crow about a few sen dividend when capital loss is 10 times or more the dividend paid out. That's how his screwball analytical mind works.


2023-09-11 15:15 | Report Abuse

Those Genine guys have chained Calvin to an oil palm trunk and stuffed his mouth with over ripe palm seeds for ignoring the power of a disgruntled shareholder!


2023-09-06 10:41 | Report Abuse

Need to monitor Genine Chain's action in coming weeks. Would be surprised they want to be totally out now after Jtiasa's recovery and the resumption of dividends. 84 million shares is not that easy to sell to small retailers. Let's hope they just want to trim holdings. Whatever, it is not a positive vote.


2023-09-06 08:47 | Report Abuse

Calvin, you are full of baloney and reek of hypocrisy. Highlighting that Fong Siling and Neoh Soon Kean holds a few million shares and urge others to follow but when second largest shareholder sells some 6 million shares, you got nothing to say. Why? Because you are a piss poor analyst.


2023-09-06 08:13 | Report Abuse

Instead of giving Jtiasa one useless misnomer after another, why don't you do something useful and find out why second largest shareholder Genine Chain Ltd sold some 6.3 million shares in the last 7 trading days starting from 73 sen on 23/8? They still have some 84 million balance.


2023-09-04 11:17 | Report Abuse

Yeah, one more profitable year making 14-16 sen per share, increasing dividend to 5-7 sen per share, no nasty surprises eating up free cash flow and Jtiasa should make it past RM1.00 comfortably to maybe RM1.20.


2023-09-04 10:27 | Report Abuse

I don't see a merger happening. Too many cooks named Tiong boiling soup according to their personal recipes. Simpler that Jtiasa go it alone and win the cooking prize. All the conditions and ingredients are there for Jtiasa to do it.


2023-09-04 09:44 | Report Abuse

Jtiasa is underrated for valid reasons. The 3 listed vehicles in Rimbunan Hijau group, namely Jtiasa, Stiasa, Rsawit have not been good to investors in the last 10 plus years and are rife with significant related party transactions. Their performance raises a lot of suspicions of the Tiong family that own and manage the group. They have a lot to prove and even more to disprove as it is. Only time and positive action on their part will make investors warm up to them.


2023-09-01 10:43 | Report Abuse

Buying more for long term hold as JTiasa has turned the corner. All it needs is for management to address investor trust issues and look after minority interest for price to breach RM1.00. That means less related party transactions and more dividends paid out; 20% of profits won't cut it, can double that at least.


2023-08-29 10:18 | Report Abuse

I surmise Calvin was trying to promote his own cleverness and clairvoyance above all else. But the market makes fools of us all from time to time and the wise man will acknowledge that. Not psycho Cal, who is adamant time will eventually prove him right. Few investors can afford that luxury.


2023-08-29 09:09 | Report Abuse

So Calvin will hold and wait. He can't bear to admit he was dead wrong about CPO price trends in 2022. Now wait 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years for some takeover exercise to deliver value to plantation stocks?


2023-08-28 12:47 | Report Abuse

The plain truth is that spot CPO prices fell sharply since March 2022 highs of nearly RM7000 per ton taking down plantation sector profits and with it, any chance of a sustained bull run. Of the 10 plantation stocks Calvin promoted, only Bplant is above its 2022 high and that because of corporate developments, otherwise it will be in basement territory like the rest of the 9 which includes TSH. Yet psycho Calvin touts it like he is some kind of privatization messiah, a testimony to his narcissistic streak and lack of integrity. Hey, 9 strike outs vs 1 home run paints you as a loser.


2023-08-25 08:50 | Report Abuse

For JTiasa to be re-rated upwards, it has to record consistent profits and reasonable dividends. As it is, it does not attract institutional investors. Even EPF sold its small stake last year. JTiasa is only now making a start with better dividends. Still a long way to go.


2023-06-27 09:15 | Report Abuse

There is something brewing in BPlant; what we can only guess at. The company's announcement neither confirms or denies there are ongoing talks; only no agreement signed. Whether can buy around 90 sen, we can only speculate. It is a calculated bet.


2023-06-26 09:06 | Report Abuse

Typical evasive Calvin. Instead of replying directly to criticism, this time from a recent member CCM, he deflects valid questions and avoids answering. Yeah, do declare your educational level. As to mental health, it is obvious there is serious impairment.


2023-06-20 08:55 | Report Abuse

If Calvin has received the final 2.5 sen dividend, he must be the only privileged one. All other shareholders are waiting for 14 July 2023 to get payment. Does this clown even own TSH? He certainly can't appreciate difference between dividend ex-date 16/6 and payment date 14/7.

News & Blogs

2023-06-11 17:16 | Report Abuse

Park your money anywhere but not where Calvin's mouth says to put it as with his palm oil stocks call in 2022. Kaw kaw buy, die die hold, he was screaming! That call was, and still is, a disaster one year later but he refuses to acknowledge it. Zero integrity.


2023-06-11 10:04 | Report Abuse

Privatization is a possibility and doable as after Boustead Holding's acquisition, LTAT's effective stake in Bplant is 68% leaving some 716 million shares in minority hands, none of whom hold more than 1%. Question is when and at what price. Last Friday's market action is definitely linked to such speculation. Let's see what next week's action brings.


2023-06-10 16:33 | Report Abuse

@Calvintaneng; Go and analyse the contents of Kenanga Investment Bank's 150 page independent advice circular dated 17 April 2023 before you give "buy kaw kaw, die die hold" type of one liner views. Then explain why minorities accept a "not fair" offer of 85.5 sen when Boustead's fair value is calculated by Kenanga to be in a range that is double that low ball figure.


2023-05-30 11:13 | Report Abuse

There is a lot of trepidation about impact of digital banking and how
entry of new players will affect traditional business of existing banks. In Malaysia, I would say not that soon and not that much.


2023-05-30 08:59 | Report Abuse

@speakup; EPF may want to merge MBSB with RHB in its own interest being substantial shareholders of both but minority shareholders of RHB who can vote independently are unlikely to agree. There is no obvious benefit to RHB in such a merger; it still remains #4 in asset ranking after Maybank, CIMB and Public Bank while existing shareholders are diluted. MBSB is too small and brings little to the table.


2023-05-25 11:07 | Report Abuse

Where can Calvintaneng hide? He can't stay away from I3investor for too long; he has to make an appearance to remain relevant. When the (palm oil) heat dies down, he will magically reappear and act like business as usual. But his "buy kaw kaw, die die hold" call on plantation stocks in 2022 will forever remain his legacy to newbie investors.


2023-04-07 10:49 | Report Abuse

OLH will always have the last laugh because with over 1 billion OSK shares in hand and a regular dividend payout of 4-6 sen, he gets annual cash income of RM40-60 million. Unless of course he gets to monetize the 421 million shares (10% stake) in RHB for a big payday, the minor movements in OSK share price is just a distraction.


2023-04-02 09:43 | Report Abuse

@speakup; All 3 owned in part by several different branches of the Tiong Hew King extended family from Sibu. Management now in different hands without one single uniting leadership as in Tiong HK's days. Patriach Tiong HK suffered stroke in 2017, already in his 90's, health remains fragile, no longer active in his far flung businesses. History also shows few Chinese family businesses remain united after the founding generation, disputes inevitably occur between brothers, half brothers, uncles, cousins etc The various businesses will be split up between them rather than remain a conglomerate. Prime example is the See Hoy Chan family.


2023-03-30 11:25 | Report Abuse

Received 1.5 sen interim dividend today and deployed it to buy more JTiasa stock. First half earnings FY2023 is 8.6 sen per share. Second half won't be half bad either. Confidently expecting directors to raise payout with a final dividend later this year and that should galvanize investors.


2023-03-30 09:23 | Report Abuse

At the current 67 sen level, JTiasa is a buy and hold given its improving financial performance and dividend payments. It is no giant treasure as someone once claimed but is relatively low risk vs potential high reward at this price. The devil here is its management, seen to be uncaring to minority shareholders with their miserly dividend payments. But that may change soon with good free cash flow coming in. A first interim dividend 1.5 sen followed by a final dividend of 2.8 sen for FY2023, or 4.3 sen in total, may put a different perspective on the stock and propel it to breach RM1.


2023-03-29 10:00 | Report Abuse

See Calvin's psycho mind at work here? Fcpo can fluctuate up and down according to market forces but cost remains at RM2000. Simple Calvin. Simply wonderful for planters.


2023-03-29 08:55 | Report Abuse

@3iii; Thanks for the past links. Goes to indicate Calvin is a serial stock recommender through the years and a stock market addict with a strong streak of narcissism. He just cannot stay away. He needs constant adulation and to be proved right.


2023-03-27 08:51 | Report Abuse

@Calvintaneng; You still refuse to get it. I am not against investing in TSH or any other palm oil plantation counters. But I am against you posting flawed, simplistic, misleading one sided analysis that is dangerous to inexperienced investors.


2023-03-27 07:28 | Report Abuse

@Cavintaneng; Best keep your advice for yourself. You are a danger to every other investor's wealth with your flawed analogies and simple minded analysis. You appear addicted to the stock market like some junkie.